Legendary Hero

Chapter 749 The Great Master of the Hidden Sword Gate

Led by Ludry, Rowling rode into a narrow path, which meandered forward. After walking for about half an hour, there was the sound of rushing water in front of him, and after turning a corner of the mountain, a road appeared in front of him. mountain stream.

The water in the mountain stream is crystal clear and splashes up. Under the sunlight, it is crystal clear, like pearls and jade. One of them is a large pool with a diameter of more than ten meters. The water in the pool is blue, like a big sapphire, very pure. cute.

Next to the pool is a simple thatched hut. In front of the hut, there is a flat land with a length and width of more than 20 meters. Seventeen or eighteen people are already standing on the flat ground.

These people are all wearing animal skin clothes, with a bow on their backs and a sword on their waists. They look a bit like hunters, but they feel like rangers who roam the world. From Luo Lin's point of view, everyone's body here is very sturdy, with a sharp edge, but not aggressive, giving people a sense of introversion and vigorous massiness.

In this world, what can be introverted and vigorous at the same time? Only life!

Luo Lin felt this smell, and he had vaguely guessed the identity of the person in the cottage, at least this person must have a great relationship with the person he guessed.

When Luo Lin came to the thatched hut under the leadership of Lu Deli, all the people in the open space turned around. When they saw Lu Deli, they all nodded slightly, and then their eyes slid to Luo Lin behind him.

At this moment, Rowling felt inquiries, doubts, surprises, envy and other emotions. Although they were different, all of these gazes contained curiosity. When he saw the blood-stained god iron helmet, there was another hint of shock in his eyes.

Everyone present knew that this helmet belonged to Sandro, the number two figure in the Kingdom of the Night.

Many years ago, the Four Great Martial Saints attempted to assassinate the Queen of the Night, but the failure was largely due to Sandro's interference. In the next few years, countless heroes in the mainland tried to assassinate Sandro one after another, but they all failed. The best result was to escape with serious injuries. People almost despaired of assassinating Sandro.

But now, Sandro was actually killed by this young man in his twenties. Although he knew that the real age of this man was far from what he appeared to be, this record alone was enough for soldiers who really understood the difficulty of assassination Was shaken to somersault.

"How did he do it?"

"What is the extent of his force?"

"Compared with him, who is stronger in the instructor's martial arts? Or is he the same character as their ancestor?"

Ludri naturally knew what everyone was thinking. He stopped and introduced: "That's right, he is Your Excellency Luo Zhan, and he killed Sandro alone."

"Wow~" Everyone was amazed in unison. It was one thing to guess before, but it was another feeling that someone confirmed it with their own eyes.

Amidst the exclamation, one of them came out. He drew out the sword at his waist, saluted Luo Lin, and then made a sword pose: "Your Excellency Luo Zhan, we are all warriors, and we speak with martial skills. I have this honor to present to Luo Lin Would you like to ask me?"

As soon as this person did this, the people around him backed away more than ten meters, their eyes were full of eager light, as if they really wanted to witness the martial arts of this supreme master who single-handedly killed Sandro, even Ludri did not stop , it seems that the exchange of martial arts is already a tradition here.

Luo Lin didn't expect this to happen either. He felt that these people were all martial idiots. There was an extreme enthusiasm for martial arts in their hearts, and there was also a sense of school exams. The status of the people in the thatched cottage must be extremely noble. Several warriors should want to see what qualifications he has to enter the thatched cottage.

That being the case, he naturally would not refuse.

'Duh~' He stuck the Dragon Fury Spear on the ground, then jumped off the Wuyan horse, and untied the ordinary steel sword on his waist.

"Don't you use a long gun?" The man was a little surprised.

Luo Lin chuckled: "Spearmanship is a killing technique on the battlefield, and it needs to cooperate with a horse to truly exert its power. For martial arts competition, swordsmanship will do."

The man looked at Ludry, and Ludry nodded: "Try it, you will know what a sword is after you try it!"

The man's expression was shocked, and then he said to Luo Lin seriously: "Then I will make the first move."

"up to you!"

Luo Lin's words had just reached the word 'meaning', and before he finished speaking, his opponent drew out his sword. There was a sound of 'ding' from the sword, and the sound was like the cry of wild cranes in the mountains. He pecked towards Luo Lin's neck.

If it is pecked, even if it is only pierced through a layer of skin, and the strength flows into the body, it will definitely break the carotid artery. Although such an injury is not enough to kill Luo Lin, it will at least lose 90% of his combat power , this competition is naturally lost.

But as soon as this person made a move, Luo Lin felt a slight sense of familiarity, and faintly, he felt his whirlpool force from this force.

