Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 346 Lottery reward, finally meeting the snow leopard!

Life on the ranch is always busy.

But most of the time, the employees are busy and the boss is free.

Jiang Feng had nothing to do and planned to follow Zhang Wen and Liu Jianjun to install infrared cameras.

During the live broadcast in the evening, Jiang Feng mentioned this matter to his fans:

"I'm going on a forest patrol, so I won't be able to broadcast live for three or four days."

"Go climb the wild mountains and look for traces of wild animals on the plateau."

"The video will be released at that time."

Hearing what Jiang Feng said, fans responded one after another:

[Why not live broadcast? 】

【What a great live broadcast! 】

[Scenes with such a program effect will not be broadcast live? 】

Jiang Feng shook his head: "To protect wild animals, if we broadcast live, it will be easier for others to see where this place is."

"If there are poachers or something like that, following the live broadcast will have a bad impact."

“But if I just shoot footage of animals, it doesn’t matter.”

"No one knows where I am."

After hearing Jiang Feng's words, netizens nodded.

Indeed, this is more thoughtful.

Then, Jiang Feng hung up the phone.

The next day, Jiang Feng packed his bags.

Shooting outside is not complicated. You just need to put your hiking bag in the car, find a place to park, and go in to patrol the forest.

You can live in a tent or in a car.

That day, the three of them drove for most of the day and arrived at the foot of a barren mountain.

Inner Mongolia is famous for its grasslands, but it also has many mountains.

It's too big here.

"I haven't been to this area for a long time. It will probably take two days to walk around."

Liu Jianjun sighed.

"The last time I came here was ten years ago."

Zhang Wen looked at the empty mountains and fields with expectation: "The ecology of the plateau is relatively monotonous. I hope I can photograph some animals."

Jiang Feng was surprised by the scene in front of him.

He has a very good relationship with the Forestry and Grassland Bureau, and he has friends, acquaintances, and connections within them.

Participation in such activities is even more welcome.

So, the three people stayed at the foot of the mountain for one night.

Early the next morning, they put on their hiking bags and officially set off.

Zhang Wen and Liu Jianjun both wore recording cameras on their chests. The purpose of their trip was to deploy infrared cameras.

Then three months later, come back here to pick up the camera.

A record of wildlife activities in high mountain areas.

"How could you have thought there were snow leopards here?"

Jiang Feng was most interested in the snow leopard, so he asked.

"It was captured using satellite images some time ago." Liu Jianjun replied truthfully, "There are snow leopards in high-altitude areas, as well as in the mountains in Outer Mongolia. We have more snow leopards in the Tsang-Zang Plateau."

"There is a high possibility that snow leopards exist in the high altitude areas of Inner Mongolia."

"Snow leopards have been found in Ulanchabu and Wula Mountain areas, which is not surprising."

Hearing this, Jiang Feng nodded slightly.

Jiang Feng likes cats very much, and he came out this time just to see snow leopards.

The three of them walked all the way up.

The climate on the plateau is a bit cold, but fortunately the three of them wore more clothes.

After walking for most of a day, they found a ravine, where they saw a lot of stored grass and a few picked Tianshan snowdrops.

Seeing this scene, the three of them laughed.

Finally, I saw traces of life.

As for the animal living here, all three of them knew that it was the plateau pika.

The plateau pika looks quite cute, like a mouse and a rabbit. It likes to live in plateau meadows, especially on the Tibetan Plateau.

Over there, the plateau pika is even a pest rat.

Because there are so many of them and they like to eat grass, the herdsmen can’t do anything to them.

However, the altitude of Jiangfeng's pasture is lower, and there are very few plateau pikas.

"There are traces of pika life here, and just now I saw an ibex."

"This place is in line with the characteristics of snow leopard life."

"So there's a good chance we'll find a snow leopard."

Liu Jianjun said with confidence.

They set up an infrared camera here. The camera will only take photos when it captures infrared creatures. The camera has an extremely long standby time of three months.

The camera is facing the Pika family.

Then, Liu Jianjun recorded the location and the three of them moved on.

