Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 340 Ask bravely, what are the requirements for raising pandas? !

There are more and more animals in the pasture, and life is becoming more and more lively.

If we count five thousand sheep and several hundred cattle.

There are at least six thousand animals on the ranch.

Jiang Feng came to visit two mini donkeys and a donkey.

The mini donkeys have been together for a long time, but there has been no sign of having a baby, which makes Jiang Feng a little anxious.

After all, mini donkeys are very cute when they are young, just like puppies, and a little more cute than puppies.

But this can't be done reluctantly.

【The owner of the farm has so many animals! 】

[I envy such a big ranch! 】

[It would be great if we could raise whatever we want like ranches abroad. 】

[Owner, if you could raise anything, what animal would you most want to raise? 】

Netizens chatted with him in the live broadcast room.

Jiang Feng saw everyone's barrage.

He pondered: "What animal do you most want to raise?"

After thinking about it, Jiang Feng replied:

"If I could raise anything, the animal I most want to raise would definitely be a giant panda."

"And then there's the tiger."

"I've been to see the giant pandas several times. Both the adult giant pandas and the panda cubs are very cute."

"It would be nice if I could raise it."

Originally, he was just chatting with netizens, but as he chatted, Jiang Feng felt itchy and really started to think about it.

So, he turned off the microphone of the live broadcast and called his friend in the Forestry and Grassland Bureau.

The other party was shocked when he heard his thoughts.

"What? You want to raise a giant panda? Not adopt it, but raise it directly?"

Jiang Feng responded:

"I'm just asking if there are any formal channels, as long as the requirements are met."

"Don't many zoos have giant pandas?"

A friend from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau sighed with emotion and said:

"Okay, if you want to raise her, I'll tell you the conditions."

"First, contact the China Forestry and Grassland Bureau to express your willingness to lease pandas."

"Second, provide relevant information, including the planning and design of panda houses and panda conservation centers, plans for raising and caring for pandas, funding and human resources, etc."

"Third, sign the Panda Leasing Agreement and abide by relevant protection regulations and agreements."

"Fourth, establish a dedicated panda conservation center or zoo to provide excellent breeding management and living environment to ensure that pandas are well cared for and managed."

"Fifth, commit to being responsible for the health and life of pandas."

"Sixth, pay the rental fee."

"You have to know that the amount of money paid to rent pandas abroad is astronomical, and it can even support an aircraft carrier."

"Domestic leasing fees are cheap, but there are more than a dozen related documents. I have seen application materials from zoos that rent giant pandas, and they are very complicated."

"You are a private ranch and cannot rent it, unless you have a zoo."

Jiang Feng nodded frequently after hearing what his friend said on the phone.

In fact, the materials don’t matter.

The panda pavilion is not a problem. It is very simple for Jiang Feng to spend millions to decorate a large venue.

It's just a question of qualifications.

You need a zoo or a panda conservation center.

But pandas will definitely not go to the prairie to be protected, so this idea can only be given up.

"What about raising tigers? Are the approval procedures for tigers complicated?"

"For example, I bought a tiger from a zoo."

Jiang Feng asked again.

A friend from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau responded:

"You need to be qualified. I can give you a suggestion. You don't need to open a zoo. You can directly open a wildlife conservation center."

"Zoos are too commercial. If you open a wildlife conservation center, the Forestry and Grassland Bureau will be happy to approve it."

"In the future, injured wild animals will be sent to you, which can save the Forestry and Grassland Bureau a lot of trouble."

"If you want to get materials for raising wild animals, it's easy to get approval."

"Of course, not pandas."

It's easy to do things if you have friends in the system.

If you have any ideas, just ask.

The other party will give an answer.

If you don't have these skills, you may not be able to do anything by yourself, even if you run into several departments, you will be exhausted to death.

Jiang Feng's eyes lit up.

He has rescued many wild animals before.

For example, golden eagle, white wolf, lynx, Tibetan fox, roe deer, etc.

Some foreign ranches are indeed responsible for rescuing wild animals.

However, there are no systematic rescue channels in the pastures on this side of the grassland.

"Wildlife Conservation Center, that's no problem."

"My place is big."

"I was just thinking about how to use such a large open space."

Jiang Feng replied.

"Okay, I'll add it all up, and come to my ranch in a few days to eat roasted whole lamb."

Jiang Feng made an appointment with the other party again and hung up the phone.

Jiang Feng's current pasture area is more than 66,000 acres.

