Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 179 Flying into the clouds, the stunning beauty!

Internet post bar, microblog and other gathering places for netizens.

Jiang Feng went to the discussion area.

"No, why did the anchor casually say something that is still on the trending search? Are people so boring now?"

"There's nothing to discuss about it, it's just a gimmick, at most it's flying a kite or flying a plane."

"Some bosses predicted that it would be the most reasonable to rent a helicopter and take a bird's-eye view of Naadam."

"What's so interesting about a helicopter!"

At first, people were very interested, but after a day, everyone felt a little boring, and the trend of posts in the discussion area was also changing.

In the afternoon, after Jiang Feng started broadcasting.

The discussion area exploded again!

"Go and see, he really wants to go to heaven!! Super awesome!!!"

"I'm too strong, Cao, what a god!"


Netizens posted posts one after another after seeing Jiang Feng's operation.

These posts attracted more netizens to watch.

At the same time, in the live broadcast room.

Jiang Feng is sorting out the hot air balloon.

The number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded 100,000+, but the exact number is not shown.

Jiang Feng said to everyone unhurriedly:

"Today is a live broadcast of a hot air balloon going up to the sky. Just now I saw someone asking how to control the direction of the hot air balloon."

"Here, let's popularize science. Hot air balloons can't control the direction, they can only float with the wind."

"There are high demands on the driver's experience."

"We must fully take into account the influence of weather and wind direction."

"But experienced pilots can operate the hot air balloon to the designated target, because the wind direction is different at different altitudes."

"For example, if the south wind is at an altitude of 100 meters to 500 meters, you can fly north, and if the west wind is at 500 meters to 1,000 meters, you can fly east."

"By adjusting the height of the hot air balloon until it reaches the designated destination."

Several people spread out the hot air balloon, and other employees of the ranch rushed out to watch.

This whole thing is too big.

The whole network is unique.

Which anchor dares to play like this?

The hot air balloon is laid flat, and a large bamboo basket underneath is turned sideways. The bamboo basket and the balloon are connected by steel wires, and there is a flamethrower on it.

Jiang Feng got into the hot air balloon and started playing.

What netizens saw was a hot air balloon laid flat on the ground, with something moving inside, like a caterpillar.

The more everyone watched, the more excited they became.

[The host is always unexpected! 】

[Hahaha, all the sheep herders have played with hot air balloons! 】

[What a fucking talent! 】

【Reliable? Why do I feel so empty! 】

Jiang Feng also smoothed the inside of the hot air balloon. Then, he came to the opening of the balloon, brought the blower over, and filled the balloon with air.

With his back to the fan, he raised the upper edge of the balloon with both hands.

The wind keeps blowing into the balloon.

Gradually, the surface of the balloon became undulating, and the overall volume became larger and larger.

Jiang Feng also took the time to tell everyone:

"It is now in a state of cold start, and the buoyancy is not high."

"The heated air will expand, which will increase the buoyancy and allow you to take off."

The balloon keeps getting bigger.

This balloon is 23 meters high, a level 7 hot air balloon, and can carry two to three people, just standing in the frame made of reeds.

But today there is only Jiang Feng alone, and Jiang Feng will not let others take risks.

He can skydive himself, so there is almost no danger.

Netizens were dumbfounded as they watched the expanding balloon.

Everyone knows that Jiang Feng has to do some work today.

But I didn't expect the whole job to be so big!

At present, he is the most popular live broadcast on the short video platform.

This time it's really hot out of the circle!

After the balloon inflated, Jiangfeng ignited the flamethrower to heat the gas.

The hot air balloon began to float upwards, and the fallen bamboo basket was also righted.

At this time, the buoyancy is not so strong, it just makes the bamboo basket float up.

There are still ropes attached to the bamboo basket, so I don’t worry about the hot air balloon flying away.

Jiang Feng walked up to the hot air balloon and stood in the bamboo basket.

He was wearing a jacket and sweatpants, a sporty outfit, and he was carrying a parachute bag on his back.

"Hardan, Briggood, come and help me press the frame."

Jiang Feng called for the two to come over.

Hardan and Briggood ran over in a hurry, put their elbows on the bamboo basket, let their bodies hang on it, pressed the hot air balloon, and prevented the hot air balloon from flying.

Surrounded by green grass.

Cats, dogs, donkeys and domestic pigs all stood on the grass, looking at the hot air balloon with suspicion.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were very nervous.

Jiangfeng's hot air balloon is a custom-made pattern.

Above is the blue sky and white clouds, and a group photo of the golden little Bianmu hugging the white wolf, which is very cute.

The city's flight brigade sent two people over to watch Jiangfeng's hot air balloon.

The managers of Maoden Ranch also came.

Jiang Feng's incident this time is not an ordinary incident, because the traffic is too large, many people are paying attention to him.

The buoyancy of the huge hot air balloon began to increase.

Jiang Feng stood in the bamboo basket and said to everyone:

"Manipulating a hot air balloon is as simple as operating these two flame guns."

"Press them at the same time to make the balloon go up."

"Just press one, that is, inject gas on one side, make the hot air balloon tilt a little bit, and also control the direction slightly."

"When landing, just lower the flame slowly."

