Legendary Hero

Chapter 774 Even though it is a place of absolute death, I will go there (3)

When the dark Troll world was once again illuminated by the icy radiance emitted by the Phantom War Demon, that ray of golden radiance suddenly shone brightly in the endless void, turning into a pure golden light instantly. Photosphere.

This was reflected in the Troll plane, and suddenly there was another golden sun in the sky!

The light of this sun is completely different from the previous gray light cluster. It is warm, blazing, with indescribable enthusiasm and vitality, almost exactly the same as the sun that disappeared.

The abnormality in the sky makes most of the creatures on the mainland feel at a loss, but not everyone is ignorant. The legendary powerhouses on the road are far more sensitive to power than ordinary people, especially the archmage.

In the city of Mosaren, when the golden sun appeared in the sky, Archmage Vianna's eyes welled up with tears: "Rorin, you are really here, why are you so stupid!"

She knew that there were three powerful dark gods in the endless void, and Luo Lin was very likely to be alone. He knew that he would fall if he rushed over, but he rushed over without hesitation.

At this time, Luo Lin was still the same as the ordinary warrior back then when he was in the mortal world, so stupid that there was no medicine to save him, and she fell in love with him desperately.

Endless void.

The ghost warrior exploded with power, Luo Lin appeared, and the same power exploded, and the two things happened almost at the same time. Aside from those gorgeous halos of power, the main body of the ghost war demon is a black and red horny battle armor wrapped in horny, with a horn like a first-born rhinoceros, holding a shoulder-high demonic sword in his hand, the sword The pale cold light flashed continuously, like icy lightning.

The blade of the great sword was aimed at Luo Lin's shoulder. If it hit Luo Lin's shoulder, even Luo Lin's supernatural powers would end up decapitated. Although he would not die immediately, surrounded by three powerful gods Suffering such a serious injury is basically equivalent to falling.

What surprised Phantom War Demon was that in the face of this blow, the opponent did not dodge at all. He also drew his sword and stabbed at him with the tip of the sword pointing directly at his forehead.

"I attacked a moment before you, and Lilisa and Nightmere are also rushing over. Before you stab me, you must die first... Wait, that's wrong!"

A moment ago, the ghost war demon thought he had the advantage, but in the next moment, he found that as the sword in the opponent's hand continued to thrust out, the edge of the sword was stretching at the same time, and there was a solid golden mass on the tip of the sword. The divine power extends out, and this divine power seems to be an extension of the sword, but if you look closely, it is composed of endless vortexes.

'The divine power of the vortex... I experienced it last time, and it's invincible! '

The Ghost War Demon recognized Luo Lin's method, and he was startled. Knowing how powerful this move is, his main goal now is to hold Luo Lin back and buy some time for the Bloody Queen and Evernight Goddess. Unless Luo Lin was immediately promoted to Immortal, it would be a dead end.

This period of time does not need to be long, as long as he blocks Luo Lin's three moves.

In this case, the ghost war demon will no longer take risks, and his strategy will start to lean towards conservative defense. The big sword that was originally slashing at Luo Lin's neck will be withdrawn, and the sword will be raised to block!

In his prediction, after he did this, the next moment, the opponent's weapon should collide with his great sword, and there will be a confrontation of strength between the two sides.

He made preparations for strength a moment in advance, so as not to be unable to react in time in the subsequent wrestling and fall into a disadvantage.

But an accident happened, the situation did not develop as he expected at all, the great sword he retracted was empty, without any impact.

Immediately afterwards, he found that the opponent's sword was still pointing at his forehead. The moment he retracted the sword, the opponent adjusted the route of the sword almost at the same moment, but his big sword failed to block it successfully!

"How could this be...the other party must have used the power of time...but this is a battle, how dare he use the Uncertain Foresight in such a confrontation?"

