Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 123 How can two be enough, at least two hundred!

Time flies, time flies, and before you know it, another year is about to pass.

After returning from the pastoral area, Jiang Feng calculated his popularity for the past two days.

"A total of 883,392 people were online for more than one minute in the live broadcast room that day, with an average online time of 1.9 hours and a popularity value of 1,678,444.8"

"A total of 466,800 people were online for more than one minute in the live broadcast room that day, with an average online time of 2.1 hours, and a popularity value of 980,280"

"Current total popularity: 4.2 million."

Since he just drew a lottery a few days ago, he got a skill planting expert and some items, so his current popularity value is only a few million.

The first day of the live broadcast in the pastoral area was long, and many people came in. More than 800,000 people came in. Many people may leave after watching it for a few minutes, and many people will watch it for a long time.

He received more than 1.6 million popularity points a day.

The next day, the broadcast was broadcast until noon, and it was broadcast after a brief introduction of the situation of the winter pasture, so fewer people came in.

Jiang Feng put the little golden flower on the ground, and when the little white wolf saw it appear, he immediately ran over to play with it.

The dogs in the yard are also resting.

Following the herdsman's transfer this trip, Jiang Feng cherished his pasture even more.

After all, this is the home of his animals.

In any case, the animals that live here are not displaced.

Of course, the animals that should be eaten still have to be eaten, and this does not affect it.

He went back to the yard and saw that the golden retriever was picking up the little golden retriever in the nest of Cai Cai.

This guy really knows nothing but being cute.

However, its appearance is considered beautiful even among golden retrievers, and it is very healing when it smiles, and Jiang Feng also likes it more.

Standing beside him, Laifu seemed to feel sorry for his wife who was taking care of the children for other dogs, and barked a few times at the golden retriever.

The golden retriever Wangwang pretended not to hear, and ran back to the nest to rest.

These dogs are always rambunctious.

Jiang Feng didn't start broadcasting in the afternoon either. As usual, he first visited the pasture to see how the animals were doing, and then went back to his room to catch up on sleep.

After sleeping until five or six in the afternoon, Jiang Feng felt that it was difficult to breathe, and something seemed to lie on his face.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I felt that my face was covered with hair, and when I touched it again, I found that it was the cat boss.

"Go, don't lie on your face."

"I said that you are not allowed to enter the bedroom, and you are the only one who is disobedient."

Jiang Feng sat up from the bed and fell into a dazed sleep, feeling as if he had just been resurrected after death.

The cat boss looked at Jiang Feng and meowed twice.

Jiang Feng knows that cats like to pat their owners' faces when they are sleeping.

The purpose is to verify whether the owner is dead or not.

If the owner moves, it means he is not dead.

If the owner continues to sleep and does not move again, the cat will go over and pat him on the face again.

Jiang Feng didn't know when Cihuamao came in. Little ones were generally not allowed in his bedroom, and it was even more impossible for employees to come in.

Lihuamao found that Jiang Feng was still alive, so he turned his head and ran away from the bedroom.

The bedroom door was open.

"Almost forgot, you will open the door."

Jiang Feng sighed with emotion.

His bedroom door has a round doorknob, as does the outside door.

Cihuamao didn't know where he learned this trick.

It jumped up and turned the doorknob with its front paws, and the door opened.

Once when Jiang Feng went back to his room, he was a little surprised to see Jin Mao and Lai Fulai Cai running into the living room.

After all, the door is locked, and both the golden retriever and the border collie should be in the pet house outside.

Later, Jiang Feng discovered that the cat boss did all of this.

It will open the door, then let the dog in, and then squat on the wall to watch the fun.

This cat is thieves and does not do good things every day.

After Jiang Feng got up, he didn't want to move, so he ran to the toilet, then lay on the bed and played with his mobile phone.

He didn't have a job anyway.

Just a vagrant herding sheep.

The days passed.

The employees in the ranch are feeding grass every day. When the weather is good, they will drive the cattle and sheep out for a while, and go in to clean the cattle and sheep pens.

The pigs have been raised for more than three months, and the feed pigs can be slaughtered in six months. The pigs fed with these natural crops in Jiangfeng Ranch will take more than nine months to be slaughtered, which will be after June and July next year.

The chickens raised can already be eaten, and the chickens are ready to be slaughtered quickly, and they will grow up in a few months.

The ranch is consuming supplies every day, but the wealth is also growing.

From time to time, Jiang Feng would receive calls from slaughterhouses and merchants, contacting him to buy cattle and sheep.

He has never worried about selling his cattle and sheep, and it is all up to him to sell more or less.

In the next month, Jiang Feng will live broadcast the daily life and animals of the ranch every day, and will also shoot some videos.

His popularity has been solid.

On this day, his parents came to wander around the ranch, saying that there were no dogs at home, and they wanted to take a few home to raise, and it happened that they would start herding sheep next spring.

So Heibei, Golden Retriever Wangwang and the seven little golden retrievers were taken away.

Wangwang is happy, after all Jiang Ma likes it the most and takes care of it the most. Wangwang likes to ask Jiang Ma to act coquettishly and cutely.

