Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 155 Grassland Tracking, Scary Rancher!

It's a quiet night.

A person nestled in a rocking chair to enjoy the cool.

After making a video of the sea of ​​peony flowers during the day, it attracted people to like it again and again.

Jiang Feng's mood also improved.

until the next morning.

Just as Jiang Feng got up and finished washing, Yang Maolin hurried to find Jiang Feng.

"Captain, it's not good, something happened!"

There was a bit of urgency in Yang Maolin's voice.

Hearing this, Jiang Feng immediately asked, "What's the matter?"

"I lost the sheep, those sheep thieves came over last night!"

Yang Maolin said to Jiang Feng.

Hearing this, Jiang Feng's expression changed slightly.

Grasslands have always been unsafe. Due to the vast land and sparse population and insufficient police force, sheep thieves have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

The sheep thief would drive a van, sneak up to the sheepfold at night, steal a few sheep and run away.

There are sheep thieves and dog thieves in the village.

The most abominable thing is the dog thieves. They will shoot the pastoral dog with an anesthetic needle, and after the pastoral dog faints, they will drive over and load the dog into the car, and then send it to the dog meat restaurant.

These days there are always people who want to get something for nothing, stealing things can make hundreds of thousands at a time, and they are willing to take risks.

Of course, some dog thieves were caught by the villagers and beaten to death.

Hearing what Yang Maolin said, Jiang Feng immediately went to check the surveillance video.

I saw that at around 3:00 in the morning, a van turned off all the lights and drove into the sheepfold from the entrance of the ranch. Several people got off the car and pulled a few sheep from the sheepfold into the van. The speed was very high. quick.

At this time, Laifu and Laicai ran out and yelled at the van.

But the van came and went quickly, stole the sheep and left.

The van had no license plate, and the people who got off all wore scarves on their faces.

This gang of sheep thieves has a strong sense of anti-investigation.

Jiang Feng frowned.

"How many sheep are lost?" he asked.

"There are six sheep in total. This group has appeared in the pasture in the south before. There are three people in total. They steal the sheep very professionally. They will leave as soon as they are stolen, and then change to another place." Yang Maolin replied.

Hearing this, Jiang Feng nodded,

"The loss of the sheep is a small matter, but it also shows that there is a problem with the security of the ranch."

"Today, I will contact the manufacturer to build the gate of the ranch and close it completely."

"Talk this matter to the police immediately."

"Whether you can get it back or not, there is always more hope."

Jiang Feng didn't blame anyone for this kind of thing, because it was an irresistible factor.

Opening a ranch, opening a farm, always encounter many things.

It's not scary to encounter things, it depends on how to deal with them.

Jiangfeng's pasture is surrounded by barbed wire railings, but there is no gate at the entrance.

Only one dirt road leads from the entrance to the living area.

On weekdays, there are often cars driving in from the entrance.

The grassland is so big, and everyone is not too wary.

"Yes, I'm also to blame for this matter. Yesterday Briggold said that a van was wandering outside the pasture during the day, and I didn't pay attention."

"Now that I think about it, it should be those thieves who are stepping on the spot."

"This kind of wandering sheep thief steals a place and runs away. The sheep will probably be sold that night. It is very difficult to catch them again."

Yang Maolin said again.

"It's not too late to mend the dead sheep." Jiang Feng said again.

Waking up early in the morning and losing six sheep is worse than losing six sheep!

A sheep thief came in!

"People's hearts are sinister. There has never been such a thing in my house. After all, Mao Deng is renting the pasture, and the people around him don't know each other. It's normal for some thieves to sneak in."

"According to 2,500 pieces, more than 15,000 pieces are gone!"

Jiang Feng felt a little depressed.

In the morning, the live broadcast will start as usual.

The cattle and sheep go out of the pen, and the drone follows and shoots.

When the drone came back, Jiang Feng was practicing bow and arrow.

He made a straw man out of the haystack and stood in the distance, and Jiang Feng aimed and shot with an arrow.

He told netizens about the loss of sheep last night.

At everyone's request, the monitoring was also released.

Seeing a few people stealing sheep in the dark, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room suddenly exploded.

[What a shame, which fan did it! 】

[Hahaha, watching the owner lose a sheep, I feel so good, what should I say? 】

[Down with the evil landlord! 】

[66666! 】

The screen was full of applause.

The joys and sorrows of people are not the same.

When Jiang Feng was depressed, everyone only felt happy.

Netizens have always been like this, and everyone knows that sheep are nothing to Jiang Feng.

But it's so much fun to have fun with.

Jiang Feng said calmly:

"The ranch will install a gate today, and it will be completely closed in the future."

"Monitoring is not enough, we still need to strengthen prevention."

Hearing his words, netizens responded again:

[Sure enough, it is a modern version of the story of mending a sheep after a dead sheep! 】

[The host taught us another lesson! 】

[Correction after a dead sheep? Lost sheep to mend the door! 】

【The gang of thieves are so courageous, they stole into the Prairie King's house. 】

Jiang Feng didn't say any more, there is still special training today.

By the time of the Naadam Conference, archery was divided into fixed archery and riding archery.

