Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 214 The whole job, bestow the highest etiquette on your ranch!

Xiaoling Weasel's deeds were quickly edited by self-media and posted on the Internet.

Here's a full short.

At first, the chicken farm was shocked to find the dead hen.

Jiang Feng, as a witness and rancher, began to check the situation of the chicken farm.

At this time, the suspect weasel appeared, showing an aggrieved look.

The case immediately became complicated and confusing.

Then, Jiang Feng checked the surveillance and locked the real criminal, Xiao Ling Weasel.

He sent the cat boss to catch it.

Finally, the criminal was caught, criticized and educated, and driven out of the ranch.

The story is perfectly closed.

Many netizens who did not watch the live broadcast were also attracted by the video and expressed their opinions online.

"That little white weasel is so cute, why don't you raise it?"

"People are protected wild animals and cannot be kept in captivity."

"This raccoon cat can actually understand the anchor's words, and really went to find Xiaoling Weasel?"

"This is normal. My cat was lost. I fed the stray cats in the community, and then showed the stray cats a photo of it. My cat came back within a few days."

"This little thief is cute, and his hands are quite fierce from the surveillance!"

Everyone chatted happily.

Not long after, the entry of # cat catches Ling Weasel # became the top three hot searches on the short video platform, with more than 900 W popularity

Jiang Feng became angry again.

After driving the little weasel out, Jiang Feng continued to observe the situation outside the ranch.

He had a faint feeling that the little guy hadn't left.

In fact, if the little weasel is close to people, it’s okay to keep it. After all, there is already a weasel in the pasture, so it’s good to raise another weasel.

But this thing is cute and cute, and the desire to hunt is too strong, and thieves can eat it, and they like to eat brains alive.

When you are full, you will go hunting again. The chickens and ducks in the pasture are really not enough for it to make.

It's better to let it go to the pasture and catch some rabbits and mice.

After dealing with the matter of Xiaoling Weasel, Jiang Feng started to deal with his own business again.

At the beginning of August again, he began to calculate the accounts for July.

Running a ranch is no easy task.

There are too many people in this line.

Jiang Feng calculated, and now the monthly profit is more than 300,000 yuan, and it may be much better in autumn.

But compared with the investment, this money is still nothing.

He now makes much more money from live broadcasting than from running a ranch. After live broadcasting, he makes money super fast.

But Jiang Feng still wants to develop the ranch well.

"Although it is still profitable, the income is not too high."

"The wealth of herdsmen can only increase steadily, and sudden wealth is unlikely."

"After all, the herdsmen on the grasslands are all raising cattle and sheep. The threshold is relatively low, and the upper limit is relatively low, so the income will definitely not be high."

Jiang Feng pondered secretly in his heart.

Everyone is raising cattle and sheep, even if Jiang Feng is raising well, it is just raising well.

If you want to expand your ranch business, you must do things that others cannot.

Such as cultivating good varieties of mushrooms.

Such as opening your own brand dairy farm, your own brand roast beef jerky.

Such as the development of tourism agriculture.

Only in this way can we stand out and get rid of those at the bottom who only rely on herding cattle and sheep to make money.

In fact, Jiang Feng's live broadcast also belongs to this category.

"But as long as it can be stable, it's just for live broadcast."

Jiang Feng was very open.

After calculating the accounts, he found that the profit of the ranch was relatively stable, so Jiang Feng planned to buy some tools.

At this moment, Jiang Ma called him.

Seeing his mother calling, Jiang Feng knew it must be for Liu Yiyi.

"Hello, Mom." Jiang Feng picked up the phone.

"What's the situation with you and that girl from the Liu family, what do you think of her?" Jiang Ma asked immediately.

"She's a pretty girl, with a good personality and a pretty face." Jiang Feng replied truthfully.

"Then you don't have much contact. I talked to her mother, and she is quite satisfied with you."

"No, Mom, I'm still in college, what else can I do. Just leave it alone, just go out with Dad for more travel and play, don't stare at me."

Jiang Feng guessed that the two elders are free now, and they have nothing to do every day, so they just want to play with their grandchildren.

"I've seen this girl too. She's really good. What else do you choose?"

