Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 231 The ecology of the pasture, the little Tibetan fox by the lake!

Recently, wild boar infestation has become more and more serious.

This is a rare sight on the grassland.

In the afternoon, Jiang Feng came to the back of the pasture and saw that several yew trees had been knocked down by wild boars, and the ground was in a mess.

Fortunately, the yew tree is still a sapling and cannot be eaten, so the wild boar did not move its mouth.

Jiang Feng frowned slightly when he saw the yew that had been planed out.

"These wild boars are a bit rampant. I didn't care about hiding in my pasture before, but now they are all running to the yew to cause harm."

"This is still autumn, when there is more food."

Jiang Feng said.

Wild boars will frantically look for food and will not let anything go.

Even if you pass through a forest, you have to eat the bark.

If the number of wild boars increases, there will be a wild boar tide, and some wild boars will run to human territory to move around.

Netizens felt uncomfortable looking at the messy land.

[It actually started to destroy the yew forest! 】

[Such wild boars have seriously endangered the ecology! 】

[Owner, hunt a few more wild boars! 】

Netizens have suggested.

Jiang Feng took a brief look at the situation, and found that the damage was not serious, and about a dozen trees were arched out.

He said again:

"The handling of wild animals depends entirely on the attitude of the Forestry and Grass Bureau. Special ecologists will evaluate the ecology in the wild."

"If there are fewer wild boars, wild boars are three protected animals and need to be protected."

"If there are too many wild boars, the protection of wild boars will be cancelled."

"If there is an outbreak of wild boars, special hunting teams will be organized to hunt wild boars."

"There are such things in many places, not only in the grasslands, but also in some mountainous areas in the south where hunting teams hunt wild boars."

"Looking at the current situation, wild boars have exploded this year. It is estimated that a hunting team will be formed later to protect the ecology."

"The Forestry and Grassland Bureau's protection of the ecology is still in place."

Jiang Feng told everyone about the wild boar problem.

No way, there are relatively few natural resources now.

If there are too many wild boars, it will not only destroy the ecology, but also greatly restrict the life of other animals.

For example, deer, moose, horses, rabbits, etc., will be more or less affected by wild boars.

This further affects carnivores.

Netizens did not expect such a situation.

[Is there actually a special hunting team? I have never heard of it! 】

[Our local news has a hunting team, called the pest control team, I have seen it! 】

【Owner, can you join the hunting team and broadcast live? 】

[Join the hunting team and go hunting! 】

Everyone responded one after another.

Seeing everyone's barrage, Jiang Feng shook his head.

"To join the hunting team, you must have a special hunting license and hunting experience, and they are all public officials organized by the government. Ordinary people will not be allowed to go."

"I don't have a hunting license and I don't like to hunt animals."

"So it's definitely not possible to go."

It was almost too late, so Jiang Feng took the flock back.

The head sheep walks first, and the sheep behind follow in turn.

The picture is still shocking.

Not long after returning, Jiang Feng received a document notice from the management area. The theme was the recent flood of wild boars, and the government planned to form a pest control team to eliminate the scourge of wild boars.

Let each pasture owner take precautions.

This kind of thing will not allow ordinary people to participate, and it is usually a secret organization, so let's talk about it on the news at the end.

It is also to prevent unnecessary discussions in the society.

Jiang Feng didn't take this matter too seriously, and he also hoped that the government could take care of the ecology.

After all, the current grassland ecology is very fragile and needs to be well protected.

After returning to the yard, Jiang Feng went to check on the little guys again.

The current ranch is too lively, and many small animals are very popular.

Every time a small animal is broadcast live, more than 100,000 people are watching it.

Jiang Feng first broadcast the Tibetan fox brothers and sisters live.

This brother and sister always look aggrieved, very naive.

They are kept free-range in a pen, and they also come out for activities on weekdays.

Sometimes Jiang Feng would take them to catch mice.

As soon as Jiang Feng appeared, two little foxes ran over happily.

The appearance of the Tibetan fox cub is not bad, it looks cute and cute.

However, more than half a month has passed, Brother Tibetan Fox has obviously grown up a circle, his face with Chinese characters has become more and more obvious, and he has initially taken on the attitude of a veteran cadre.

Jiang Feng took them to play.

The two little guys followed.

Netizens love them.

[The owner's Tibetan fox is so cute! 】

[The weirder the animal, the more interesting it is to raise! 】

[Good guy, I haven't seen you for a few days, he's already so strong! 】

[Does the host open a zoo? We definitely buy tickets to support! 】

Everyone greeted the little Tibetan fox one after another.

