Legendary Hero

Chapter 760: The Gift of the World

With the old man leading the way, Luo Lin walked much more smoothly. Half an hour later, he followed the old man to a narrow cave entrance.

The entrance of the cave was made into an arch shape, and a few words were engraved on the top of the gate: "Hidden House".

The old man stood by the door and made an invitation to Luo Lin: "This is the entrance to the world in the mountains, please come in. Once you are inside, someone will welcome you."

After finishing speaking, the old man took a few steps back towards the cave, and then his body began to undergo strange changes. In an instant, he became a lifelike stone statue.

Well, everything here is very strange, the power of law is much more lively than that at the foot of the mountain, not only the old man can turn into a stone statue, but Luo Lin also felt that the chains around his body were loosening, faintly, he I found that I seemed to be able to control some law power.

This discovery made Luo Lin more calm, and he strode into the cave.

There is a long passage in the stone cave, and there are a lot of depressions on both sides of the passage, and there is a very realistic stone statue standing in each depression. Judging from the appearance of the old man before, these stone statues can be transformed into living people as long as necessary.

Walking straight for a few minutes, about hundreds of meters, Luo Lin saw light shining from the passage ahead. In this light, Luo Lin felt an extremely strong and lively free force. The original force seems to have no owner. When they pass through Luo Lin's body, they are naturally attracted by the huge concentrated divine power in Luo Lin's body, and then stay in Luo Lin's body without any resistance.

Rollin continued to walk forward.

During the last part of the journey, he felt that the original force in the channel became thicker at an extremely fast speed. Later, he almost felt like he was walking in a river of original force. What made Rowling even more strange was that these original forces Force still poured into Luo Lin's body one after another, continuously improving his strength, seemingly endless.

He is a powerful god, and he can clearly feel that these original forces are not just as simple as entering his body, but are truly transformed into forces under his control!

Things are more than that simple, the influx of these force seems to be endless, when Luo Lin is about to reach the exit position, he felt that his incarnation broke through the limit of demigod, and the power in his body began to start at a terrifying speed. Ascending, the speed was so fast that even he himself could not imagine it.

He is now five steps away from the final exit. For these five steps, every time he takes a step, the force in his body will rise to a higher level. When he finally walks out of the exit, Luo Lin finds that his strength has reached Level 53 mid-level.

But now he has no time to pay attention to the situation in his body, his mind has been attracted by the scenery in front of him.

In front of him, it turned out to be an endless and magnificent prairie, with green grass, herds of cattle and sheep, and a winding and clear river flowing through the middle of the prairie, nourishing everything on the prairie. Luo Lin also saw many white tents on the grassland, dotted on the verdant grassland. From a distance, people as thin as ants could be seen walking around.

In the center of these ordinary tents is a tall building made of white boulders, which looks like a white cloud floating on the grassland sea from a distance.

Many people gathered in front of the white building. They seemed to be talking about something before, but after Luo Lin stood for a while, these people stopped discussing and all turned their heads to look at him.

After a while, the man in white who was standing at the top of the crowd came out from the crowd. He kept looking at Luo Lin, and at the same time, Luo Lin heard a gentle voice in his ear: "God from outside, come here!" Well, we've been waiting for you for a long time."

Luo Lin walked over. He used a little law power, so his speed was extremely fast. He covered more than 50 meters in one step. After a dozen steps, he was in front of the crowd.

When he got in front of the crowd and saw the face of the man in white clearly, Luo Lin was startled: "Lu Deli, it's you!"

The surprise lasted for a few moments before disappearing. He quickly figured it out, and suddenly said: "Heh~ I said how could you, a mortal, recognize my starfall ring and wait in the valley. A game is set up."

Lu Deli squinted and smiled: "It's not considered a game, it just happened to happen. I am indeed a member of Yinjianmen, and I also learned a lot of skills in Yinjianmen, including the alchemy of Grandmaster Jasmine. However, I also I am also a member of the Guardians of this world. I am even more honored that what I have done has been recognized by this world, which makes me a Guardian of this term."

Judging from this situation, the watchman should be the leader of this group of guardians.

"Then you let me come?" Luo Lin narrowed his eyes with a displeased expression. In the crowd, he had already seen Xia Ya, who was standing at the back, seemingly safe and sound, and she also saw Luo Lin, with eager eyes, but behind her were two so-called guardians standing one by one on the left and one on the right. Look at her so that she can't act rashly.

Ludri smiled wryly: "We have no malice. We didn't treat Xia Ya badly. We invited her to come here, just to ensure that you can come here as soon as possible, because we are running out of time."

"How to say?"

"Look here!"

Ludri stretched his hands together to form a circle, and a light appeared in the circle. Soon, the light showed a clear image, and Rowling could see clearly that this was the deep sea where he had strayed into after chasing the Evernight Goddess. Trench.

Beside the Trench at this time, on one side are the gods of the natural pantheon, and on the other side is the Evernight Goddess. There seems to be no change on the side of the natural gods, but there are many strange figures on the side of the goddess of the night.

Among them, the goddess of the night looked very tired, she lacked the usual sharp aura, she didn't even stand at the front of the line, but ranked third.