The area used for grazing is probably less than 50,000 acres.

Going further out, you will be close to the Maodeng management area and closer to the city.

There were more people and more buildings there, so Jiang Feng built a tourist ranch.

But his pasture is too big.

It's too far to herd sheep. We can't walk three hours to herd sheep every day and then walk three hours back.

So Jiang Feng also planted corn on the wasteland in the middle.

He had made plans himself, and 50,000 acres of pasture for grazing cattle and sheep was just right.

It can be completely enclosed to make a closed pasture.

Cattle, sheep, horses and camels all live in it.

So do the ranch employees.

Close to the management area, we will build a tourist ranch to produce some handmade farm products and provide some open landscapes for taking photos.

Such as haystacks, tents, sika deer and the like.

But there is still a lot of open space.

Jiang Feng started planning.

Next to the tourist ranch, a large yard can be built.

The yard serves as the base of the wildlife conservation center and is also enclosed.

In fact, there is no need for a yard, just build a few medical rooms and rest rooms.

Jiang Feng understood that he only needed to apply with the Wildlife Conservation Center and obtain the qualifications to receive some medical equipment.

After everything was planned, Jiang Feng started to apply with the Forestry and Grassland Bureau, and also contacted the Wildlife Conservation Center.

After submitting the application, preparations for his wildlife protection base began in full swing.

While Jiang Feng was doing important things, he was also leisurely broadcasting live.

The next day, Jiang Feng came to the edge of his lake again.

The two Tibetan foxes are no longer here.

Jiang Feng had seen them in no man's land.

They went to live on the plateau.

Someone else asked Jiang Feng:

[Owner, where are King Zhou and Daji? Long time no see! 】

[Yes, they look so funny, let them show their faces again. 】

Seeing these people's barrages, Jiang Feng responded:

"Both Tibetan foxes have returned to the no-man's land, the valley area where they were found."

"There are rugged rocks there, and weeds grow in many gaps, so there are a lot of pikas and rabbits."

"For Tibetan fox, that's more suitable."

"I'll check back in a few days. Maybe they've already started a family, or even given birth to little Tibetan foxes."

A few months ago, the two Tibetan foxes reached adulthood.

After adulthood, her appearance has changed a bit, but she is still very attractive.

Then, they left here.

Wild animals have their own living habits, and some are wild and untamed, preferring uninhabited wilderness.

Some, such as black bears and white wolves, prefer to live with humans.

Jiang Feng has always lived a life they like according to their own wishes.

On the lake, the group of swans is still there.

Wild swans are also protected animals with a very high level of protection.

Jiang Feng came here today just to see the swans.

Because swans start breeding from May to June.

It's July now and the little swan has been born.

From a distance, you can see that many families are swimming together, including two adult swans and several cygnets.

"The little swan is born. Look at the little swan over there. It was just born and looks gray and gray."

“That’s where the story of the ugly duckling comes from.”

"When a swan is born, it is an ugly duckling. When it grows up, its white feathers grow out, and it becomes a swan."

Jiang Feng said to netizens.

Everyone looked towards the lake.

White swans are playing here.

Many little swans make the lake more and more lively.

Drone footage of a family of swans.

I saw an adult swan swimming in front, with five white cygnets in the middle, and another adult swan watching from behind.

They are carefree and thrive in Jiangfeng's pasture.

[The story of the ugly duckling tells us that the reason why the ugly duckling can become a swan is because it is a swan itself. If you are born an ugly duck, you will be an ugly duck all your life. 】

[When the swan is young, it looks like a gray duck! 】

[The owner actually has a Swan Lake! 】

[He has raised so many animals that I would not be surprised if he raised a tiger someday. 】

Jiang Feng took out his Leica camera and took many photos of Swan Lake.

The scenery is very beautiful, so take photos to record it.

The content of his live broadcast is just like this, taking pictures of cute animals and chatting with netizens for a while.

Little swans flock together.

There is a family of swans not far from the shore.

I wonder if Jiang Feng's affinity with birds played a role.

The four cygnets in this swan family suddenly ran towards Jiang Feng.

The little swan runs like a duck, swaying and looking very cute.

Netizens exclaimed when they saw the little swan running towards Jiang Feng.

[The swan is coming! 】

[He actually ran toward people! 】

[Oh my god, it’s so cute! 】

Two adult swans followed behind, taking their time, with only their children in their eyes.

The scene was as warm as ever.

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