Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 133 The happiness of the field owner is beyond imagination!

A workshop inside the sheep farm, which is used as an area for caring for spring lambs.

There are several pens inside, just put the ewes and lambs in it.

Ewes take care of their lambs automatically.

Several employees are busy inside, preparing to feed the lamb.

Little Border Shepherd, Little White Wolf and Little Coal Ball followed Jiang Feng's feet to inspect their future targets.

As the rancher of the ranch, Jiang Feng himself is relatively leisurely.

He told netizens:

"Sheep are generally divided into winter lambs and spring lambs. I don't have many winter lambs here this year, about seventy or eighty, and they are three months old now."

"There are more spring lambs."

"Winter lambs and spring lambs have their own advantages and disadvantages. Winter lambs are conceived by ewes in summer. At that time, the grass is better and the ewes eat better, so the lambs born are stronger. The disadvantage is that it is colder in winter, and the survival of winter lambs The rate is very low.”

"Spring lambs are born in spring, and the weather is relatively warm. As long as the full moon is over, there will be green grass to eat, and they can develop better."

"But the shortcomings are also obvious."

"That's because the temperature difference between day and night is large in this season, and spring is a period of high incidence of diseases. Lambs are prone to colds and fevers."

"So during this time, we must take good care of the lamb."

"When they are full moon and have strong resistance, they can be released for grazing."

He introduced the difference between winter lamb and spring lamb.

When Chun Lamb was born, it was like sending money from the sky. He went to the sheepfold every morning and found a lot of money to pick up.

However, due to poor care, the lamb caught a cold and had a fever, and it was easy to die young.

However, Jiang Feng has milk powder drawn by lottery, which can improve the resistance of lambs, so very few lambs died young.

Both lambs and ewes are brought into one pen.

A group of lambs gathered together, bleating at each other, looking cute and cute.

The newborn lamb's hair is very new, as white as washing.

Unlike adult sheep, the hair feels a little dirty.

This scene is very cute.

"About 30 lambs were born today, and these lambs are premature."

"For my ranch, this is just the beginning."

"According to the size of 4,000 sheep, seventy or eighty sheep will be born in the next day, and even a hundred at most."

"In this season, many herdsmen will come out to buy spring lambs to take back to raise. Large farms generally sell lambs to reduce the pressure on breeding."

"I don't need it here. I'm going to hire two more people to keep an eye on the sheepfold."

"I will raise all the lambs that are born."

"And some ewes give birth to two lambs or even three lambs at a time, so they need to be cultivated well."

"Winter is over, and it's time for my pasture to grow."

Jiang Feng looked at the little lamb in the pen and said happily.

Old fans in the studio responded:

[The more cattle and sheep, the more worries and risks, so be careful! 】

[Spring lamb is the best, as long as Chun lamb is not allowed to get sick, the survival rate of spring lamb is particularly high! 】

[I'm so envious, dozens of sheep are born every day! 】

【I'm also a herdsman. I couldn't be happier if my sheep gave birth to two sheep today. Farmer Jiang gave birth to thirty sheep here. I'm sure I'm even happier! 】

[When will this feeling of lying down and making money be my turn! 】

The scene where the little lambs get together is quite cute.

The ewes are around the lambs. These ewes all recognize their own children, and they are very relieved just to get the group together.

These little lambs are all on the side of the wall, farther away from the railing.

At this time, a courageous little lamb walked out of the flock, walked to the railing, looked up at Jiang Feng through the railing.

The little guy was covered in pure white, his ears were shaking slightly, and his expression was full of curiosity.

Jiang Feng looked down at it and said with a smile:

"This kebab is quite bold."

The little lamb seemed to have heard Jiang Feng's words, and exhausted all his strength to "baa" towards Jiang Feng.

This response amused netizens.

[Little lamb: You are lamb kebabs, and your whole family is lamb kebabs! 】

[Hahaha, this little lamb has a temper, so cute! 】

[Owner, can this be tolerated? Let's make a roasted suckling sheep, the tender meat is delicious! 】

Seeing everyone's barrage, Jiang Feng shook his head.

"I never eat roasted suckling sheep until they are big enough."

"The little lamb is still cute."

"A lot of people keep lambs as pets and take them everywhere they go."

"Most mammals are cute when they're small."

The little lamb in front of him is indeed quite tempered, fearless through the railing, and even bleating at Jiang Feng.

Seeing this, the little Bian Mu at Jiang Feng's feet barked at the lamb, and then let out a low growl.

Hearing the voice of the border shepherd, the little lamb was a little scared, and then ran to the back to find his mother.

Herdsmen's life has always been orderly

The grazing prohibition period ends in early May, when herdsmen are allowed to graze on pastures.

The main task during the period from March to May is to pick up spring lambs.

Veterinary stations in various townships will send inspectors to the pastures and herdsmen's homes to investigate the growth of the spring lambs.

Many netizens don't know what Chungao is, and they only understood it after watching Jiang Feng's live broadcast.

