Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 120 Ximen Chuimiao fights Ye Gulang again!

On the indoor fire, add a large pile of ice cubes to the pot.

Then put the fresh belly meat one by one and mix it with ice cubes.

Belly meat is round and extremely elastic.

Then add a big pinch of salt and wait until the belly meat is cooked.

At that time, take the belly meat, cut it in half with a knife, dip it in chive flower sauce, and eat it in your mouth.

The meat is smooth, tender and fragrant, and with the greasy chive flowers, the taste is extremely comfortable.

Today the ranch has improved food, and everyone can eat belly meat.

Everyone waited for the ice cubes in the pot to melt and boil.

Jiang Feng had nothing to do and went outside to see the animals.

The weather is colder in winter, and many animals need to keep warm.

Mainly chickens and geese.

Jiang Feng was patrolling the situation in the chicken pen, and just a few steps out, he saw a weasel looking back and forth not far away.

It stuck its head out behind the haystack, sneaking around.

Although the weasel looks cute, but thinking of its hunting instinct, Jiang Feng is a little more careful.

At this time, the cat boss jumped out of nowhere.

As the chief manager of the ranch, the cat boss always listens to six directions and sees all directions.

You can't see it on weekdays, but if there is any trouble, the cat boss will definitely be the first to appear.

This cihuamao is cold and kind.

Jiang Feng didn't start broadcasting, but everyone loves to watch short videos of this kind of scene, so he immediately took out his mobile phone to shoot the scene of the interaction between the cat boss and the weasel.

The cat boss rushed in front of the weasel with a set of cat and cat punches.

Two slaps hit the weasel on the head, the weasel was a little confused, and hurriedly ran away.

The cat boss stood there, staring at it, and made a series of warning sounds.

Then, Jiang Feng was surprised to see that the weasel stood up, with both hands as if worshiping, and kept saluting towards the cat boss after clasping together.

The weasel is admitting cowardice.

In order to make the video more effective, Jiang Feng personally explained:

"Occasionally, the cat boss was fighting with a weasel. This weasel seems to be staying in my ranch."

"However, there hasn't been any phenomenon of it stealing chicken for the time being."

"The weasel's favorite food is still mice and rabbits, and only occasionally eats chicken."

"This weasel is probably looking for mice to eat in the pasture."

"It can't beat the cat boss, and it seems to be admitting cowardly."

In the open space, the cat boss stared at the weasel. At first it was very fierce, but when the weasel started to admit its cowardice, the cat boss became dull.

It relaxed a little, stuck out its tongue and licked its nose, and no longer tried to drive the weasel away.

The weasel found that the cat boss stopped beating it, and lowered his body. While slowly approaching the cat boss, he kept looking around with his small dark eyes.

Although the two guys are small in size, they are both predators with the highest hunting skills in nature.

This scene still looks cute.


The cat boss saw it approaching, and this time he just yelled at it.

The weasel jumped back in fright, but found that the cat boss didn't come after him, and approached the cat boss again.

This time I can't fix it for the cat boss.

What the hell is this guy up to?

The weasel approached the cat boss and didn't move any more, just looked at it.

Jiang Feng took pictures with his mobile phone not far away, and murmured in his heart:

"Is the weasel trying to recognize the big brother, or is it trying to show weakness and then attack the cat boss?"

But Jiang Feng is not worried about the safety of the cat boss.

The weasel's attack method is to bite the neck of its prey. As far as its agility is concerned, the cat boss can knock it out with a few backhand slaps.

The cat boss looked at the weasel in front of him, and he was no longer interested in teaching it a lesson.

The cat boss never bullies the weak, but likes to bully those stubborn wild cats.

When the video was shot here, Jiang Feng pressed the button to stop recording, and there was nothing to shoot later.

He saw that the weasel must be hungry.

"Boss Cat!"

Jiang Feng shouted.

Hearing Jiang Feng's words, Lihuamao turned around and looked at Jiang Feng.

"Come to the food bank! Take it with you!"

Jiang Feng shouted again.

The ranch has a special place to store grain and meat, and the meat is in the refrigerator, so there is no worry about mice stealing it.

However, there was a bag of rice. In the past two days, a mouse drilled a hole and ate a lot of it. As a result, the bag of rice could not be eaten.

There is a nest of mice in the grain depot.

Right now it's just right for the cat boss to bring the weasel.

The weasel's favorite food is mice.

Scientists once sampled the abdomens of 5,000 weasels that died naturally. Among them, only two weasels found poultry remains in their bodies, and the rest were all the remains of mice and rabbits.

This thing is a good animal if it is raised well.

Weasels are generally more afraid of people, but this empty grassland is covered with ice and snow, and there is almost nothing to eat.