Ai Wu Ji Wu, from now on the seven little Golden Retriever Jiang Ma will also take care of them.

Jiang Feng's plan to herd seven golden-haired sheep failed.

But with Wangwang's genes, it is almost impossible for this plan to succeed.

Jiang Feng's parents also took away two kittens, one raccoon cat and one white cat.

The kitten is more than two months old. The cat can live independently in 45 days, and will leave its parents in two months. It can live independently at this age.

Except for the three-colored cat, the orange cat doesn't like the other children that much. After completing the breastfeeding task, it doesn't care about the kitten.

There are fewer cats and dogs in the yard.

The seven cute golden retrievers are gone, the mighty big black back is gone, and there are two kittens.

Only Laifu, Laicai, Xiaojinhua and Xiaobailang are left.

In the afternoon, the drone broadcast live.

Jiang Feng said with emotion:

"Wangwang is still a little uncomfortable after leaving, and now only the Bianmu family and the little white wolf are left."

"The little golden flowers in spring can herd sheep, but the number of dogs is still not enough."

"I'll have to find another shepherd dog myself."

Having said that, Jiang Feng seemed to have an idea in his heart.

He told netizens:

"On the Mongolian grasslands, almost every household of Mongolian herdsmen has a dog. Do you know what breed this dog is?"

Netizens were slightly taken aback when they heard Jiang Feng's question.

[What kind of dog does Mongolia raise? 】

[Mongolian Tibetan mastiff, it looks big and fierce! 】

[The Mongolian Mastiff is much more fierce than the German Shepherd, and the German Shepherd is really not good enough in front of it! 】

[The host still thinks that there are few dogs, including four little white wolves. 】

[Such a big pasture, four dogs, it's really not enough! 】

The bullet screen kept surging.

Seeing that everyone knew the answer, Jiang Feng nodded and said:

"That's right, it's the Mongolian mastiff."

"The Mongolian Mastiff is a relatively quiet animal. If you watch the life videos posted by the Mongolian herdsmen, you will see the Mongolian Mastiff following quietly, moving slowly, and observing the movement around it all the time."

"But this dog is loyal and fierce."

"Moreover, the Mongolian mastiff was bred through artificial selection by the Mongolian people."

"When a puppy, the Mongolian Mastiff was fierce, loyal, strong and powerful."

"Bian herds dare not take the initiative to attack wolves, but Mongolian mastiffs dare, and even bite wolves to death."

"My side is not dangerous. Some places in Mongolia rely on mountains. There are black bears, lynxes, and wolves in the mountains. Herders will raise several Mongolian mastiffs."

"With the Mongolian mastiff, black bears dare not come over!"

Jiang Feng introduced to everyone.

Hearing Jiang Feng's words, many netizens who don't know much about dogs also became interested in Mongolian mastiffs.

"This kind of dog is not suitable for raising in the city. After all, it is just like the Tibetan mastiff, too fierce."

"There is also a cold knowledge. In Mongolia, only Mongolian mastiffs can be named after people."

"Because the Mongolians regard dogs as companions, on some celebration days, they will also prepare a gift for the dog at home."

"A few days ago, Burigold and Hadan told me that it is better to raise a Mongolian Mastiff than a Border Collie or a German Shepherd. The Mongolian Mastiff is the best shepherd dog."

"I'm going to pick a puppy tomorrow."

"Anyway, if you're idle, you're idle. Let's go to the dog market."

The next day, Jiang Feng drove to the dog market in Xilin Gol City.

Herdsmen have Mongolian mastiffs in their homes, and they will also give birth to many cubs. But after the puppies are born and after the lactation period, they will be asked to go by relatives and friends.

The herdsmen here have relatively little contact with each other, and Jiang Feng doesn't recognize others, so it's better to spend money to pick them from the dog market.

Today's young people don't need to spend favors if they can solve it with money.

Sophistication is too much trouble.

The dog market in Xilin Gol is open-air. After Jiang Feng came here, he started the drone live broadcast.

Because it is a city, there are all kinds of dogs. The number of Mongolian mastiffs sold is the largest, but the price is the cheapest.

Mongolian mastiffs can give birth to 5 to 7 puppies at a time, and the output is relatively large.

"Now I'm in the dog market here, and I want to pick a stronger Mongolian mastiff."

Jiang Feng said to netizens.

In the live broadcast, people are coming and going in the dog market, and there are many cute puppies in cages or frames.

Some were resting with their eyes closed, some stood up eager to be taken away, and some wagged their tails and smiled heartlessly, completely unaware that they were about to be sold.

Jiang Feng has the skills of a veterinarian and has his own judgment on the appearance of dogs.

His ability to pick dogs is very professional.

Looking around, there are cute puppies all around.

In the live broadcast room, the disciples of Gougoujiao were very excited.

[Owner, you have money, buy all the dogs! 】

【That corgi is so cute! The ass is white and round! 】

[Buy two huskies, I want to see the demolition! 】

[How can two be enough? At least two hundred? 】

[Two hundred huskies? To be honest, I haven't seen it yet, the pasture must not be demolished by them! 】

The bullet screen kept surging.

The live broadcast room became more and more lively.

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