Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 68: The Four Forces

After Sato Kaede has continuously used the big needle bee in the nearby forest as the fighting target of the supersonic bat and the stinky flower for the past three days, the big needle bee group in the nearby forest finally couldn't bear the violent beating by Sato Kaede's guerrilla tactics The pressure brought by it, I chose to admit it, and I was no longer as fierce as before.

In the past three days, as the overlord of the nearby forest, the big needle bee group paid unprecedented attention to Sato Kaede. The most ruthless time was to directly gather more than 30 big needle sharp elites (average above level 20) and hundreds of The big needle bee minions came to sweep the nearby forest to encircle and suppress Sato Kaedan.

But it is a pity that Kaede Sato has already familiarized himself with the habits of the little elves like the big needle bee after fighting hundreds of times with the little elves like the big needle bee, and created it with the secret power of the stinky flower. The secret space and the use of grass liquid to eliminate the smell of the body, the big needle bees can only return without success.

In the end, when these big needle bees who had been tired all day were about to evacuate and return to the hive, they encountered an ambush by Sato Kaede and the others. More than a dozen teams of big needle bees were defeated by Sato Kaede's supersonic bats and stinky flowers , The wounded further increased. (Each team has about eight or nine big needle bees)

Now when these big needle bees saw Sato Kaede and the two little elves beside him again, they no longer rushed over to attack recklessly as if they had seen an enemy before, but immediately chose to run back and hide. far away.

Sato Kaede felt a little helpless for the uncharacteristic behavior of the big needle bee. In this way, there were almost no wild elves in the nearby forest that he could use as the target of the supersonic bat and the stinky flower. The rest are things he hasn't provoked enough yet.

But in this way, Sato Kaede also has the opportunity to explore the territory of the big needle bee to his heart's content. Half of the time for the wild survival trial has passed. Although he is still alive, he still has not collected any quest items. Now he must hurry up and complete the task.

After three days, Kaede Sato did not explore the remaining part of the nearby forest where the mission items are hidden. These areas are currently areas that he does not have enough ability to explore, because these areas are full of extremely powerful people. group of elves.

For example, the Dajia group with more than ten members, the Flying mantis group with more than ten members, and the circle bear group with level 43 circle bears. Needle bees are countless times smaller, but their individual strength is also much stronger than big needle bees.

Facing these wild elves one-on-one, Kaede Sato is not very afraid, he is afraid that these elves are social creatures, provoking one of them will immediately provoke a group of them, once they swarm up, they can directly use quantity and quality Crush Sato Kaede and the others.

Therefore, for these three powerful and violent ethnic groups, Sato Kaede can only avoid their edge at present, and absolutely cannot fight hard steel with them, especially the two elf groups in the back. If Sato Kaede dares to provoke them, I am afraid they will die But tomorrow.

Kaede Sato had seen the group of flying mantises before, and there was a leader of level 40 flying mantises in it, whose combat power was only below that of the absolute overlord of the nearby forest, the level 43 circle bear.

In the past few days, Sato Kaede, in addition to successively fighting against most of the nearby wild elves with some strength, also roughly summed up the power distribution of the nearby large forest.

According to the overlord of this forest is the circle bear, Sato Kaede temporarily named this forest the circle bear forest, and this circle bear forest is currently composed of the circle bear group, the big needle bee group, the Dajia group and the flying sky The mantis group is divided among the four elf groups,

The first is the circle bear group, they occupy the central area with the richest resources in the circle bear forest. According to Sato Kaede's exploration, the central area has a natural small lake and a low hill.

There is a huge sea of ​​flowers near the small lake, where several colonies of wild bees live, and many fruit trees grow on the small hills.

Among them, the small hills and the area near the small lake are the places where the circle bear group often moves. Under normal circumstances, they will not easily leave the territory that is enough for them to be self-sufficient.

The Dajia ethnic group occupies the northwest area of ​​the circle bear forest, where a large number of peach and fruit trees grow, and the range of activities of Dajia generally revolves around these peach and fruit trees.

