Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 343 Wolf? What if I make a mistake?

King Zhou yawned and was bored.

Daji took the initiative to run over and let Jiang Feng touch her, squinting her eyes and enjoying it very much.

Their three children were watching not far away, scared and curious.

King Zhou and Daji completely regarded Jiang Feng as a member of their family and did not have any precautions.

But the three cubs have never seen Jiang Feng.

They became more and more curious, and one of them, a bold little Tibetan fox, slowly approached Jiang Feng.

It tiptoed, taking two steps to watch Jiang Feng's movements.

Sometimes I scare myself and take two steps back in a hurry.

Jiang Feng did not move from beginning to end, just caressing Daji there.

Finally, this little Tibetan fox was completely relieved.

It ran to Jiang Feng's side and stared at him curiously.

Netizens were also impressed by this scene.

[What a cute little Tibetan fox, hahaha! 】

【This little guy is so cute! 】

[It startled itself! 】

【This guy is really interesting! 】

The little Tibetan fox leaned against Daji's side and looked at her mother who was feeling very comfortable being touched, and she was also a little eager.

His eyes were full of wanting to try.

When Jiang Feng saw the little guy coming to the side, he stretched out his hand and touched the little guy's chin.

Jiang Feng's method of petting animals is quite professional.

He knows how to touch animals most comfortably.

The strength is controlled just right.

Little Tibetan Fox had never experienced such a massage before. He immediately narrowed his eyes in comfort and enjoyed it extremely.

Both mother and son were very well-behaved by Jiang Feng's side.

King Zhou just looked at it with an indifferent expression, still showing his worldly expression.

When the other two little Tibetan foxes saw this scene, they ran over in a hurry.

With a companion as an example, they will no longer be afraid.

At this moment, the Zanghu family gathered around Jiang Feng.

From a distance, Zhang Wen and Liu Jianjun watched this scene.

Zhang Wen said with envy:

"Those Tibetan foxes are not afraid of him. We have encountered so many injured animals before and wanted to save them, but the animals were all on guard."

"When have I ever encountered a wild animal and been treated like this?"

After hearing Zhang Wen's words, Liu Jianjun replied decisively:

"Don't think about it. I have been patrolling the forest for more than 20 years, and I still encounter very few animals that take the initiative to get close to humans."

"You can't envy someone with such a special physique."

Jiang Feng played with the Zanghu family for a while again.

After confirming that they were safe, Jiang Feng felt relieved.

He touched them a few more times, then stood up and planned to leave.

The Zanghu family all sat in a squatting position, even at the same angle, looking at the direction in which Jiang Feng was going.

This scene is very interesting, each Tibetan fox seems to have been copied and pasted.

Large, medium, three small.

A drone captured this scene.

Seeing the five Tibetan foxes frozen at this moment, netizens couldn't help laughing.

[So cute, they all look exactly the same! 】

[Hahaha, it’s so cute! 】

[It looks like he is his own child at first glance! 】

[Ctrl+c, Ctrl+v]

[Every time I watch the Tibetan Fox, I really want to laugh. This whole family is so happy! 】

The barrage also became lively.

Jiang Feng returned to Zhang Wen and Liu Jianjun.

"They are all here, they are in good condition." Jiang Feng said to the two of them.

Liu Jianjun nodded and said with a smile: "Tibetan foxes are indeed more suitable in such a plateau, especially for newborn Tibetan foxes."

"They can also learn hunting techniques from their parents."

Zhang Wen said: "Director Jiang, your physique is so amazing. I thought everything on the Internet was false. I never thought you were born to be liked by animals."

Hearing this, Jiang Feng smiled and replied: "How can I do that? I raised these two Tibetan foxes, they must be close to me."

"It doesn't mean that if you see a wild animal randomly, it will come to me."

The three of them walked back chatting.

The live broadcast is also on.

Looking at the surrounding natural environment, it feels pretty good.

This is a jagged and strange rock area, with stones layered on top of each other, like ocean waves.

Green grass grows under the rocks, and there are also places suitable for digging holes.

The peculiar plateau landforms, although not so spectacular, still give people a strange feeling.

The three of them came to the car and got in.

I came out today specifically to find the little Tibetan fox, and I also had the task of patrolling the forest.

For forest rangers, the main purpose of patrolling the forest is not to look for poachers, because poachers are only a handful after all.

More important is looking at the state of the forest.

For example, are there any fire hazards and whether there are penalties for tree theft.

To ensure the harmonious development of nature, if an injured animal is encountered, it will be treated along the way.

After the three people left this rugged mountainous area, they walked back.

