Legendary Hero

Chapter 777 Emma, ​​Lord of Radiance


It is very quiet here, and there are almost no gods who come here on weekdays. Occasionally, gods come, but they just stop for a while, and then leave after a short while.

But this time it was different. Among the three supreme thrones of the Pantheon, on the dark one made of pure obsidian, a figure wearing a pure black robe and covered in black mist was sitting there, his body leaning , propping his forehead with one hand, his eyes half-closed and half-opened, revealing a gleam of light in his eyes, but he didn't look in front of him, but squinted at a god seat shrouded in mist behind him.

Compared with the last meeting with the Goddess of Life, the Supreme God Seat in the mist has become more and more clear, the fog covering it has faded a lot, and the white jade armrests and base of the chair have been revealed. Some mysterious lines can be seen, similar to cloud patterns, and some are like runes, which are patterns that Romilsson, the Lord of Darkness, has never seen before.

Now, the throne of the Lord of Darkness is the highest, but once this foggy throne is truly revealed, he will take the second place. The old days of calling the wind and rain, being carefree, and doing whatever he wants will be completely gone, and there will be one more person on his head. The hoops of bondage.

No one likes this feeling of restraint, especially a peerless powerhouse like him who has been in the endless void for tens of thousands of years.

Looking at it, Romilson's eyes moved to the seat of the gods of nature. There, the topmost one is naturally the goddess of life, Grisdy, but half a seat below the goddess of life, there is an extra gorgeous seat .

The texture of this seat is dark gold, with swords, shields, spears, knives and other weapons crossed on the back, and various statues of people are engraved on the left and right. There are all kinds of weapons, and the base of the entire throne is a crouching ferocious dark gold dragon. The head and tail of the dragon become the armrests of the throne.

This is the throne of the natural God of War Luo Lin. Originally, Luo Lin was a powerful god, but although there are not many powerful gods in the endless void, they are not particularly few. Thirty, and there are thirteen existing today. . . . . . No, thirteen have already passed, eleven to be precise.

In the past, Rowling's powerful throne was not special. The Bloody Queen Lilisa under his command, and the Lightbringer Ryan under the Lord of Radiance all surpassed him in achievements. But just now, the Lord of Darkness witnessed the entire process of the change of the throne.

It just moved half a level up suddenly, and its achievements surpassed all the powerful gods that have appeared in the present and history, and reached the point where it was almost on par with the immortals.

Only half a step away, this young new god stepped into the realm of immortality, and he became the strongest under the immortal. To this extent, even the Lord of Darkness would need to spend a lot of money to kill him It's time.

"As time goes by, I don't know how many tens of thousands of years have passed. You are the fastest promoted god I have ever seen. You are so young, so powerful, and almost unstoppable. Could it be that the seat of God is reserved for you?"

The Lord of Darkness looked at the two thrones below him again, where the Goddess of the Night Goddess and the Phantom War Demon had collapsed into pieces. The pieces were composed of original force and were slowly evaporating and disappearing. Soon after, the two All traces of the mighty god's existence will disappear without a trace.

Complicated emotions appeared in the eyes of the Lord of Darkness: "It's cruel. These talented young people compete for each other, the winner is king, and the loser perishes. How many geniuses have fallen because of this. I think I have experienced this in the past. .”

He was caught in some kind of thoughts and kept silent. After an unknown period of time, a faint emerald light appeared not far away. The Lord of Darkness turned his head, and saw a man wearing a long emerald dress, a wreath on his head, and a knot in his hair. The woman with the golden flower came in, it was Grisdy, the goddess of life.

When she found Romilson, she narrowed her bright eyes slightly, turned her white and slender neck like a swan's neck slightly, the corners of her rosy lips were slightly pursed, and dimples appeared at the corners of her mouth, showing an elegant smile: "Romilson Song, you came early this time."

Romilson nodded lightly as a greeting: "Grisdy, you are very proud. This time, you are also qualified to be proud."

