Master Mingzong flew very fast, and the strong wind kept coming from the front, blowing Zheng Qiu so hard that he couldn't open his eyes. He hugged his master's shoulders tightly, for fear that he would be blown off.

To go to the Rotshui Swamp, you have to go through the Jingpu Cliff, and there is still a long distance from the waterfall. You can already see the brilliance shining above the waterfall from a long distance. Master Mingzong fell to the ground early and used the woods to hide himself.

Four days had passed since the birth of Duanshui Longya, but the struggle was still not over. Batch after batch of cultivators rushed here by boat, throwing themselves into this flesh and blood mill like moths to a flame.

Compared with the first day, the intensity of the fight has decreased, but the situation has become more dangerous.

A large number of casual cultivators died, and only a few people remained here. They were scattered in every corner of the river bank, woods, etc., on the one hand to protect themselves, and on the other hand to wait for the opportunity to make a move.

Those small sects that are not strong are no better than casual cultivators. These small sects have only sporadic masters left, each gathering in the corner of the river bank, trying to protect themselves as much as possible.

At this time, Jingpuya is completely the home field of the big sect. They occupy the river and attack any practitioners who approach.

These big sects have their own masters, and they fight against each other in the center of the river and above the waterfall. The loser must let the next master take the top as soon as possible. If the strong do their best and fail to win, they will be immediately besieged by the nearby sects and will be completely wiped out.

Master Ming Zong poured energy into his legs, and took big strides across the forest. Every time he stepped on the ground, there would be waves of air at the place where his feet landed, and the whole person rushed forward at a high speed, one step was fifteen or sixty feet away .

Through the gap between the trees, he could see the brilliant brilliance of the sky, and he couldn't help but be speechless: "This time the water-breaking dragon tooth was born, compared with the unrestrained disaster more than 70 years ago, the major sects are more fully prepared. With so many masters dispatched, there must be some old monsters who are retreating from sects who have personally attended the scene."

Just as he was thinking in his heart, Master Ming Zong bumped into a casual cultivator head-on, this is really bad luck.

The casual cultivator squatted in the bushes, concentrating on observing the battle on the river, but he didn't know that a figure suddenly rushed out of the nearby forest, and he was in front of him in a blink of an eye. Sanxiu was shocked, thinking that the visitor was trying to harm him, so he hurriedly practiced his skills.

But the speed of the person who rushed out was really too fast, Sanxiu found that his movement speed could not keep up with it, so he was quick to wit, and shook out a round black ball from his cuff and threw it at it.

Master Mingzong saw the opponent throwing the black ball, and several guesses flashed in his mind: Huo Leibo? Poison bomb? Smoke bomb? Silver bullet? But no matter what kind of bomb, he dared not let his apprentice touch it.

Master Mingzong grabbed Zheng Qiu's belt, blocked him behind him, and at the same time stretched out his other hand to slap the black ball. Pfft, before it was photographed, the black ball exploded first, and suddenly thick black smoke surrounded Master Mingzong, completely blocking his sight.

This is a black smoke bomb, but when he found out that it was black smoke, Master Ming Zong relaxed a bit. Fortunately, it was not a poisonous bomb, otherwise he would not be able to protect his apprentice.

There was a sudden sound of wind from the right side, Master Ming Zong didn't dare to take it too seriously, he took two steps back to get out of the way of the attack, and slapped him with his backhand.


There was a cry of pain from the end of the black smoke, and then something fell to the ground.

Master Mingzong stepped out of the black smoke, and found the casual cultivator lying on the ground, with his mouth open, humming while covering his chin with both hands, apparently the fan was dislocated.

Seeing Sanxiu looking at him in horror, Master Ming Zong said flatly: "I happened to pass by, so hurry up."

Sanxiu hurriedly got up, murmured twice, and stumbled into the depths of the woods.


There was a sudden shout of killing on the river, and Master Ming Zong turned his head to look, only to see that the position on the west side of the river was shining brightly, and the various sects were moving their formations, slowly leaning in that direction.

He sighed, in this situation, another sect will be wiped out here. But now is a good time to go through the woods,

It is completely possible to lift up the air and fly, those masters of the big sects are all focused on the battle, and they don't care about the direction of the forest.

Master Mingzong carried Zheng Qiu back on his shoulders, and then vigorously stimulated his energy, the dazzling light enveloped his whole body, and the flames rolled like raging fire.

The loose cultivator hiding in the woods was originally to avoid the masters of various sects. When he saw the person flying close to the treetops, the flames on his body were so dazzling, but he dared not show his head. Master Ming Zong flew forward swaggeringly, the places he passed were quiet, there was no sound at all.

Passing through the Shocking Waterfall Cliff, Master Ming Zong took out the map and shook it open to identify the direction.

Putting the map away, he turned back to the waterfall and glanced at it. The entire waterfall had turned red, and there was a fishy smell in the water. From this angle, he could vaguely see people being washed down in the waves. .

On the river, among the fighting crowd, streamers of light flew up one after another, scattered and fled in all directions. This surprised him greatly, he didn't expect the besieged sects to be defeated so quickly, hey, I don't know how many escaped.

Seeing several streaks of light flying in his direction, Master Ming Zong hurriedly flew away. If he was misunderstood as another sect, it would be easy to peel off his skin.

After flying for more than half an hour, Master Ming Zong finally found the rotten water swamp. As shown on the map, the swamp is at the end of a small tributary. This swamp is quite inconspicuous. From the sky, it is completely covered by dense weeds, and there is no trace of water at all.

He dropped slowly, snapped a branch and peered into the weeds before hitting the ground. With a slight pressure on the hand, the entire branch was completely submerged in the weeds, and then the branch was pulled out, and it was covered with black mud.

It's so deep! Master Ming Zong immediately gave up the plan of walking, he pulled out the map, spread it out on the weeds. Then he used the twig he had just broken off to draw a strange symbol on the map with mud.

After drawing the last line of the symbol, master Ming Zong threw away the branch, pointed his hand towards the map, and said at the same time: "The heavens are in all directions, and the gods have ordered them to gather soil to form bridges and bridges, and gather sand to build buildings. Collapse, solid!"

When the last solid word fell, a dark brown fluorescent light flashed on the map, and the paper suddenly became flat and straight. Master Mingzong landed on the map and let the apprentice down.

Zheng Qiu stepped on the map and found that the map was hard, as if he was stepping on a slate. He stomped his feet, and the map made a thumping sound, without any dents.

Zheng Qiu squatted down, stretched out his hand to touch the paper back and forth, the paper was still paper, it didn't have the cool feeling of stone.

He raised his head and asked the master: "Master, what did you perform just now? It's amazing. Is it miscellaneous exercises, can I learn it?"

"This is a mantra, which is very different from ordinary exercises. If you are interested, you can try to learn it after returning to the sect."

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