This kind of harvest joy makes everyone like to watch it very much.

So everyone also began to meet tomorrow to continue watching Jiang Feng looking for Chungao.

It is not a problem for his ranch to deliver 2,000 babies.

But if you raise them all, the pressure is a little bit high.

Because milk may not be enough.

There are many beef cattle in Jiangfeng's cattle farm, but now there are more than 20 dairy cows, and no matter how much milk they produce, there is not enough milk for 2,000 lambs.

It can only be said that the ewes should be fed as much as possible, and then a batch of milk needs to be purchased.

The live broadcast that day was mainly about taking care of Chun Zao.

This is just the beginning, not the climax yet.

Jiang Feng has nothing to do when he is idle, so he will also go into the pen to play with the two lambs in his arms.

The little lambs are very cute, and they won't resist, sticking out their tongues and bleating at most.

That night, Jiang Feng settled the popularity value of the live broadcast that day.

"A total of 424,328 people were online for more than one minute in the live broadcast room that day, with an average online time of 2.4 hours and a popularity of 1,018,387.2"

"Current total popularity: 15.4 million."

It has accumulated another 15 million popularity points since it started broadcasting a year later.

"A top draw."

A bunch of item rewards were drawn in the high-level lottery before, but the effect can only be said to be mediocre. Jiang Feng still chose the top level lottery once.

"The host selects the top lottery, the lottery is in progress"

"Congratulations to the host for getting the item:"

"Interior decoration*1: The host can choose a style of interior decoration, including various expensive furniture, and the total decoration value is about 600,000 Huaxia coins."

The sound of the system sounds.

"interior renovation?"

Jiang Feng has always been a Buddhist. He has his own yard, but it has been decorated a little bit. The house is in a relatively simple style, not luxurious.

There is also a kitchen in the yard and two storerooms.

His room is two bedrooms, one living room and one bathroom, with an independent bathroom.

It's not bad to take out the interior decoration now.

Jiang Feng chose from the schemes given by the system, and finally chose a decoration style that combines traditional and modern, which is more in line with the aesthetics of the Han people.

Later, a decoration company will come to decorate, and the money will still be paid from his stock account, and he will not need to do anything.

After drawing the rewards, Jiang Feng took out the PS5 game console, played the game for a while with Xiao Bianmu in his arms, and when it was getting late, he washed and went to bed.

The next day, it was another day to watch the Spring Lamb.

Jiang Feng now watches it once every morning and once in the evening.

After the live broadcast started, a large group of netizens filed in.

Everyone's purpose is very simple, just to see how many spring lambs Jiang Feng can find from several sheep pens.

With obsession, watching live broadcasts will be more motivated and fun.

The number of people in the live broadcast room rose wildly, and soon reached 80,000+

It was only around nine in the morning, and the number of people online in real time was very exaggerated.

[Have you started counting lambs? It's over! 】

[It hasn't started yet! 】

[Just wait to see the owner pick up the spring lamb! 】

[I guess at least forty! 】

【More in the morning, less in the afternoon, there should be fifty in the morning! 】

The barrage scrolled crazily.

Not long after, Jiang Feng appeared in his sheep farm.

There is a roof above the sheep farm, and the interior is surrounded by railings. At a glance, it is all piled up with sheep.

Jiang Feng walked into the pen and started looking for the little lamb.

"Let's see how the harvest is today."

"Chun Lamb has to be separated, and live in a bigger circle."

After he entered the sheepfold, the sheep began to disperse, keeping a distance of more than one meter from him.

Sheep are all like this, they are stupid, pushing around, and then their buttocks are facing Jiangfeng.

Yang Maolin, Hadan, and Briggood are also looking for the lamb.

One, two, three.

Both lambs and ewes are taken out to other pens.

Netizens counted the number of lambs.

Looking at the busy figure of Jiangfeng looking for sheep in the pen, everyone felt very happy.

At this time, Jiang Feng had quick eyes and quick hands, and rushed over to grab three lambs at a time.

He couldn't help laughing and said:

"This ewe has three lambs!"

"Yes, triple the happiness."

Jiang Feng hugged the three lambs in his arms, and walked out contentedly with the ewe.

The ewe was a little worried about the lamb, and followed closely beside Jiang Feng.

The atmosphere at the scene was very relaxed.

On the other side, Yang Maolin and Hadan were also looking for the little lamb with a smile.

Spring is the season of harvest.

Several people searched the sheepfold several times, and found 43 lambs in one morning alone.

"43, still not enough!"

Jiang Feng sighed with emotion.

Hearing his words, netizens responded one after another:

[The host is a bit of a Versailles! 】

[43 sheep, one of which can be eaten for a month and a half a day! 】

[It's really cool to pick up the lamb. 】

【It's a large ranch, it's normal to have hundreds of them a day, and it hasn't started yet! 】

[The happiness of the host is beyond your imagination. 】

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