The Dajia ethnic group would occupy these peach fruit trees not to eat the peach fruits that bear on the peach fruit trees, but because they have a soft spot for the sweet sap secreted from the trunks of the peach fruit trees.

(Note: Taotao fruit can detoxify, and it is also a very sweet fruit. As a peach tree that grows this kind of fruit, the sap secreted from its trunk also has a sweet taste. Please do not spray.)

The flying mantis group occupies the northeast area of ​​the circle bear forest. There is a small orange fruit forest in that area, which is the main activity place of the flying mantis group.

The temperament of Flying Mantis is more ferocious than that of Dajia, but this kind of elf is proud and arrogant. As long as they don't take the initiative to provoke, unless they think you are worthy of challenge, they will never make a move.

However, it is worth noting that the flying mantis has a very strong sense of its own territory, and any creatures and elves that trespass into their territory without consent will be cut by their ruthless double scythes.

As for the last group of large needle bees, they seem to have received special care from the circle bear group, and their group has not been infested by the Dajia group and the flying mantis group, because the circle bear group in the central area of ​​the forest is like a deadly bomb. Like the nails in the forest, it firmly restricted the continued development of these two groups to the southern region, so that the large needle bee group occupied almost half of the circle bear forest.

Of course, although there are a large number of big needle bees, compared to the Dajia group, the flying mantis group and the circle bear, their strength is still weaker, because there is no one in their group that is strong enough to compete with the leader of the circle bear, the circle bear leader, and the circle bear. The leader of the big armor and the leader of the flying mantis exist to compete, and in terms of individual combat ability, the wild big needle bee is too different from the other three elves.

A big armor can easily defeat a team of big needle bees. As for the flying mantis with flying attributes, even two teams of big needle bees are even more difficult to resist, let alone the last circle bear, circle The thick and hard fur of the ring bear can almost ignore the attack of the big needle bee, and a pair of bear paws containing strange power can kill a large area with a sweep.

However, the Big Needle Bee group does not have much temper when facing these three groups, but facing other wild elves living in the circle bear forest, they are still domineering. Relying on their numerical advantage, they often bully Other weak wild elves.

But in the past three days, the large needle bee group, which was living quite happily, encountered three demons. Under the continuous harassment of these three demons, the fighting power of the entire large needle bee group dropped by two-thirds, and now it is huge. The beehives in the hive were filled with a large number of wounded, and the entire group was in the weakest period in history.

Regarding this situation, the Big Needle Bee wanted to send reinforcements to deal with Sato Kaede and the others, but the circle bears who took a large amount of honey from their hives at regular intervals every month simply ignored it. rudely declined their request.

Now, according to the report of the companions patrolling the periphery, the three demons have come again, and they have just come over to the hive, and the big needle bee warriors who blocked them in the past were defeated by the demons without any accident, which makes the whole big needle now The bee colony is full of fear.

"Finally, we have reached this stage of exploration. Is the one in front of you the hive of the big needle bee? It's really spectacular. Uh~, are the mission props here? I really didn't expect it to be placed in this place. I thought it would be placed in it." Where is the most dangerous territory of the circle bear? It seems that I am thinking too much." Looking at the huge beehive in front of him, Sato Kaede thought with surprise on his face.

When Kaede Sato once again let the supersonic bat and stinky flower team up to easily defeat the elite group of big needle bees in front of him, he has finally come to the core area of ​​the big needle bee group.

The beehive of the big needle bee is built on a towering tree that needs at least a dozen adults to fill up, and the beehive of the big needle bee is almost built along the trunk of the entire big tree, that is to say, the hive is almost Occupies the entire giant tree.

Seen from a distance, the entire hive is like a hill, and it is covered with a large number of holes, which is enough to make people with dense phobias have a strong fear.

However, the top part of this hill-like hive has suffered some damage, and from a distance, the shape formed by the damage marks on the top part of the hive is an "R" symbol.

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