Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 145 The Mongolian Mastiff Stung by Bees, Poor and Funny!

On the pasture, there are too many lambs.

Jiang Feng took out a pack of crispy corner snacks from his arms.

Many people think that sheep only eat grass, but in fact they eat almost everything except meat.

They eat all kinds of vegetables, human snacks, and even cigarette butts on the ground.

What they eat is converted into nutrients in their bodies.

Prairie sheep can only eat grass, so they are premium for a reason.

"Little lambs generally like to eat human snacks very much. As long as they are fed once, they can remember the taste of the snacks."

"I fed a little lamb before."

"The lamb was abandoned by the ewe, so I fed it a few times and named it Xiaomian."

"It should know its own name."

Jiang Feng explained to netizens.

The strange behavior of animals is always very attractive.

When netizens heard what Jiang Feng said, they wanted to see it.

I saw Jiang Feng calling loudly to the sheep in the distance:

"Xiao Mian!"

"Xiao Mian!"

After he finished speaking, he saw a little white sheep quickly ran out of the group of sheep grazing, bouncing and running towards Jiang Feng.

Baby mammals are always innocent and cute.

The little lamb knew it was being called, so he rushed over excitedly.

It seems to have a childish smile on its face.

The drone captured this scene, and the barrage in the live broadcast room continued to surge in an instant.

【My God, what a cute little lamb! 】

[Can lambs be so cute? 】

[It's a pity that sheep become ugly when they grow up, otherwise they can be used as pets and get rid of the fate of food. 】

[It seems that there are pygmy sheep that are specially used as pets! 】

Everyone saw the scene where the lamb was rushing towards the river wind, and everyone's mood was infected, and they felt relaxed and happy.

The lamb quickly ran to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng unpacked the snacks and began to feed the lamb.

Every time he took out a piece, the lamb quickly ate it up.

After eating, he looked at the packaging bag in Jiang Feng's hand.

Sheep have very low IQs and are only driven by food.

That cute look made Jiang Feng also laugh.

Jiang Feng took out a few more snacks and fed it. The little sheep chewed very quickly, making a crisp sound of "click, click".

Jiang Feng knew that he couldn't let him eat more of this thing, so he waved his hand and said:

"No, let's go eat grass!"

Unexpectedly, the little lamb was so stubborn that he leaned his body over, put his head against Jiang Feng's arm, and even used his mouth to eat the snacks in the packaging bag.

But the strength of the lamb is not as strong as Jiang Feng's.

Jiang Feng picked it up with a light hug, and then put it aside.

The lamb was hugged like this, and he forgot what he wanted to do just now.

It glanced back at Jiang Feng, was stunned for a moment, and then ate grass leisurely beside it.

Seeing this scene, netizens were slightly taken aback.

[The little lamb is not making a fuss now? 】

[Good guy, the memory is shorter than a fish! 】

[Sheep are really stupid, they have no brains at all! 】

Jiang Feng watched the sheep on the pasture for a while.

The flocks of sheep are in groups, and they are vast and mighty.

The shepherd dogs also dispersed, playing and staring at the flock.

The life of herding sheep is so simple. My own pasture is now surrounded by barbed wire, so I don't worry about the sheep running away.

Even on the other side of the no-man's land, Jiang Feng added wooden railings, but no barbed wire.

The wooden railings can prevent camels and horses from passing through, but wolves, foxes, and wild boars can still get in through the railings below.

So even if it is completely free-range, the cattle and sheep cannot be lost by themselves.

But although cattle and sheep can't be lost, there are still sheep thieves and wild wolves on the grassland.

The flock has to be watched.

Jiang Feng rested for a while, planning to get up and look at the scenery.

Below the shady slope, there are some low trees, forming a small forest.

Little Mongolian Mastiff is playing in the forest.

Jiang Feng walked towards the forest, and as soon as he got close, he heard the little Mongolian mastiff screaming.



There was a bit of milk in this painful voice.

When Jiang Feng heard the cry, he hurried towards the little Mongolian mastiff.

Netizens also heard the barking of the puppy, and everyone became energetic in an instant.

Jiang Feng quickly ran to the side of the little Mongolian mastiff, squatted down and took a look, only to see a dead wasp beside the little Mongolian mastiff.

It should be that the little Mongolian mastiff saw the wasp and bit it just now, but was stung by the wasp on the side of its nose.

That's why the little guy is in such pain.

"It was stung by a wasp!"

Jiang Feng held down the dog's head of the little Mongolian mastiff, and saw that the wasp's stinger was still on the little Mongolian mastiff's nose, so he stretched out his hand to help it pull out the poisonous needle.

But the poisonous needle was pulled out, but there was no cure for the poison.

