Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 238 Delivering sows, an astonishing number!

The development of the ranch is orderly.

Since veterinarian Lin Wansen came to the ranch, he has been checking the physical condition of the livestock every day to ensure the healthy growth of the cattle and sheep.

At the same time, the construction team also built a fence and pens on an open space.

This was prepared by Jiang Feng for raising deer.

The construction here is very fast. The houses are all red brick houses or wooden houses, and the pens only need to be fenced with railings.

Jiang Feng was not short of money, so he used brick walls to surround the fence.

Jiang Feng stood outside the ranch, looking at the huge stables, and then looked in the direction of the cattle farm.

He couldn't help but sigh:

"Hey, the land is still not enough, and the area of ​​the grassland is still too small."

At this time, it was live broadcasting, and many netizens heard his words.

Everyone immediately complained:

[Owner, is it too small for more than 30,000 mu? My house is only 100 square meters! 】

[Good guy, is this the trouble of the landlord class? 】

[Go south, you must go south, the owner leads the horses and camels to attack the south! 】

[Owner: You want me to die! 】

The atmosphere in the studio was extremely lively.

Jiang Feng said:

"More than 30,000 mu is not a lot in Inner Mongolia, and some families have more than 100,000 mu of grassland."

"Of course, those are very remote places. The general herdsmen are nomadic pastures in spring, summer, autumn and winter according to the division of the government."

"Of course, the geographical location of my place is good, and the grass is also unique. Thirty thousand mu is already hard to come by."

“But still hope to rent some more.”

"For example, there are two enterprise-level large ranches in the depths of Maodeng Ranch. As far as I know, both are about 100,000 mu of land."

"It's all exclusively for enterprises. There are cooperatives. The person in charge of them is not called the director of the factory, but the president."

"The pastures belong to the cooperative."

Hearing Jiang Feng's narration, many netizens are still a little confused.

But every place has its own life in every place.

For example, the current agriculture in Northeast China is also a large-scale mechanized operation, and many large farms are in the form of cooperatives.

Grassland is livestock, and it is similar.

China's food and meat are the best in these two places.

Jiang Feng was planning the construction of the pasture. At this time, Zhu Huo called Jiang Feng.

"Master, the old sow is about to give birth, so come back and have a look."

Zhu Huo's voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Jiang Feng put down his phone and hurried towards the ranch.

Now is the time for the piglets to give birth.

A few days ago, a sow gave birth to twelve litters, and now there is another wild boar, which is very noisy in the pigsty every day.

And now, another old sow is about to give birth.

Jiang Feng was a little anxious, but also a little happy.

Veterinarian Lin Wansen has already rushed over.

Jiang Feng said to netizens:

"The pig in the pigsty is about to give birth. I was not there when a pig was born a few days ago. It's a pity to miss it."

"This time I plan to come and see for myself."

"The sows should also take good care of their litters, otherwise there may be problems."

Jiang Feng walked quickly towards the pigsty.

The drones still follow.

Netizens are also quite curious, always wanting to see the scene of a sow giving birth.

Jiang Feng came all the way to the pigsty.

Because I didn't go out to herd sheep at this time, there were several people around the pigsty.

Lin Wansen also looked embarrassed at this time.

It's okay to ask Lin Wansen to see a doctor, and it's okay to ask him to take care of the postpartum care. Ask him to deliver sows, he really can't do this job.

Zhu Huo was underage, he could only take care of her, but he couldn't deliver.

Older herdsmen like Yang Maolin and Ma He are good at it and are ready to learn it.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng put on a sterilized overalls and was almost fully armed.

He said:

"Come on, it's nothing like this."

"Stay away, and disinfect before coming in."

Hearing Jiang Feng's words, the staff of the ranch gave way in admiration.

In everyone's mind, Jiang Feng is omnipotent.

Netizens looked at the scene of the ranch with expressions of admiration.

[The host will deliver the baby himself! 】

[What a talent! 】

[It reminds me of the book "Postpartum Care of Sows". It seems that sows giving birth to piglets are not that simple! 】

Jiang Feng put on protective clothing, carried a toolbox, and came to a separate pen.

"Zhu Huo, prepare some clean warm water, bring some more, and bring a clean towel."

Jiang Feng shouted at Zhu Huo.


Zhu Huo was busy answering.

It is not troublesome to deliver sows, especially this kind of pen-raised pigs.

