Legendary Mage

Chapter 1623: Three wars

On the ground, the bitter battle of the coalition forces has been carried out to almost full bloom, and it needs to be cautious everywhere.

Since the purpose of the Flame Legion's expedition was different from the past, this caused great difficulties for the coalition forces.

Through the investigation of the shaman and the druid, Brandon already knew that there were at least three locations, which had been hollowed out by Magoma. In other words, these three McGoma are already halfway down the mountains.

Brandon immediately dispatched people to the corresponding location to defend.

It is not an easy task to send people to defend, because neither too many people can be sent, nor too weak people.

For an ordinary army, if there is not a hundred or so people, the McGoma can't beat it at all.

So, Wald, Saladin Bronzebeard and Redna were sent from those three locations.

Among them, Wald and Saladin Bronzebeard must be delivered by a spiral plane. Ladna was teleported to that location directly with teleport magic.

When the three people reached that side, they could still hear the shocking sound of war on the other side of the mountain. The sound of explosions, shouts, drums of war, really sounds like ears, and every sound makes people feel courageous.

To dig a cave under the mountain, the distance of a few hundred meters is also a very big project with the artificial force on our earth.

However, for McGoma, this is a very easy thing. This guy, while moving forward, is almost unhindered.

After infusing a stone in the stomach, he pulled back and pulled out, or spit it out. Then, he went in again to dig the mountain.

Repeatedly, it takes almost a day to open a cave.

This cave will take shape so quickly. Another reason is that it doesn’t matter whether it’s safe or not. In other words, it doesn't matter whether it collapses or not.

At this time, because of the collapse, several flame guards were killed, which is nothing. And McGoma can also clean up the collapse at any time.

So, this is why they can quickly take out a cave.

Once you don’t pay attention to quality, you can do it at a super fast speed.

Therefore, Raidena did not wait long before they heard some voices on the mountain wall.

Then, the three ambushed and prepared here.

Here we have to explain that these three McGoma are not very powerful. If the McGoma played by Moline is a diamond king, then these three McGoma are black iron.

Although they are called McGoma, they are not the same.

Therefore, as far as these three powerful ordinary people are concerned, it is not too reluctant to fight against these three McGoma.

What's more, they still ambush with intention to fight unintentionally.

Hearing the sound inside became more and more obvious, all three were ready for their most powerful attack.

auzw.com Among them, Wald climbed the hillside and started to arouse his anger. Sanjiu Novel Network br>Although it is said that the anger of the soldiers is stimulated in battle; however, when they practice to a certain degree, there is naturally a way to self-excite anger.

However, this way of inspiring anger will cause slight harm to the body. But at such a moment, Wald could not be taboo.

First of all, here is Wald. Suddenly, the mountain wall was cracked and shattered, and the gravel spattered out. With a roar, Magoma's head leaked out of the mountain.

When Wald saw it, he didn't rush to attack, but waited for an excellent opportunity.

At this time, Wald is like a worker who cuts the pier, and the mountain is the finger of the worker, and the dishes to be cut are leaked out. Only after a certain distance, the knife will be cut.

Wald finally waited until the knife was almost finished, he jumped up on the hillside again, and then the whole person bowed backwards, the war blade in his hands raised above his head, almost buckled with his heel.

Under the rapid fall, Wald's war blade was already covered with blood red light, making his war blade look much larger than before, and at the same time, it was even more terrifying.

McGoma clearly felt the crisis above, but he was calculated, so even if he knew it, it would be too late.

I saw a blood splatter that wasn't blood, and Wald's blade almost chopped McGoma's head almost like chopping melons and vegetables.

The edge of the war blade continued, and he cut into the ground again, only to see a huge fissure in a stone field.

Even if this McGoma was accounted for, Wald's work was not completed. He entered the cave again and chopped "chaoticly", which not only pushed the body of McGoma back, but also sealed the hole.

Although this does not completely prevent the flame army from coming out, at least they can buy some time for them.

Having said that, it wasn't that they could end this war, they were just to delay the time.

During the battle against Magoma on the side of Wald, Saladin Bronzebeard had already fought there.

This Saladin Bronzebeard was really struck by iron. He aroused his anger and turned himself into a little giant. Under such circumstances, his defense and strength have been greatly improved.

Then, the old dwarf king lifted his hammer and battle axe and launched a brutal attack on the emerging McGoma.

In a battle of lightning and thunder and peace, the McGoma was beaten to death.

Saladin also naturally did something similar to Wald, which also temporarily blocked the cave.

Then, it was Redna. She was even more direct. At the moment when McGoma crawled out, Redna immediately used arcane magic, and the cave that McGoma had laid out exploded.

So, the safety of this project is still necessary. Just like this, it's definitely a tofu project.

Where can such a project withstand Raidena's bombing?

A large cave collapsed and smashed Magoma directly into the ground. Then, Reidna is like a queen, that is how she plays McGoma, just how she plays McGoma.

Due to being smashed down the hill, McGoma could not move anymore, so she could only bear the anger of an old woman.

Finally, the third McGoma died in humiliation.

Moreover, there is no need to destroy the cave anymore, but before that, she has already completed this work.

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