"Which one did I choose? Can't this be cultivated?"

"Then you don't take the initiative to contact?"

"Contact, contact, Mom, the lambs in the pasture are no longer breastfeeding, I'll go and have a look, they're dead!"

Jiang Feng hung up the phone.

Regarding this kind of thing, Jiang Feng could only shake his head helplessly.

Then, he clipped a stack of processed invoices and reimbursement vouchers together and put them in the safe in the financial room.

There are many invoices he has processed in the safe.

On weekdays, Yang Maolin is in charge of reimbursement, but Jiangfeng will go through it personally every month at the beginning of the month, which is also a necessary ability for a rancher.

Then, Jiang Feng came to the yard to look at the animals he raised.

Now the briquettes have grown up quite a bit, and they have begun to have the majesty of a Mongolian mastiff.

But in fact, briquettes are quite naive, and sometimes they will demolish the house. The most common thing is to bite on slippers. Several of Jiang Feng's slippers have been bitten by briquettes.

The most outrageous thing is that the coal ball only likes to bite the slippers of the right foot, not the left foot.

As a result, Jiang Feng sometimes couldn't make up a pair of slippers.

But Jiang Feng has also learned a lot now, and kept a pair in the closet.

In the evening, after dinner, the environment in the yard was good, and the cats and dogs watched the excitement, so Jiang Feng chose to turn on the live broadcast.

The evening wind in this season is very cool.

He chats with netizens.

While chatting, someone said:

[Owner, is there any fan welfare session, there are more than 11 million fans! This is not a benefit! 】

Seeing this barrage, Jiang Feng joked:

"You can draw a few people by lottery, come to my ranch, I decided to reward you with the highest honor of the ranch."

Hearing Jiang Feng's words, everyone's interest was immediately aroused.

I heard Jiang Feng say again:

"I decided to reward you with the ranch's highest honor:"

"Kiss...my right foot."

Hearing this, the netizens were stunned.

This is an anime line, but it is difficult to tell the truth.

After he worked like this, the barrage exploded immediately.

[Hahaha, shit, I didn't hold back! 】

[Come on, whip me, I'll kiss, I'll just gossip! 】

[I want this honor! 】

[Just smoke this, I want to smoke! 】

[Owner, reward me! 】

Jiang Feng originally thought that his reply was very abstract, but when he saw the barrage, he realized that he was not perverted enough.

There are too many perverted netizens these days.

Seeing that the wind direction of the barrage was wrong, he quickly said:

"Stop, just kidding."

"Okay, I'll look for some fan benefits for everyone."

"Like the original price of 33 yuan and 9, I sell it for 32 yuan and 9."

"Or treat the fans as family members, and sell half sleeves for 30 yuan to everyone for 198. The main point is a benefit."

Jiang Feng tried to change the subject.

But netizens are obviously still focusing on the highest honor of the ranch.

[Is the owner intimidated? 】

[Hurry up and smoke, I want to kiss my feet! 】

[Huang Zi restrain himself! 】

The atmosphere in the studio was extremely hot.

Jiang Feng saw everyone's barrage, and thought in his heart that he should really give fans some practical benefits.

He has too many fans, tens of millions, this kind can only be given by lottery.

And it’s definitely not a false benefit like bringing goods. Except for the few anchors in the head, they can really negotiate prices with big brand merchants, which is considered a benefit.

Small anchors or celebrities who bring goods are just cheating fans like pigs.

What Jiang Feng thought was that Baby Xuxu gave custom keyboards to fans, and he also gave away some things himself.

After all, the income from live broadcasting is very high, and now the monthly income easily exceeds one million, and it is normal to give some things away.

"Well, I don't make any branded goods, and I don't do anything else."

"In the next two days, I will roast some prairie beef jerky with the staff of the ranch, and then draw 300 people and send it to everyone to try."

"It's completely free, leave a message later and draw a prize."

"Thank you for your support all the way."

Jiang Feng became serious again.

As soon as he was serious, the Huangzi in the live broadcast room also calmed down a little.

But still someone said:

"I think it's better to slack your feet."

Such abnormalities always exist, but most netizens are very happy.

As long as there is a chance to go whoring for nothing, everyone will be happy.

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