The whirlpool force is his original creation. This sense of familiarity is vaguely different from the previous one. Although it is subtle, it is very clear.

‘Heh~ is it Jasmine? So you are here. ’ A smile appeared on Luo Lin’s face, and all the worries about Jasmine’s fate that had been in his heart disappeared without a trace.

From what it looked like now, not only did Jasmine not die, but she also came to this world earlier than him, and managed to create a force.

This is really a great thing.

He was imagining about Jasmine in his mind, but the opponent's sword didn't stop at all, and the person on the other side also keenly sensed Luo Lin's distraction, and he frowned slightly: "Are you so distracted and thinking about other things, that you despise me so much?" ? Even if you have the ultimate means to assassinate Sandro, I will definitely make you suffer today! '

But just when his thoughts changed, when his sword edge was within two centimeters of Luo Lin's neck, Luo Lin 'returned' to his senses. In fact, he was not distracted, but he had already expected it. With the strength, it is more than enough to deal with it at this time.

In a blink of an eye, the sword in Luo Lin's hand suddenly 'disappeared', followed by an extremely clear feeling in the hearts of the man on the opposite side and all the warriors within a dozen meters around: "There is a terrifying storm It is being formed, once it is strangled by this storm, even a peerless beast will be killed on the spot, let alone a person. '

This is a psychological feeling, and the vision can also be seen with the naked eye.

Someone looked at the ground under Luo Lin's feet in horror. There, the ground was like a piece of twisted cloth, with Luo Lin as the center, showing a clearly visible spiral pattern. The air seemed to be resonated, and there was a strong wind. Suddenly, scratching the ground and everyone had an illusion of standing unsteadily.

In this terrifying scene, the point of the sword in Luo Lin's hand hit the opponent's sword.

"Kaba Kaba Kaba" made a crisp sound like ice shattering, and the opponent's sword was covered with cracks like spider webs, and then "collapsed" into countless fragments, which were thrown out in all directions in a spiral state. Then, the opponent's arm also began to spin involuntarily. The clothes on his arms were the first to suffer. Amid the sound of 'chichichi', the clothes became strands of cloth, and then the skin, which also began to 'twist'.

The face of the person on the opposite side showed extreme horror. He found himself in a terrifying vortex. Under the grinding of this vortex, he could not escape. His body had completely lost control. Apart from meat sauce, there is no second way out.

'What kind of swordsmanship is this? How could there be such a terrifying martial art in the world? ’ He was horrified in his heart, but also suddenly realized: ‘No wonder this man can kill Sandro alone, no wonder Ludri respects him so much, and even gives him a drink of gods. This kind of swordsmanship is indeed qualified to be treated favorably. '

Thinking of this, the horror in his heart dissipated, leaving only indifference. A warrior died on the battlefield, and if he could die in the hands of such a swordsman, his life would not be in vain.

But at the next moment, the storm suddenly disappeared, disappearing without a trace.

It's like the dark clouds, lightning and thunder at the first moment, a sense of destruction of the world as black clouds overwhelm the city, and the next moment it is sunny and warm with a gentle breeze. The change is so fast that it makes people feel everything before As if it was just an illusion, only the spiral folds on the soil and the man's destroyed sword and sleeve proved the existence of the terrifying sword before.

At this point, the people present didn't know that Luo Lin's subordinates were merciful. It was a miracle that Luo Lin could send and receive freely and control freely during such a terrible outbreak.

The person before took a step back and thanked respectfully: "Thank you, Your Excellency Luo Zhan, for your mercy!"

"It's just a discussion. So, can I enter the thatched cottage now?" Luo Lin asked with a smile.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, making eye contact for a moment, and then all retreated to both sides, showing a path leading to the curtain door of the thatched cottage.

Ludri said softly: "Go, Your Excellency Luo Zhan, I can't take you there, because my mentor only wants to see you alone."


Luo Lin strode forward, and when he arrived in front of the thatched cottage, he stretched out his hand to open the curtain door, and walked in with his head bowed. When he saw the figure sitting quietly in the thatched cottage, he laughed: "You really are not Jasmine. Jasmine is not She will take such trouble to test me. She should be your master, right?"

Inside the thatched cottage, there is a long wooden platform that resembles a bed. On the platform is a straw mat. On the mat sits a white-haired old woman. The old woman is sitting cross-legged facing the window of the thatched cottage, with a sword across her knees. , Outside the window of the thatched cottage is the gurgling water.

Hearing Luo Lin's words, the old woman shook her head: "Visitor from afar, can you listen to me tell a story?"

"you say."

