On the grassland, cattle and sheep graze safely.

Grazing in a rented pasture like the Maoden Ranch, there is no danger at all.

Maoden Ranch currently has an enclosed pasture of 740,000 mu, which is a huge area. The grass here is of high quality and lush, especially suitable for grazing.

Spend money to do things, naturally worry.

Jiang Feng pulled a few grasses from the ground and twisted them together. The grass was very strong and would not be broken easily.

All he pulled was fine grass, and the little sheep grazed beside him with his head bowed. Jiang Feng handed the fine grass to the little sheep's mouth, and the little one immediately turned his head to eat.

This scene is quite friendly.

At this time, the lamb's mother was a little worried about the child.

The ewe left the flock and walked slowly to a place about 20 meters away from Jiangfeng, then stretched her neck and looked in the direction of the lamb with concern.

It can be seen that it is a little worried.

But it doesn't come close.

[Look, the parents are here! 】

The barrage of netizens floated by.

[Hahaha, I can see that the parents are a little nervous, for fear that the lamb will turn into lamb kebabs! 】

【Lambs are cute, but they are also really delicious! 】

[Are you devils? Can such a cute lamb go down? 】

[I can only say one thing, remember to put more cumin. 】

When Jiang Feng saw the ewe, he immediately patted the lamb and let it pass.

The little guy immediately returned to the ewe without hesitation, and then walked back to the flock together next to the ewe.

Looking at the mother and son, Jiang Feng popularized science to the netizens in the live broadcast room:

"These two are small-tailed Han sheep. Small-tailed Han sheep is an excellent breed of sheep with both meat and fur in our country."

"It is edible, and the wool produced is particularly good."

"It has been designated as a famous breed of livestock by our country, and is also known as 'super sheep'."

"My four thousand sheep are of different breeds."

"Among them, Sunit sheep have the largest number, 2,000. This kind of sheep is an excellent meat sheep in Mongolia. It is famous all over the country for its tender meat and good taste."

"Then there are 1,000 small-tailed Han sheep. The small-tailed Han sheep are the breed of sheep on the Xinjian side. Because the breed is very good, we also raise them."

"There are about a thousand Mongolian sheep. Mongolian sheep are a breed of coarse-haired sheep. This kind of sheep is easier to distinguish. Their faces and limbs are black, only their bodies are white, and their wool is also very good."

In the live broadcast room, some people are also herdsmen.

Most of the herdsmen do manual work, so when they have more free time, they will pay attention to the news on the Internet. Moreover, most people are more introverted and don't know how to live broadcast, so they prefer to watch other people's live broadcast.

[Liu Jia from the Mongolian Shepherd Family]: [The host's ranch is a large ranch, and the cattle and sheep raised are of particularly good breeds. These cattle and sheep are precious! 】

[Hurser Bayin]: [They are all good cattle and sheep. Only by raising them in the Maodeng pasture can they make a lot of money. The products of these cattle and sheep are very valuable, much more valuable than ordinary cattle and sheep! 】

[Shepherd Dolma]: [Yes, I am so envious of the anchor's cattle and sheep! 】

Some knowledgeable herdsmen left messages one after another.

Seeing the barrage of these herdsmen, the fans in the live broadcast room became more and more excited.

[Good guy, this means that the owner's assets are far higher than we imagined! 】

[It's really hidden, the more you look at it, the more you realize how powerful he is! 】

[Someone previously estimated that the host would cost 700 per sheep, which is too conservative, because the breed is good, at least one sheep is worth 1,500! 】

[Is this a herdsman? This is the landlord! 】

Jiang Feng took his mobile phone, turned on the weather forecast, and checked the recent weather.

It was summer, and it was sunny for half a month.

Jiang Feng put down his phone, looked at the cattle and sheep, and said:

"There is relatively little rain in the grassland, and the precipitation is very low."

"Pastoralists are often very concerned about changes in the weather."

"If there is a severe drought this year, the herdsmen will sell some of their cattle and sheep in advance to prevent losses."

"Because the government wants to adjust the sustainable development of grasslands, it will close the mountains, or close the grasslands and prohibit grazing. In the case of severe drought, the grass is relatively small, and the sheep eat grass roots. If they still graze, the land may be dead for many years. It's a desert, and it's extremely difficult to recover."