Jiang Feng demonstrated the operation of the hot air balloon to everyone.

The two flamethrowers are facing upwards, and they can move and change directions at will.

To fly a hot air balloon is to learn where to spray fire, and how much fire to spray.

Of course, there have been accidents before. The driver operated the flamethrower at too large an angle, causing the flamethrower to burn the rope of the hot air balloon, which almost caused an accident.

Jiang Feng looked relaxed and said:

"There is a delay of more than 20 seconds in the operation of the hot air balloon. It is not possible to go away as soon as you breathe out the fire. You have to get used to this rhythm."

"Okay, I'm going to heaven."

Jiang Feng put on the goggles and pressed the two fire-breathing buttons at the same time.

call! ! !

call! ! !

The two flamethrowers point upward at ninety degrees, ejecting two fire snakes.

The sound of flames surging could be heard in the live broadcast room.

Netizens were deeply shocked.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, Hardan and Brzygood, who were pressing on the frame, felt that the frame was lifting them up, and they both let go of their hands and jumped back at the same time.

The frame wobbled a little, swaying left and right.

Everyone panicked when they saw this scene.

Jiang Feng knew this was normal, so he stabilized his figure.

In this way, a huge hot air balloon rose from the inside of the ranch and slowly floated higher.

The drone followed and filmed.

Netizens were already stunned.

【Fly! Really fly! 】

[Owner, accept your supernatural powers, you are too good at writing! 】

[It's so fierce, even dare to play with a hot air balloon! 】

[I have a fear of heights, and my legs look weak! 】

The hot air balloon starts to go up.

Jiang Feng controls the direction and strength of the flamethrower.

As long as the flamethrower is handled well, then the hot air balloon is perfectly fine.

Jiang Feng overlooked the grassland below from the frame.

This is the first time he can see his pasture clearly.

Because of the grass seeds planted, the grass in his pasture is tall and dense.

There is an area where the pasture is higher than the calf, and it has not been eaten by cattle and sheep yet.

At that time, it depends on the situation. If the cattle and sheep are enough to eat, this pasture will be specially used as a grass cutting area.

The harvest is more than double that of last year.

He also saw the lake on the meadow, and the river on the edge of the meadow.

From a height, you can see that the grassland is also undulating, like waves, patchwork.

Jiang Feng turned the camera of the drone to the bottom.

"For the first time, I overlooked the whole picture of my pasture, and it felt more turbulent than I imagined."

"Only by standing tall can you see far. I didn't think the pastures fluctuated so much before."

"It's clearer when you look at it this way."

Jiang Feng told everyone very leisurely.

The huge hot air balloon floats slowly.

Floating all the way to the distance.

This time the destination is the main venue of the Naadam Conference.

Jiang Feng had checked the wind direction in advance, and the direction of the wind would allow the hot air balloon to fly into the Naadam venue.

The end of the trip is over there.

The hot air balloon floats very slowly.

In order to control the direction, Jiang Feng chose to continue to let the hot air balloon rise.

The wind above is relatively small, and the controller of the drone is on the hot air balloon, so the drone can also fly so high.

The pastures on the ground are getting smaller and smaller.

Not long after, Jiang Feng felt that the surrounding vision was a little blurred.

He flew into the clouds.

In the ranch, the ranch employees, people from the flying brigade, people from Mao Deng Ranch, and people from the city all looked up at the huge hot air balloon.

"Into the clouds! Out of sight!"

"Can you fly to the Naadam venue?"

"Longevity is auspicious! Bless the director!"

The employees below exclaimed again and again.

The weather is clear and the breeze is blowing, flying into the clouds.

Jiang Feng's vision was a little blurry at first, but after flying high, it was higher than the clouds.

He looked down, where the clouds obscured the situation on the ground.

These clouds are just a short distance below the hot air balloon, and they are very dense. There is an urge to jump down and bounce on the white clouds.

Of course, just thinking about it.

Clouds do not have the power to carry people.

Netizens in the live broadcast room saw such a scene for the first time, and everyone was amazed when they saw Bai Yun below.

It is even more amazing than watching the sea of ​​clouds from the mountains.

This is the cloud of the prairie, as soft as cotton and as white as white sugar.

[What a beautiful cloud, this is the first time I see a cloud like this from above! 】

[It feels amazing, like watching a video with VR glasses! 】

[Today this time, I really like the host, very pleasantly surprised! 】

Jiang Feng took out his mobile phone and glanced at the location on the map.

He used Gaode map navigation, and the navigation method he chose was walking.

After all, Gaode map does not have the option of "hot air balloon navigation".

"It's in the clouds, and after another half an hour of floating, it's almost very close to the venue."

"Then slowly began to descend, and finally landed in the main venue."

"The Naadam Conference always needs to do some publicity for the grassland."

Jiang Feng continued to explain leisurely.

At first he was a little apprehensive, but after flying for a while, his mentality gradually stabilized.

Jiangfeng can also overlook the whole picture of the grassland.

Not long after, he floated out of the clouds and flew to a cloudless area.

At a glance, in addition to green, it is still green.

Occasionally, some cattle, sheep and horses can be seen, which are smaller than ants in his eyes.

This kind of scenery is really rare.

To see it once is the ultimate enjoyment.

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