"Five hundred years ago, a supreme swordsman appeared on the mainland. What is even more surprising is that this swordsman was a woman. After she appeared, she looked for a master to challenge her. She challenged more than 50 famous masters in a row and never failed. , her reputation has also spread throughout the world during the challenge. This woman is Jasmine, and she is also the founder of my hidden sword sect."

The old woman looked up at Luo Lin, and she managed to see the surprise on the face of this 'young man', so she laughed: "The great master said before he fell asleep, that one day in the future, on the mainland There will definitely be an extremely powerful person stronger than her. This person has incredible abilities and will definitely bring her back to life. At first, we disciples of later generations thought that there would only be one such person, so when the Queen of the Night rose , we had contact with her, but soon we discovered that the woman's heart was vicious and cruel, not to mention the resurrection of the great master, even our hidden sword sect had to retreat to overseas islands to protect ourselves."

Although the old woman was old, her eyes were still clear. She looked up at Luo Lin: "At one time we lost hope, thinking that the whole world would be conquered by the Queen of the Night, and then darkness would cover the world until you appeared."

Luo Lin asked with a smile: "How can you be sure that the person your grand master is talking about is me?"

"Not you, who can say the name of the great master as soon as they come in? Not you, who can send out the previous sword?" The old woman asked with a gentle smile.

"Well, it is indeed me. You just said that the great master fell asleep and can be resurrected? Where is she now?"

"See the snow on the top of the mountain?"


"There is a snow cave at the highest point. The snow cave is hidden by a mysterious technique. We descendants of the hidden sword sect can't find it, but I believe you will be able to. There is an ice coffin in the snow cave. The body of the great master Right in the ice coffin, time has passed for too long, there should be only the last trace of life left in her body, if you come a little later, it is estimated that the grand master has really fallen asleep, because the limit that the grand master predicted himself is only left It's been less than half a year."

Luo Lin frowned slightly. He didn't expect that Jasmine, who was taken into the dragon's space by him, would have such an experience. She actually traveled through a longer time and space than others, a total of five hundred years.

Jasmine is not a powerful god, she is just a demigod who has just been promoted, and she only has a half-knowledge of the power of laws. After arriving in this world, relying on her own comprehension, she can create a sect and keep her body alive for more than five hundred years. This is already considered extremely wise.

Luo Lin was a little guilty. If he had let Jasmine walk with him instead of entering the space, there would not have been such an accident of traveling through time. Under this accident, they almost said goodbye forever.

After a period of silence, Luo Lin spoke: "It seems that I am not too late. Apart from this matter, did your great master leave anything?"

"Yes." The old woman nodded: "She said that if she fails to wait for you, then Yinjianmen will obey your orders. You will be our new sect master."

As she spoke, the old woman stretched out her palm, and on her palm lay a very ordinary silver ring: "A very strange ring, it looks ordinary, but it is completely indestructible. I think it should contain Terrifying power, isn't it?"

Luo Lin took the ring and put it on his finger. The runes on the surface of the ring lighted up slightly, and then the whole ring disappeared on Luo Lin's finger. It has been a while since he came to this mysterious world. No matter how deep the ground was, Luo Lin still had a glimpse of a mystery. Hiding the ring was just a small trick to deceive the eyes, but it could easily hide it from the eyes of ordinary people. After hiding like this, the previous one who was taken away from the Starfall Cloud Sword because of a coma The bloody thing will never happen again.

Seeing the curious look in the old woman's eyes, he did not show the power of the Xingyun Sword: "You guessed it right. The power of my ring does not belong to the mortal world, it will not be revealed in front of mortals, and I will not use it It deals with mortals. That's the end of the matter, I should wake up Jasmine now."

Seeing that Luo Lin was about to leave, the old woman hurriedly asked: "The great master left many quotations when he was awake, and he praised you very much, saying that you are the sun that dispels darkness in the sky. May I know the relationship between you and the great master?" ?”

She has kept these secrets all her life, and she has accumulated countless doubts in her heart, among which this doubt is the most troublesome. At this moment, the Lord is right in front of her eyes.

"She is my disciple, the only one who has obtained all the essence of my swordsmanship."

"Ah~" The old woman opened her eyes wide, she couldn't understand it. The things about the gods are hard for mortals to understand. Everything is just because the gods are immortal and have insight into time, while mortals just pass by in a hurry.

Luo Lin had already left the hut, he didn't say much, just nodded to the people outside the hut, then got on the back of Wuyan's horse, galloped fast, and ran all the way to the top of the mountain.

"Jasmine, I hope nothing unexpected happened to you."

Although there is still half a year left to Jasmine's own deadline, but in five hundred years, what is half a year? Any accident could cause Jasmine to disappear forever.

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