As a powerful god, Ghost War Demon has certainly touched the power of time, but his understanding of the power of time is only superficial, and at most he can only make weak predictions that can be changed at any time. This ability is used in battles where the situation changes rapidly. In the middle, that is simply asking for a dead end.

But now, his opponent is using it, and it seems to be very effective.

For a moment, the Ghost War Demon saw the opponent Luo Lin's eyes, and a faint golden light appeared in the opponent's pupils, but the pupils behind this light were nothingness, with no focal length at all. From this pair of eyes, the ghost warrior couldn't see the slightest emotion, let alone see through the other party's intentions.

This situation of ignorance of the opponent made the Ghost War Demon feel a chill in his heart: 'What is he looking at? Could it be.....he has been able to see through time, has he seen the end of this battle? "

If he can see the ending, then what does it mean that he still rushed over? Could it be that he won't fall this time?

In an instant, various thoughts emerged in the ghost war demon's mind. These thoughts were hesitation in his heart. These hesitation weakened his aura, and when his aura fell, his combat power also weakened accordingly.

However, Ghost War Demon is a powerful god after all, and he has experienced many battles. As soon as he felt his state, his will froze, and he immediately withdrew from the discouraged state.

At this time, Luo Lin's sword was only less than three meters away from the center of his eyebrows. Compared with the two sides' current god bodies that were nearly ten meters high, such a distance could be crossed in an instant.

The big sword in Ghost War Demon's hand adjusted quickly, hoping that he could block the opponent's attack.

"He's just a mighty god, and he hasn't advanced to the realm of immortality. Even if he can see through time, there are always loopholes. I don't believe my ending will be doomed!"

Although he felt guilty in his heart, the ghost war demon still tried his best to defend himself. In his life, he did not give up the word.

Therefore, in this moment of confrontation, although the star meteor cloud sword in Luo Lin's hand and the demon sword in the ghost war demon's hand did not touch each other, they adjusted and changed again and again. In the blink of an eye, the change went up. A hundred times.

Such a quick adjustment of form, from a little distance, you will find that the weapons in the hands of the two gods have become very blurred, like a phantom composed of countless phantoms.

But this phantom is different.

The phantom in Ghost War Demon's hand is completely scattered, like a blooming flower, without a central point, but the sword shadow in Luo Lin's hand has a central sword shadow, and all other shadows are based on this sword shadow. The sword shadow in the center is the most condensed and clear, and its direction is also the clearest, pointing at the forehead of the ghost sword demon from the beginning to the end, no matter how the ghost sword demon adjusts to dodge, it will not help.

It seems that this sword will definitely pierce War Demon's forehead, it seems that this is the fate of War Demon.

"No, hurry up, War Demon is going to be unstoppable!" The Bloody Queen turned pale with shock, she expected that War Demon should be able to block more than three moves from the opponent, but judging from the current situation, War Demon seems to be defeated in just one move.

It was defeated in one move, the speed was too fast, she had no time to catch up with the support. She was too late, and the goddess of the night was even worse, so although the two powerful gods were anxious, no matter how hard they tried, they could only watch the sword shadow in Luo Lin's hand approaching the war demon continuously.

This sword is very fast, but in the eyes of the Bloody Queen and the Goddess of the Night, it seems that it has gone through thousands of years. At the last moment of thousands of years, the star meteor cloud pattern sword that turned into thousands of sword shadows in Luo Lin's hand converged into a single sword. , and then the sword pierced the forehead of the ghost war demon like fate.

As soon as the tip of the sword entered, the power contained in the sword rushed violently into the brain of the Phantom War Demon, and then poured down into the body from the brain, raging and crushing in its body, causing irreversible and terrible damage.

Even a mighty god couldn't bear such a terrifying injury. The ghost warrior's body suddenly stopped, his whole body lost strength, and the demon sword in his hand fell suddenly, and then golden light broke through from his body After coming out, War Demon's entire body was immediately filled with dense cracks like spider webs.