Riding and archery is the highlight of the game.

Jiang Feng called Chitu, installed the saddle, and rode on the horse with a bow and arrow.

The combination of horses and bows and arrows has the feeling of a knight in the desert in ancient times.

He galloped around the haystack on horseback, and while moving at high speed, he quickly drew his bow and shot arrows.

The horse was very bumpy, and it was difficult to aim and stabilize.

However, Jiang Feng moved quickly, so there was no big problem.

As soon as the arrow went down, the bow and arrow immediately sank into the scarecrow's body.

This resolute and vigorous archery action has attracted people's applause again and again.

[The host is amazing! There's something on me! 】

【This man is too strong! 】

[So far, I have seen the most literary and martial anchor! 】

[A capable person really looks more handsome! 】

At this moment, Jiang Feng received a call from Yang Maolin. Yang Maolin went to the police station to call the police today, and made a record by the way.

But Jiang Feng felt that there was little hope in his heart.

The thief didn't know where he went, and the police station was underpowered.

This kind of lost sheep is hard to recover.

Jiang Feng pressed the on button.

"Director, I saw the thieves, they are heading towards the ranch, and they are going to run north!"

"Driving a silver van!"

"I came back from the south and just saw them."

"That car is not bad, the headlights, car glass and traces on the body all match!"

"I've already told Battelle!"

Yang Maolin's voice rang on the phone.

Hearing this, Jiang Feng's temper immediately came up.

The sheep thief is too hateful.

It's fine if you can't find them, but now they've found their traces!

Jiang Feng must talk to them about the truth.

"Okay, I'll go and have a look!"

Jiang Feng was riding a horse. He was at the entrance of the pasture. He was originally here to inspect the installation of the gate by the workers.

So he walked out of the pasture, took out his binoculars and looked outside.

Coincidentally, Jiang Feng just saw the dirty van.

"Look over there, that's the car that stole the sheep! These people actually stole the sheep and didn't run away? Are you insulting me?"

"Too exasperating!"

Even though Jiang Feng has a good temper, his temper has come up at this time.

He stepped on his horse and rode the red rabbit straight towards the van.

Netizens were a little confused when they heard Jiang Feng's words.

[That van is the one used to steal sheep? 】

[This group stole the sheep and didn't run away? So brave? 】

[How dare you come back! Now found out! 】

[But what should the host do? 】

As for the van, a group of three sheep thieves were driving the van, with the windows open and the wind blowing, their expressions extremely comfortable.

After they stole the sheep last night, they immediately went to Xilinhot City to sell them, and then went to the health care department, which was the best time.

"It has to be a sheep in the family of a big Internet celebrity, the price is high!" The leader was very embarrassing.

"This rancher is a big internet celebrity, will we make things too big by doing this?" A person was more cautious and asked.

"What are you afraid of? The fake license plate of the decked car, where can we find us in this prairie? The police station doesn't care if you lose a few sheep, don't worry." The remaining person comforted.

"Yes, we left Xilin Gol today, and they still come out to catch us?" The leading sheep thief continued.

Just as he was talking, the co-pilot saw a person riding a horse approaching them quickly from the rearview mirror.

The car was not driving fast, about 70 kilometers per hour.

The copilot's sheep thief rubbed his eyes.

When he saw Jiang Feng on the horse clearly, he woke up instantly.

"Hold the grass! It's the rancher, it's him!"

"Quick, run!"

The sheep thief in the co-pilot exclaimed, with a bit of panic in his voice.

His shout alarmed the other two sheep thieves.

One of them looked in the rearview mirror from the driver's seat, and the person in the back seat turned and looked out the glass in the back of the car.

They all saw Jiang Feng coming on a galloping horse.

At this moment, the three of them only felt a gust of cold air rise from their feet and go straight into their bodies!

Jiang Feng on horseback is like a god of killing!

The driver immediately became nervous. He stepped on the accelerator and wanted to accelerate.

At the same time, Jiang Feng was riding a horse, less than 50 meters away from the van.

At this time, the speed of the van is not fast. After all, it is a dirt road, which is uneven and not very easy to drive.

So Chituma can easily catch up.

The stamina of the van far exceeds the stamina of the horse if the van accelerates.

Jiang Feng knew that they were speeding up, so he couldn't catch up.

And if you drive further, you can get on the national highway, and it is impossible to catch up!

At this time, Jiang Feng was holding a bow and arrow in his hand, and there were two arrows in the quiver on his back.

Without hesitation, he immediately drew his bow and shot an arrow.

The drone turned on the high-performance mode and quickly chased after it.

Netizens saw from a distance that Jiang Feng took out an arrow from the quiver, then drew the bow, and shot it directly at the van.

Then, under everyone's horrified eyes, the arrow directly hit the rear wheel of the van.


With the sound of a flat tire, one of the rear tires of the van blew out, and the vehicle began to skid!

After some shaking, the van was finally forced to stop on the grass.

Although the drone is still relatively far away.

But just seeing this picture from a distance, netizens are also shocked.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Only two words come to mind:

"Hold the grass!"

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