Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 114 Brother, the bet is a bit harsh!

Jiang Feng rode a horse and galloped across the pasture.

The pastures are now completely withered and yellow, but every day the cattle and sheep come out, they can still eat some grass to grow.

Jiang Feng inspected his pasture.

"The next grassland will become more and more desolate."

"The grass will grow luxuriantly after spring begins."

Jiang Feng looked into the distance and said with emotion.

It was getting late, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and the wind in the grassland became bitter.

At this time, Jiang Feng noticed a few dry plants on the ground, so he rode a red rabbit horse and walked over to crush all the plants.

Then, he jumped off the horse, squatted on the ground, picked up a piece of dry grass, and said to netizens:

"Look at this, everyone. These are chive flowers, a specialty of our side. These are leftovers from previous picking."

"There are a lot of chive flowers on it. After cattle and sheep pass by, these chive flowers will be trampled flat, and the seeds inside will be buried in the soil."

"Wait until the second year, and the chive flowers will grow again."

"Chive flower sauce tastes good. We dip some beef and mutton with it. There are also many ranchers selling chive flower sauce."

"But I didn't do that kind of business, I just eat it for my own ranch."

Jiang Feng wants to popularize the plants on the grassland.

[I have heard of leek flower sauce, it seems that someone is selling it! 】

[I bought it, it tastes a little salty! 】

[You have to put less, dip it and eat it, you can't put too much like bean paste! 】

[Mongolian specialties, depending on personal taste! 】

Everyone responded one after another.

After Jiang Feng wandered around the pasture, he checked the situation around the pasture, and after confirming that there was no problem, he rode his horse to the pasture.

Before entering the pasture, several dogs came out to meet him.

Jiang Feng got off his horse and led Chitu in.

Big Black Back, Lai Fu Laicai, and Golden Retriever followed him, as well as Little Golden Flower and Little White Wolf.

Jiang Feng saw so many dogs here, and planned to improve the dog's food.

He told the netizens in the live broadcast room:

"Make a good meal for the ranch dogs today."

"They're all not easy, so take supplements."

"It doesn't need to be too troublesome, just cook the spare ribs until they are soft, and let them eat the meat and bone marrow of the bones."

Jiang Feng first put Chitu back to the horse farm, and by the way gave Chitu grass and clean water.

Then, he came to the back kitchen of the ranch and took out two large pieces of lamb ribs.

The bones of the lamb ribs are very complete, with every rib in place, and there are still a lot of fresh and tender lamb that has not been shaved.

When the dogs saw Jiang Feng coming out with the ribs, they all followed him excitedly.

These brothers, the big dogs love to eat, but the little dogs can't chew them.

The dog food on the ranch is not bad, and there are big meals from time to time.

Jiang Feng's method of processing the ribs is very simple. In the yard, he simply split the ribs with an ax a few times to remove all the bones.

It didn't take long for the two large pieces of completed ribs to be chopped into pieces one by one.

Then Jiang Feng put the bones in a pot, brought the pot to the edge of the stove, added some water to the pot, put the bones in, and boiled it directly.

After cooking, it can be eaten by dogs.

Dogs like to gnaw on bones. They can chew on bones that are not too hard, and play with hard ones.

The last thing a pasture lacks is meat and bones.

"I'm going to make a dish for myself later, because it's not convenient to live broadcast, so I won't live broadcast."

"The impact is not very good."

Jiang Feng said again.

This year's netizens have always been rebellious. Hearing what he said, everyone immediately became interested.

[The host is doing something that is inconvenient to live broadcast, is he going to stew the geese? 】

[Want to eat protected animals? I see punishment! 】

[Speak clearly, don't hold your breath! 】

[What can't be broadcast! 】

The barrage surged wildly.

Seeing everyone's enthusiasm, Jiang Feng smiled helplessly:

"As we all know, there are different food cultures in different places."

"There are silkworm chrysalis and centipedes, some of which are not accepted by the public."

"The grassland also has its own culture."

"I can give you a little tip."

"That's our cattle, sheep and horses. Except for cattle, sheep and horses, almost all males want to pick peaches."

"This is the case in the breeding industry. In all breeding industries, except for the mating males, all other males must pick peaches."

"Peaches are highly nutritious."

As soon as his voice fell, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded.

Netizens can't refuse this kind of sarcasm at all.

[Hold the grass, stop talking, my peach hurts! 】

[Hahahaha, so I want to eat this thing! 】

[This is indeed the case in the breeding industry. Young cattle and sheep have to be processed, so that the cattle and sheep are cleaner and the meat tastes better! 】

[Is this thing a big supplement? 】

[But their happiness is gone! 】

Seeing everyone's barrage, Jiang Feng didn't say any more.