"The herdsmen can't just eat what's in front of them and forget about it, so this kind of adjustment is necessary."

"The weather is better this year."

"I'm going to collect a wave of wool. Some sheep are already chubby, which makes them uncomfortable to walk. It happens that the next half month will be sunny, and I don't worry that the sheep will catch the wind and cold."

"Pick up wool and sell it for money."

Jiang Feng looked at the lush wool of the small-tailed Han sheep, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

Shearing is also good for sheep.

After all, the wool of this breed of sheep grows very fast. Wearing thick "cashmere clothes" on such a hot day puts a heavy burden on the sheep.

[Haha, this is the real 'sweeping wool'! 】

[It turns out that the wool came from here! 】

【Is wool valuable? 】

[Not worth the money, I suggest that the anchors send them to my house! 】

[High-end wool sweaters are made of this kind of good wool, which is much more advanced than the more than 100 yuan sweaters on Taobao. 】

[Good wool is very valuable, but we don't have access to these industries. 】

Jiang Feng made a plan, stood up, patted the grass clippings on his buttocks and pants, and then shouted not far away:

"Red Rabbit!"

"Red Rabbit!"

The maroon wild horse didn't know his name yet, but when he heard Jiang Feng shouting, he looked towards Jiang Feng.

"Chitu, I'm calling you, come here!"

Jiang Feng waved and called to it.

Chitu realized that it was being called, and immediately ran over excitedly.

Every time this horse appears in the live broadcast, netizens always feel a burst of emotion.

This horse is really handsome.

With a slender body and strong limbs, it is much more imposing than other horses.

Jiang Feng hasn't installed a saddle on it yet, so he can only ride it naked.

But after going back today, Jiang Feng will order a saddle for it, and repair the horse's hoof by the way.

Jiang Feng first put the puppy on the horse's back, and then jumped up with his neck in his arms.

Then, he rode the red rabbit and ran towards the side of the cattle and sheep.

Yang Maolin was sitting on the grass smoking dry tobacco. He still used the tobacco rod and shredded tobacco method. He carried the tobacco rod with him, and there was a lot of shredded tobacco in the small bag on his body.

When you want to smoke, you pick up a pinch of shredded tobacco and put it in the tobacco rod, press it firmly with your fingers, then light the shredded tobacco and take a puff.

Dry tobacco is more powerful than bought tobacco, and old herdsmen or old farmers in some places are still using this method to relieve fatigue.

However, with the development of the times, this kind of tobacco rod has gradually been eliminated.

Just like these older herdsmen.

Jiang Feng came to Yang Maolin's side and said:

"Old Yang, I see that the wool grows quite a lot, and the weather is sunny for most of the month. Let's start picking wool tomorrow."

"These sheep were not picked when they were at home. I guess my dad left them for me to pick."

"Thinking about the ranch can also pay back some money."

Hearing Jiang Feng's words, Yang Maolin put down the cigarette stick and said hurriedly:

"Okay, no problem. I will discuss with Erhe and the others that we will keep those long-haired sheep at home tomorrow, and only let some of them out."

Jiang Feng nodded, "Well, I'll contact the manufacturer, and the price of wool should be higher at this time."

"Okay." Yang Maolin responded.

After explaining the matter, Jiang Feng left Xiao Jinhua with Yang Maolin, and then rode a horse to inspect his pasture.

After all, it is now a bareback riding, and it is not convenient to carry Xiao Jinhua.

After renting the pasture, all the plants and trees in the pasture belong to him, so Jiang Feng naturally cares about his pasture.

He was galloping comfortably on his pasture, although the speed was not fast, it was also chic.

At this moment, something seemed to be moving in the grass.

Just as Jiang Feng noticed, Bian Mu Laifu rushed towards the little black dot.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng's expression moved slightly.

"A hare has come out!"

"The hares in the prairie are very powerful!"

"Dare to run out in broad daylight, this hare is brave enough!"

he said immediately.

Hearing his words, the netizens also followed the camera and looked into the distance.

Thanks to Big Lemon for the 500 reward, the competition for the new issue is fierce, thank you for your support!

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