"Ah~ah~~ no!!! no~~~~" War Demon's throat was full of tragic roars, but he couldn't stop his body from collapsing.

If he is dead, his body will be completely destroyed, and his divine power will collapse, turning into the most basic force. From then on, there will be no such powerful god as ghost war demon in the endless void.

This was the ending that Luo Lin had seen a long time ago. He retracted the star meteor cloud pattern sword, turned around and rushed towards the goddess of the night without even looking at the ghost war demon.

Of the two gods, the Evernight Goddess is much weaker than the Bloody Queen. From the timeline, Rowling determined that he could also kill her, but because the other party has already reacted, he will also be attacked by the Bloody Queen, at least seriously injured the price.

For such a future, Luo Lin didn't have any hesitation, he didn't have any distracting thoughts in his heart, he just worked hard to perfect what he was going to do!

He passed over the corpse of the Phantom War Demon, and behind him, the Phantom War Demon exploded into a huge ball of light, brilliantly like a bright firework.

This firework is the background behind Luo Lin, it is his glory, killing a powerful god with one move, such a thing has never happened since the existence of a god, it is enough to shock the world!

In the Troll plane, those creatures saw such a scene, the golden sun in the sky moved suddenly, and passed through the gray-white sun in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the gray-white sun collapsed and exploded, becoming dots of brilliance.

Ordinary people in the world just watched the excitement, but everyone hoped that the golden sun would win, and it did so at this time. Although they didn't quite understand what happened in the sky, most people were rejoicing.

Those legendary powerhouses, especially those who knew Luo Lin, all opened their mouths in shock. After a long time, Queen Angela ordered the history clerk: "Remember: 'When the sun disappears, darkness falls, and all life is lost In the time of hope, God of War Rollin has returned with light.'”

Angela looked up at the sky and said silently in her heart: 'Mentor, the great God of War, may you be truly immortal! '

In the endless void.

The Goddess of the Night was obviously stimulated by the death of the ghost warrior, and seeing Luo Lin's killing intent gathered on her, she couldn't help but screamed: "Lilitha, help me, he wants to kill me! "

What a terrifying power to kill a ghost war demon with a single sword. The Evernight Goddess knew that she couldn't resist at all. If she was alone, she would definitely die.

Of course, the Bloody Goddess also saw it, and she also felt an indescribable horror in her heart: 'No wonder the master attaches so much importance to Luo Lin. No wonder he agreed to this siege plan. This god of war of the natural god system, if he doesn't stop him, he will really go against the sky! "

The Ghost War Demon is dead, but there are two of them. They are two-to-one, and they have a numerical advantage. Moreover, the other party killed the Ghost War Demon in an outbreak before, and the power loss is quite a lot. The dark side is not invincible. machine.

"Natemel, you run, don't let him catch up! Run to me!" The Bloody Queen shouted, she now needs the Evernight Goddess to be alive, and if she is alive, she can restrain Luo Lin's power, if she is easily killed Even if Rowling loses some strength because of this, she doesn't have any confidence to fight him alone.

The Evernight Goddess is naturally not stupid, and immediately ran towards the Bloody Queen after hearing this. The Bloody Queen was preparing to attack at the same time, only to see a blood shadow light arrow condensed in the void, and the point of the arrow pointed directly at Luo Lin's chest!

At this time, Rowling had already caught up with Netmer, and without thinking about it, the Star Meteor Sword in his hand stabbed out again. At the same time, the Blood Shadow Arrow of the Bloody Queen flew out and arrived at Luo Lin's side at an unimaginable speed.

At this moment, Rowling had two choices, either continue to stab out the Star Meteor Sword and kill Netmer, but he would be seriously injured and lose his combat power. Either he draws his sword to block, but in this way, Netmere is safe, and then in a two-on-one, Rowling either runs away or dies.

Both choices lead to failure, and what Rowling can choose is the way of failure.

"I'll see what you do!" The Bloody Queen sneered.

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