Although she concealed it very well, as an old opponent, the Goddess of Life easily noticed Romilson's anger. The smile on her face became sweeter. In the smile, her figure flashed and disappeared in place. When she reappeared, she was already Sitting on the throne of her life god.

She also noticed the change of Luo Lin's God of War seat. Her thoughts were completely different from Romilsson's. She was surprised: "Oh, has Luo Lin's achievements reached this level? It is worthy of being the God of War I personally selected. It really didn't disappoint me."

The fog around Romilson became more and more dense, and purple-black lightning appeared from time to time, and the sound of crackling explosions appeared continuously. The more the Goddess of Life behaved like this, the angrier he became. At this moment, he was out of anger and close to losing control.

He couldn't help but be angry. Before the bloody queen told him the assassination plan, he also believed that Luo Lin should not exist, so he fully supported it. For this reason, he spent a huge price to hold back the goddess of life and the lord of brilliance. Once, He and the Goddess of Life fought almost directly. Although these things were kept secret, the thrilling part was by no means inferior to the battle between Luo Lin and the three powerful gods.

As a result, what he had put so much effort into doing fell short, and he also lost two capable men. This is definitely a disastrous defeat, countless times greater than the loss of losing control of a plane world, and it really touched his core interests, not to mention the emergence of a half-step immortal opponent after the battle.

For Romilson, who has always boasted of being invincible and alone in the endless void, this shame is like the bitterest bitter fruit, which is really hard to swallow.

It was the first time I saw the Goddess of Life for Romilson in such a state. She was a little apprehensive, but also had a trace of unspeakable joy. In order not to provoke Romilson, the Goddess of Life did not continue to taunt, but just covered her mouth and smiled.

But this didn't make Romilson feel much better. Just when he was considering whether to fight directly with the goddess of life, there was a slight flash of light at the gate of the Pantheon, and an old man with white robes and silver hair appeared out of thin air. Surrounded by countless noisy milky-white runes, he looks old, but his expression is very majestic. He is also holding a long crystal staff in his hand. The tip of the staff is a delicate hollow cage structure. Inside the cage is a There was a mass of purple-black light, and outside the cage, there were two lights and shadows with wings on their backs flying and dancing.

This staff has a big background. It is the super artifact of Emma, ​​the lord of light: the staff that imprisons darkness. The old man is holding this staff, and his identity is naturally self-evident. This is the third immortal in the endless void. The master of endless brilliance, the sworn enemy of darkness, the lord of brilliance.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he looked at Romilson, the Lord of Darkness, and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, I didn't expect, Romilson, I didn't expect you to be so frustrated. I guess, the taste of fiasco must be very uncomfortable." , otherwise why do you look like a resentful woman?"

'Crack, crack~' Two consecutive streaks of purple-black lightning exploded beside the Lord of Darkness, shining with dazzling brilliance, shining brightly on the Pantheon.

"Shut up!" was accompanied by the roar of the Lord of Darkness.

The Lord of Radiance is not as gentle as the Goddess of Life. He and the Lord of Darkness are both light and dark. The Lord is almost insane.

In the end, it was the Goddess of Life who smoothed things over: "Okay, okay, why are you two like children? Romilson, why can't you afford to lose? Emma, ​​after all these years, can't you change your temper? Since Having already won, can't Romilson go to the corner to lick his wounds?"

The Lord of Radiance was in a very good mood. He nodded and said, "Okay, I'll just listen to you once. Romilson, haha, forget it, I won't laugh anymore, haha... Hey~ That god seat is What's going on? Grisdy, is this his throne?"

Emma's eyes suddenly fixed on Luo Lin's God of War seat, his originally stretched brows frowned suddenly, and his cheerful face instantly became gloomy. He glanced at the God of War seat, then at the seat of the immortal Afterwards, the more and more obvious misty God Seat squinted his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

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