The area where human beings live is rich in resources and has everything.

Therefore, it is also active around here.

"You come too!"

After the cat boss walked to Jiang Feng's feet, Jiang Feng waved at the weasel.

Weasel stood up, looking at Jiang Feng curiously and warily.

It didn't realize at this time that a staff of the ranch was beckoning to it.

Jiang Feng took the cat boss to walk in. Out of curiosity, or maybe because of hunger, the weasel followed wretchedly.

It hopped two steps, then stopped, and then hopped two more steps.

Jiang Feng walked all the way to a room next to the kitchen. There was a refrigerator, a kimchi jar, a lot of vegetables on the shelves, and several bags of rice and noodles piled up on the floor.

It is around six o'clock in the afternoon, the sky is relatively dark, and the mice have almost come out and started to move.

Jiang Feng opened the door and let the cat boss in.

In such grain depots, mice would burrow in and eat raw rice.

There was a creaking sound in the room.

The sound was very soft, but the weasel heard it clearly.

After hearing the sound, the weasel immediately stood up straight, its small black eyes full of excitement.

Jiang Feng took a few steps back, and the weasel immediately rushed into the grain storehouse, looking for the mouse.

Weasels can also drill holes, and they can drill holes for mice, so it is easier to catch hidden mice than cats.

After the two of them entered, Jiang Feng was relieved a lot.

At this time, the staff of the ranch called him and said that the belly meat was ready and asked him to go back to eat.

Jiang Feng immediately walked to the cafeteria, knowing that everyone was waiting for him.

This is basic etiquette.

As a leader or boss, the best way to deal with it is not to say "everyone can eat first if I don't come" in a sanctimonious manner, but to not make everyone wait too long.

When Jiang Feng came to the cafeteria, the cooked belly meat was already set on the plate.

Jiang Feng sat at the dining table, grabbed a belly bun with his hand, and then cut it open with a knife.

Immediately, the oil in the belly bun mixed with the soup flowed out.

The meat inside is pressed together, firm and tender.

Jiang Feng used a knife to poke some chive flower sauce on half of the belly meat, and then put the belly meat into his mouth.

With such a bite, the juice is slightly bursting, the taste of meat and chive flower sauce fills the mouth, the more you chew, the more delicious it becomes.

Everyone is eating like this.

Every belly bag is full of meat, and the stomach becomes comfortable.

After dinner, Jiang Feng posted the video taken today on the Internet.

The video shows the interaction between the cat boss and the weasel.

Seeing Jiang Feng's updated video, he now has 3.4 million fans on his video account, and fans immediately flocked to the comment area.

"I came early or the host is cold, number one!"

"Just now, the number of likes was still a few hundred, and the number of likes was more than 4,000 when it was refreshed!"

"It's appeared! Ximen Chuimiao fights Ye Gulang!"

"Ye Gulang is a bit weak, he seems to recognize Ximen Chuimiao as his big brother!"

"Didn't the owner say that this cat is the head of the Ouchi? Isn't it more than enough to deal with an assassin."

"Weasel: I'll take it, can't I take it?"

The number of likes on the video quickly rose.

As an ordinary daily short video, the final number of likes stayed at 15.2W, which is considered a small fire and also witnessed Jiang Feng's popularity.

We hope that he can broadcast these contents live.

After dinner, Jiang Feng went to the food depot to check the situation again. The cat boss and weasel were both gone, presumably they went to play separately after eating the mice.

There are a lot of resources in the area where humans live, so in winter, wild animals will always come here.

Wolves, wild boars, weasels and so on.

For these wild animals, Jiang Feng has always helped and fed them whenever he could.

The premise is that they don't harm the animals on their pasture.

Otherwise, Jiang Feng will drive them away.

Jiang Feng closed the door of the grain depot, planning to go back to the house and play with his mobile phone and computer for a while.

This is also a form of entertainment that contemporary young people cannot do without.

The weather is getting colder.

There is heating in the living area of ​​the ranch. There is an employee who is responsible for burning the boiler in winter. He is on duty at night and catches up on sleep during the day.

It was warm and comfortable in the house.

The life of herdsmen living in remote yurts is relatively poor, and there is still endless work to do.

Jiangfeng is a large ranch here, with its own big yard, and a lot of investment in decoration, with water and electricity, and the quality of life is no problem at all.

But the weather is getting colder.

The snowstorm is slowly getting bigger.

Such is life in winter.

Ordinary herdsmen will reduce the number of livestock and wait for the spring of next year before carrying out a new round of breeding.

The ranch has enough conditions to accommodate cattle and sheep through the winter, so I don't worry too much.

The development of the ranch is orderly.

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