At this time, the sow is lying on the clean haystack, breathing heavily.

There are two rows of aligned buttons on its abdomen, and Jiang Feng simply counted them, a total of fourteen.

Jiang Feng squatted down, put on gloves, and began to rub the sow's belly to correct its position.

This method requires experience, and people with no skills really can't feel it.

Seeing Jiang Feng approaching, the sow seemed a little calmer.

Pigs have a relatively high pain threshold, so this kind of thing is not too painful for them.

With Jiang Feng's push, it didn't take long for a pink pig to be pushed out by Jiang Feng.

The piglet was covered with mucus, and Jiang Feng asked Zhu Huo to wipe it off, and then fed the piglet.

A few employees were standing outside the pigsty watching.

Netizens also watched nervously.

I don't know why, seeing this kind of live broadcast, everyone will be touched and attracted.

It seems that the birth of life is a very beautiful thing.

Although the end of these lives is to be eaten by others, they have lived for a while after experiencing growth.

The sow was very quiet, and even took the time to eat a few sticks of pasture and chewed, not like a mother at all.

Of course, the sows are also extremely weak at this time.

"It's very quiet, it seems because of the instinct engraved in the genes."

"It's too dangerous outside, and they can't make much noise to avoid being detected by the enemy."

Jiang Feng said very calmly.

He is still using his hand to help the sows to give birth smoothly.

Zhu Huo was busy at the side, wiping the newborn piglet clean with warm water.

When a piglet comes to this world for the first time, it will immediately run to the sow's embrace and seek shelter.

There was also one that foolishly ran to Jiang Feng's feet, and was carried by Jiang Feng to the front of the sow.

Jiang Feng felt a little more relaxed when he saw that the sow was in good condition.

He chatted with Zhu Huo:

"How many pigs do you think this pig can have?"

Hearing this, Zhu Huo paused and said:

"I reckon there were twelve or thirteen of them."

The piglets continued to be produced, and Zhu Huo continued to clean them up.

Jiang Feng rubbed the sow's belly, shook his head, and said with a smile:

"More than that, there are quite a lot of piglets this time."

"I will raise some in the future."

Under normal circumstances, there are 10-15 pigs, which are also divided into first litter and second litter, and the first litter will be a little less.

This sow is having her second litter, so she will have more babies this time.

Time passed slowly.

The farm staff looked on curiously, waiting to count the number of piglets produced by the sows.

The ranch has nothing to do every day, and occasionally there is something that everyone likes to talk about.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also very lively, speculating one after another:

[Guess how many sows can give birth? 】

[I estimate there are fifteen of them! 】

[The owner has made money again! 】

[It feels so good to have a ranch, the meat can grow by itself! 】

[Roast suckling pig was so cute when he was a child! 】

Jiang Feng is still helping the sows to give birth smoothly.

Zhu Huo was at the side, the more he looked at it, the more surprised he became.

"Thirteen, director, is there any more?"

he couldn't help asking.

Jiang Feng nodded, "Not many, at least eighteen."

"This sow has a good physique and is giving birth for the second time, so the number must be more."

"And our food is good, and the sows grow strong."

"This kind of food is finally not in vain."

While Jiang Feng was talking, piglets were being born one after another.

Zhu Huo was busy scrubbing his body.

Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.

Even so, the sows showed no signs of stopping giving birth.

The sow's placenta does not appear until the twentieth calf is born.

"Twenty, it's finally finished!"

Jiang Feng sighed with emotion.

Jiang Feng cleaned up the placenta, and Zhu Huo was busy wiping the piglet clean.

This time the birth will take close to more than an hour, and the two of them are very tired.

Of course, the sow was even more tired, lying on the ground already a little weak.

"It's awesome."

Outside, Hardan couldn't help admiring.

The netizens in the live broadcast room also exploded!

[Hold the grass! A litter of twenty? What kind of sow is this capable of giving birth? 】

[Pig raising is coming in too fast! 】

[Hold the grass, the farm owner bought forty pigs before, but this time they gave birth to twenty pigs, bloody money! 】

【awesome! 】

The live broadcast room was extremely lively.

Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Everything is going well, the next thing is postpartum care of the sows and taking care of the piglets."

"Newborn piglets are prone to premature death, and it is normal for a wave of piglets to die young."

"Take care of it as much as you can."

Jiang Feng came out, took off all the dirty protective clothing, and then went back to his room, planning to take a shower and wait for dinner.

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