When passing a hill, Zhang Wen stopped the car.

I'm going to come here for a inspection today.

Jiang Feng's live broadcast is not closed.

The live broadcast room is very popular.

Everyone is quite curious about the work of rangers, especially the natural landscape in the forest.

Nowadays, some rangers also operate personal short video accounts and record some interesting things they encounter during the forest patrol.

This government allows it.

Because these are positive publicity, everyone can realize the difficulties of rangers and understand the meaning of protecting wild animals.

Jiang Feng said to the netizens in the live broadcast room:

"This is the mountain forest behind my pasture. The wild boars caused trouble in the past two years, and it was here that the wild boar caused trouble."

"Now a large number of them have been caught, and the number of wild boars is under control again."

"There are also wolves, foxes, and lynxes in this forest. The white wolf Xiaotian and the foxes in my yard should all have escaped from here."

The three of them walked inside.

Zhang Wen and Liu Jianjun were both carrying mountaineering bags.

Both of them have very good physical strength. After all, they have been exercising for a long time. There is no problem in climbing the mountain for several hours.

The two looked everywhere, checking for signs of unnatural damage.

Jiang Feng just likes hiking and walking. He still likes outdoor sports and feels comfortable following them.

Not long after leaving, Zhang Wen suddenly exclaimed:

"There's a wolf there! Be careful!"

His words made Liu Jianjun become more cautious.

Netizens in the live broadcast room instantly became nervous.

Coming to no man's land and encountering wolves is terrifying just thinking about it.

But Jiang was the only one who was extraordinarily calm.

He looked into the distance and saw three gray wolves.

One of them is darker, one is lighter, and the other one looks very young.

Jiang Feng laughed:

"Don't be afraid, I know these three wolves."

"They don't hurt people."

Having said this, Jiang Feng walked towards the wolf specifically.

Zhang Wen and Liu Jianjun were stunned again.


Zhang Wen shouted in confusion.

"We know each other again?"

Liu Jianjun was a little surprised, but he was still able to hold his own:

"After all, this is not far from his pasture, so it's normal for them to know each other."

An old fan in the live broadcast room recognized the three wolves, and the old fan joked:

[Owner, be careful, what if you admit a mistake? 】

[If you admit your mistake, this live broadcast room will be gone, the finale! 】

[I just said that wild animals will not come to you on their own initiative, here it comes again! 】

[I feel like the animals around his house have to support him. He is truly a rancher! 】

Jiang Feng walked towards the wolf.

The three wolves heard the noise and looked this way.

Seeing that it was Jiang Feng, they immediately ran over.

Today's trip out was really rewarding, and all I met were old acquaintances.

When the three wolves came to Jiang Feng's side, they did not take the initiative to throw themselves into his arms, but they still showed a kind mood.

They looked at Jiang Feng, and Jiang Feng looked at them.

"If there are any wolf cubs that you can't raise, just send them to my pasture. I can raise them."

Jiang Feng said to them.

The three wolves didn't know whether they understood or not.

Jiang Feng thought of the scene that night when Xiao Jinhua brought the little white wolf back.

Now the white wolf is already a part of the ranch, majestic and very handsome.

The wolf itself is a very scary animal, but the white wolf's eyes are not so narrow, so it doesn't look fierce.

The three wolves stayed here for a while.

Then, they ran away lightly.

Jiang Feng, Zhang Wen, and Liu Jianjun continued to patrol the forest.

"Master Jiang, don't you know anyone else?" Zhang Wen couldn't help but ask.

Jiang Feng waved his hand: "No, today is just a coincidence."

Next, Zhang Wen and Liu Jianjun carefully checked the condition of the forest, including the disease and insect pests.

Fortunately, the forest is still the same as before.

There is some wildlife activity.

No trace of human activity has been seen yet.

Herdsmen will go into the mountains to pick mushrooms and wild vegetables, but the herdsmen are not stupid and will not go to such a place with wolves.

There are no villages near this area, so no one usually comes here.

The process of forest patrol is the process of strolling in a natural oxygen bar.

As the three of them walked down, their eyes were filled with all kinds of green plants.

They didn't chat much, just enjoying the tranquility of the forest.

The drone followed.

Netizens also followed the footage in the live broadcast room and saw the big forest and some strange natural animals.

Wolves, wild boars, rabbits, and pheasants are all encountered on the road.

Jiang Feng also saw a few squirrels hoarding supplies. He guessed that there might be a lot of fruits, tree seeds, etc. in the tree hole, but he did not verify it.

It’s better not to disturb these cute squirrels.

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