At this time, Jiang Feng noticed that the little Tibetan fox had been staring at the pasture outside.

It seems to be looking forward to and longing for the outside world.

Tibetan foxes are wild animals, and they don't like to be in contact with too many animals.

Although the organization is good, it also loses freedom.

Seeing its appearance, Jiang Feng also got a general idea in his heart.

"Tibetan foxes want to go outside, not all animals like pastures."

"After all, in the ranch, you must be managed, and you must sleep in the pen at night."

"It's just that they probably don't want to part with me."

Jiang Feng said.

Hearing his words, the netizens were a little surprised.

Jiang Feng explained again:

"Do you still remember the story I told about an old man adopting wolf cubs?"

"A family of herdsmen in my village adopted a wolf cub before. When the wolf cub grew up, it began to howl frequently."

"It doesn't know why, but it always wants to howl."

"Another night it was answered by another wolf howl."

"The wolf heard the response and immediately ran outside to play with the other wolf."

"When it sees other wolves, it knows what life it wants."

"But it doesn't want to part with that herdsman."

"On the second day, the herdsmen saw the wolf waiting for it outside, and saw the eagerness on its face, so they waved it away."

"Actually, the herdsmen feel that the wolf will leave sooner or later. It is not suitable for human life."

"The wolf and the herdsman looked at each other for a few seconds, but finally ran away with the other wolf."

Jiang Feng's voice came from the live broadcast room.

For them, it is easy to perceive the emotions of animals.

Different animals have different emotions.

These two little Tibetan foxes are always unhappy on weekdays, but when the red fox cubs appear, they become more noisy.

And even if Jiang Feng appears, they will also be very happy.

But other times are not happy.

It's like being an outcast.

"They don't like pastures."

Jiang Feng knelt down and touched their heads.

Netizens felt uncomfortable when they heard Jiang Feng's narration.

[Tibetan foxes do not like to be noisy by nature, you can tell by looking at their faces! 】

[They like to bask in the sun on the uninhabited plateau! 】

[Now they don't have the ability to be self-reliant! 】

【Especially that little Tibetan fox! 】

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another.

Jiang Feng looked at the little Tibetan fox and had other plans in his mind.

The next day, Jiang Feng came out with the little Tibetan fox.

The cattle and sheep were grazing, and Jiang Feng brought them directly to the edge of the lake.

There is a small lake in the ranch. The lake is not big, but it needs a lot of water. There should be underground springs emerging from below.

The surrounding pasture hills have cattle grazing.

Because of the cow dung, the ecology of this area is also very good, and there are relatively many rats and rabbits.

The two little guys looked left and right, very happy.

They started to run wildly on the grass.

"The immune system of Tibetan foxes is relatively weak, and they are very afraid of parasites."

"I give them some deworming medicine, and if they live here, I will give them regular deworming and physical examination every year."

"In this way, they can live better on pastures."

Jiang Feng sat on the grass, watching the two Tibetan fox cubs making a fuss.

At this time, Brother Tibetan Fox seemed to smell something.

It lowered its head and crawled forward while sniffing.

They are familiar with the environment here.

Seeing its appearance, Jiang Feng immediately looked towards it.

The little guy moved forward all the way, suddenly, it suddenly got into a piece of grass, with its head down, and began to flop.

Judging by its appearance, it looks like it is hunting by itself.

Not long after, the little Tibetan fox emerged from the grass.

It raised its head with a little rabbit in its mouth.

Although rabbits are cute, they are too fertile and are not protected on the grasslands. Instead, they are a source of food for many animals.

Netizens burst into cheers when they saw the little Tibetan fox taking out the rabbit.

This Tibetan fox loves my sister very much. After it took out the rabbit, it immediately ran to the side of the Tibetan fox sister and gave it the rabbit to eat.

The two little guys are now dependent on each other.

Seeing their appearance, Jiang Feng also laughed.

"I intentionally let them play here for a while, to get familiar with the environment here."

"The no-man's land outside is very dangerous. There are many ferocious lynxes and prairie wolves on the plateau, and small Tibetan foxes are easily used as food."

"But my pasture is safer."

"They're perfectly fine if they live here."

"From now on, they will be kept free-range by the lake."

"They are free, and they can also go to the ranch."

Jiang Feng spoke his thoughts.

At this time, there are still a dozen gray ducks swimming in the lake.

Those are all free-range ducks, and they will come out to swim by themselves without being greeted by the staff of the ranch every day.

These ducks look very happy.

That's good, at least I spent a happy life before serving it.

Eating duck meat also gives people a happy feeling.

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