The first person and the second person are both fresh faces. Of the two, one is covered in bloody shadows and cannot see their specific faces clearly, and the other is covered in a streamlined black metal shell, with only a pair of scarlet eyes exposed.

"We have seen that the Queen of the Night is only the third power in the dark side. The third power is so terrifying. If the two terrifying gods who are the first and the second make a joint attack, then our world will face annihilation !"

Luo Lin frowned, and the situation in the Crimson Land changed again. The two people Luo Lin knew were powerful gods of the dark pantheon. The battle armor is the Ghost War Mognu.

The power of these two powerful gods is not inferior to that of the Goddess of the Night, and the Bloody Queen is obviously more powerful than the Goddess of the Night. Now, these two powerful gods have actually intervened in the battle of the Crimson Land. It's a look of being ready.

There are a total of three powerful gods in the natural pantheon, one of which sits in other planes and cannot escape at all. The other two are Allen and Luo Lin, all in the Crimson Land. The draw was only slightly suppressed, and now that the opponent has joined the battle with two great gods, the balance will definitely be broken.

This is not only a serious problem that this secret world will face, the natural pantheon is also facing an extremely severe situation.

However, the information provided by Ludri is still too little, just a few images. Rollin is eager to know more detailed and comprehensive news, and now he really wants to return to the Crimson Land.

His current incarnation's divine power has reached level 53. If he can go back and integrate into the main body, then his main body's divine power will immediately enter the end of level 57, and may even break through level 58, which will be very beneficial to the entire battle situation.

"The situation is indeed very serious. If I can, I will leave here now. As you can see, I am among the gods of nature. We are life and death enemies with these dark demons. If they are strong, we will have great strength." Dangerous. So we have a common enemy." Luo Lin said.

Ludri nodded to admit this: "You are right. In fact, our world was once part of the Crimson Land. The memory of the plane tells me that when the Evernight Goddess invaded the Crimson Land, at the last desperate moment, In the Crimson Land, a great sage predicted the tragedy of the fall of the plane. He secretly gathered dozens of sages, and at the cost of sacrificing his own soul, he quietly hid a part of the plane. This is the predecessor of our world today. .Now, if you want to go back, we will not stop it, not only will we not stop it, but we will also give you some gifts."

As he spoke, Ludri stretched out his arms, turned his head to the sky and closed his eyes. At the same time, other people in front of the building also made the same movements.

"I know that for a god like you, the best gifts are two, one is knowledge and the other is force. We have already given you some force, now let's give you knowledge."

While Ludri was speaking, a ray of light descended from the sky in the sky. It fell slowly, diverging at first, and becoming more and more concentrated as the height decreased. When he landed one meter above Ludri, it was already Condensed into an ordinary stone tablet, there are many mysterious patterns on the stone tablet. At first glance, it seems to be very ordinary, but if you look closely, you can find that these patterns are composed of a large number of runes.

Ludri solemnly handed the stone tablet to Luo Lin: "This contains the deepest and core knowledge of the plane world. I hope you can make good use of it."

"I will."

As soon as the stone tablet was in his hand, Luo Lin felt a burst of warmth, and then as soon as the light moved, the stone tablet melted into his body, and immediately after that, massive amounts of data kept rushing into his mind.

This statistic is terrifying to mortals, and it is estimated that they can disperse their souls at once, but it is just a drizzle to Luo Lin. Familiar with some of them, but he has never been in touch with them at all. After taking a look at them, he immediately felt that he benefited a lot. Many confusions in the past were suddenly resolved. After he absorbed all the knowledge in the stone tablets and integrated them, His strength will definitely be greatly improved. With the huge power carried by this avatar, he has great confidence to break through level 58 in one fell swoop and achieve the powerful god realm at the peak.

He couldn't help laughing, and sincerely thanked Ludri: "This thing is of inestimable value to me. Thank you very much."

Then he looked at Xia Ya: "She is free, you should give her back her freedom."

"Indeed." Ludri waved his hand, and the two guarding Xia Ya let her go. Xia Ya ran towards Luo Lin, very excited at first, but when she reached Luo Lin, she stopped. He stepped down and whispered, "Are you... are you okay?"

Luo Lin smiled: "I'm fine. Now, I'm going to heaven, and I bid you farewell."

"......still coming back?"

"probably not."

"Can I go with you?"

"If you want, you can." Luo Lin smiled, he won't be stopped by anyone after obtaining the core knowledge of this world, and Ludry and others have no reason to stop him, because Xia Ya is free.

Xia Ya also laughed immediately, and flicked her sword: "That's great. I've always wanted to see your world."

Then, Luo Lin nodded to Ludry and the others, and everyone responded with a smile. He took Xia Ya's hand, pushed back, and his body sank into the deep space. During this process, his hand moved into the void. Grabbing, Jasmine at the bottom of the mountain was caught by him, and then the three of them turned into three light spots, soaring into the sky, and finally disappeared.

Ludri watched this scene and sighed: "I know you are the guardian of life, and I sincerely hope that you will succeed."

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