Life on the ranch is indeed like this. For the herdsmen, it is also meat, but the taste is different.

The dogs are resting in the yard, waiting for the delicious food.

Not long after, the smell of meat wafted out of the pot.

Jiang Feng smelled the fragrance and opened the lid of the pot.

At this moment, the mutton soup is already showing a dull gray color, and the mutton is cooked, looking plump and tender.

Jiang Feng took out a large basin, fished all the bones into the basin, and then poured some mutton soup.

Seeing the delicacy in front of them, many netizens became greedy.

[Why do you feel that his boiled bones are delicious! 】

[It has the feeling of lamb and scorpion pot, which is considered delicious in Kyoto! 】

[As long as the meat is cooked, it will be delicious in any way! 】

Jiang Feng put the pot on the ground in the yard.

Several dogs came over immediately, but they all lay down and watched, and none of them approached.

"I have to let it dry for a while to let the temperature out."

"My dogs know the rules very well. They don't eat directly from the pot. They either put them on the ground or put them in the food bowl."

"They're all waiting now."

Jiang Feng said unhurriedly.

As he said, several adult dogs were lying around the mutton pot without getting close.

Jiang Feng waited for a while, and felt that it was almost dry, so he picked out a few big bones and put them on the ground.

Heibei, Laifulaicai, and Golden Retriever all found a bone, walked aside with their mouths in their mouths, and lay down on the ground while eating and gnawing.

These dogs are having a good time chewing.

Netizens also feel comfortable looking at it.

After live broadcasting the dog for a while, Jiang Feng decided to download and cook.

I have been looking for cattle for a whole day today, and I am a little tired, so I just need to make up for it.

So, Jiang Feng bid farewell to the netizens and turned off the live broadcast.

The next day, the live broadcast will start as usual.

Jiang Feng routinely checked the condition of the ranch, and even went to the cattle farm to have a look.

After confirming that there was no problem, he began to think about what to broadcast live today.

"How about pretending?"

He thought to himself.

Jiang Feng has always been a low-key Buddhist, and the principle he believes in is "come as comfortable as possible".

Last time the top lottery got the skill "Bow and Arrow Archery Proficiency", and the advanced lottery drew a set of Mongolian bows, which he hadn't used yet.

Jiang Feng is not very interested in bows and arrows, but hanging them on the wall of his room is a good decoration.

Today's weather is good, sunny, suitable for playing.

"I don't have anything to do today, I'll show you a show."

"When I was young, I learned horseback riding and archery from the Mongolian people in the village. Horseback riding is not very difficult, and practice makes perfect."

"However, the difficulty of archery is high, especially to shoot accurately, it is even more difficult."

"Try archery today and see how good you are."

Jiang Feng said leisurely.

Hearing his words, the fans in the live room responded:

[The host can also shoot arrows? 】

[Hahaha, start working, hurry up! 】

[There are quite a lot of things in the host meeting. As a college graduate, you shouldn't be so versatile! 】

[He can even drive an excavator! 】

【Again archery! 】

Jiang Feng came all the way to the area where the haystacks were placed. This side is outdoors, and there are no people or livestock.

He picked up a haystack with a forklift and placed it on the open ground.

Then, he took the bow and arrow and walked about 60 meters away from the haystack.

"This distance is about the same."

"Guess whether I can shoot that haystack."

A smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Feng's mouth, and he said contentedly.

The little border shepherd, little white wolf and little donkey are all at his feet.

The little border shepherd was sitting on the ground, scratching his ears with his hind paws, looking rather silly.

In the live broadcast, under the warm autumn sun, next to the wasteland of the grassland, a young man with a bow and arrow is smiling, and there are three cute and playful pets at his feet.

Such a scene, away from the city and the hustle and bustle, is like the style of the 1990s, full of free and easy feeling.

The distance of sixty meters is not too far, but it is not too close either.

Netizens visually measured the length of Jiangfeng from the haystack, and responded one after another:

【I missed the shot! 】

[The host is the king of the prairie, I overwhelm the host to hit the target! 】

【If I can hit it, I'll eat all the cow dung in the grassland! 】

[Brother, the bet is a bit harsh! 】

[Hahahaha, I can't hit the shot either! 】

Jiang Feng took out his mobile phone and looked at everyone's barrage, and he could see more with his mobile phone.

Seeing the words "missed" all over the screen, Jiang Feng smiled slightly.

In the next second, he drew his bow and shot an arrow.

The whole movement is smooth and flowing, done in one go.



The bowstring trembled, and there was a buzzing sound, and the arrow pierced through the air and flew straight into the distance!

Netizens only saw a black light passing by!

Then, everyone saw that the arrows were stuck straight on the haystack, and most of them didn't go in.

For a moment, the netizens in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

The barrage suddenly fell silent.

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