You can only disinfect the area around the wound, and then apply a cold compress with ice cubes.

But there is no ice right now, so Jiang Feng can only comfort the little Mongolian Mastiff to calm it down.

Mongolian mastiffs grow up to be extremely powerful and strong.

But when I was young, I was still a little naive.

"The briquettes are going to be miserable now. After being stung by a wasp, I can only wait for the swelling to subside slowly. It may take a few days to heal."

"If nothing else happens, its face will swell up in less than an hour."

Jiang Feng sighed and said with emotion.

The joys and sorrows of people are not the same.

Jiang Feng was very helpless, but the netizens seemed extraordinarily happy.

[Has the puppy been stung by a wasp? Then can I watch a play! 】

[I've seen photos of dogs being stung by Ma Feng, it's super interesting! 】

[Dogs are actually not malicious, they just nibble with their mouths, but wasps don't think so! 】

【I saw a bee nest next to it. The wasp should be a scout, ready to kill the bees. So the little Mongolian mastiff protected the bees. 】

[When will this puppy get swollen! I want to see! 】

Jiang Feng carried the little Mongolian mastiff to the grass, and he gently stroked the back of the Mongolian mastiff.

The little guy was lying on the grass, his eyes a little aggrieved, but he didn't yell anymore.

Although the mood was extremely depressed, when Jiang Feng touched its small head, the Mongolian mastiff's small tail would still be raised high, and then dangled.

At this moment, the bored netizens obviously focused their attention on the face of the Mongolian Mastiff.

As time went by, the Mongolian Mastiff's face really began to swell.

After a while, its nose got bigger, as if it had a baseball stuffed in its mouth.

It looked up at Jiang Feng, and Jiang Feng couldn't help but smile when he saw its expression.

Like is like, funny is funny, this does not conflict.

Although Jiang Feng felt that the little guy was very pitiful, he still couldn't help laughing.

That look was like Tony Leung looking at him with a sausage mouth.

Netizens are even more joyful.

[Hahaha, this dog's expression is amazing! 】

[Is a puppy so cute after being stung by a wasp? 】

[It's really pitiful, but it's really funny! 】

[It's so cute, even after being stung like this, she still tried to wag her tail and show off to the owner! 】

The bullet screen kept surging.

At this time, little Jinhua shepherd came back and ran to the little Mongolian mastiff to play.

It looked at the back of the little Mongolian mastiff from behind, and wanted to go over to say hello.

At this time, the Mongolian mastiff turned around and looked at the little border shepherd.

Seeing the appearance of the little Mongolian mastiff, Xiao Bianmu was startled, and immediately jumped back a step.

Little Bianmu tilted his head, looking at the Mongolian mastiff with a somewhat puzzled expression.

It doesn't know why the Mongolian Mastiff became like this.

The little guy carefully confirmed that it was the Mongolian mastiff, and then slowly approached.

The little Bianmu put his face next to the Mongolian mastiff, looked at it carefully, and then gave a soft "bark".

That way it seems to say:

What's wrong with you?

The little Mongolian mastiff looked a little aggrieved, and wanted to call twice in response, but its mouth was swollen, so it could only keep silent.

[Hahaha, the border collie was startled by the Mongolian mastiff! 】

[I haven't seen you for a long time, so much has changed! 】

[Xiao Bianmu: Why didn't I eat so much for a long time? 】

When netizens saw the appearance of the two dogs, they sent barrage responses one after another.

On the first day of grazing, there are always some troubles.

Many lambs came out to graze for the first time. They lowered their heads and imitated the big sheep, looking for taller pastures to eat.

Sheep in winter are not very fat.

It only needs to be stocked for a period of time in spring, and the fatness of sheep can be restored quickly.

Jiang Feng watched the sheep herding for a while, and chatted with everyone:

"The time for grazing in spring, summer and autumn is different."

"The weather in spring is good, and the grass is not lush, so the time for herding sheep will be longer. They come out in the morning and go back in the afternoon."

"The weather is hot in summer and the grass is very lush, so you only need to let the sheep eat for a while to be full, which will shorten the time for grazing."

"Also keep the sheep from heatstroke."

"Usually, sheep herding starts at six o'clock in the morning and they come back at 10:30 o'clock in the morning."

"In the afternoon, there will be a wave at four or five o'clock, and then it will come back after seven o'clock."

"Summer sheep are the fattest and most suitable for slaughter."

The experience of grazing is summed up by herders from generation to generation.

Netizens heard this and said that the useless cold knowledge has increased again.

People used to say that if you don't study well, you have to herd sheep when you grow up. Now it seems that even if you are herding sheep, there is a lot of knowledge in it!

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