But the rest of the journey was a bit boring. I patrolled the mountain for nearly a day and did not see any traces of snow leopards.

All three were a little disappointed.

In the evening, they found a place to pitch a tent and ate some self-heating food.

Jiang Feng lay in his sleeping bag, thinking that it had been a long time since he had won a prize.

He wanted to see if he could get anything out of the system.

Therefore, Jiang Feng calculated his popularity value. The current cumulative popularity value is 34 million, which is the most he has accumulated.

Jiang Feng chose 3 top draws and 4 advanced draws.

"The host chooses the top lottery and wins the lottery"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the item:"

"Golden Boots*1 pair: A pair of golden boots made of pure gold, worth millions."

"Wrangler special edition *1: a latest commemorative silver Wrangler off-road vehicle, suitable for off-road use."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill:"

"Vision protection: The host's vision is protected, and it will not suffer from myopia and hyperopia, nor will it suffer from snow blindness or night blindness."

The system prompt sounds.

These three draws are pretty good, one million gold, one million or so off-road vehicles, and a skill to protect your eyes.

For today's people, looking at mobile phones and using computers every day can easily cause vision loss, so it is good to protect your eyesight.

"The host chose the advanced lottery and won the lottery"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the item:"

"HD Dash Cam: A HD Dash Cam."

"Specialized jacket: black jacket, waterproof, lightweight, warm."

"Carbon fiber bicycle: A carbon fiber bicycle, the official price is 120,000."

"Congratulations to the host for getting the prop:"

"Search card: The host can find specific animals within a hundred kilometers."

A series of draws concluded.

I have to say, the lottery is really cool.

A lot of good stuff for free.

A silver Wrangler off-road vehicle, a 120,000 bicycle, gold, clothes, etc.

The most important thing is that Jiang Feng got a search card for only 100,000 popularity points.

This was just what he needed.

This trip, so hard, cannot be in vain.

Jiang Feng thought that he had the ability to like cats, and if he met a snow leopard, he might actually be able to give it a good lick.

The night passed like this, and the three of them fell asleep peacefully in the crevice of the stone sheltered from the wind.

The sleeping bag was very warm and comfortable to sleep on.

The next day, they continued their journey of exploration.

Such is the life of a ranger, and this is a special event, which makes it even harder.

Jiang Feng chose to use the search card, and the target he chose was Snow Leopard.

Soon, a prompt came out from the search card.

There really are snow leopards nearby!

News of snow leopards discovered in Inner Mongolia has appeared several times. Snow leopards have a very wide range of activities and may appear in inaccessible places on the plateau.

Jiang Feng was very excited.

He checked the map and saw that the three of them were walking in the direction not far from where the snow leopards were.

Jiang Feng just walked forward calmly.

About half an hour later, Jiang Feng found a high place, took out his telescope and looked into the distance.

Zhang Wen and Liu Jianjun sat on the rocks to rest.

Zhang Wen sighed: "Where is the snow leopard here? I was looking forward to it, but I still didn't find it."

“I also want to see what a snow leopard looks like!”

Liu Jianjun replied: "It's really hard to see her. If she does, it will be on the news."

"Don't think too much."

At this moment, Jiang Feng put down the telescope and said, "I think I saw a snow leopard."

His words instantly attracted the attention of two people.

"Where?" Zhang Wen asked impatiently.

"Are you sure?" Liu Jianjun was also full of expectations.

They wanted to see the snow leopard so much.

If you can see this kind of creature in reality, it will be worth the hard work.

"Yonder on the mountain."

Jiang Feng pointed to the barren mountains in the distance and said.

In the distance is a high mountain. The mountain is covered with gray-white gravel, and the whole thing looks gray.

Zhang Wen immediately took the telescope and looked over there.

But he looked for a long time and didn't see it.

The color of snow leopards is similar to the color of mountain gravel, which is a natural protective color.

It's normal not to see it at first glance.

"Behind the big rock, it was lying down, with half of its head exposed."

Jiang Feng pointed to Zhang Wen again, and only then did Zhang Wen see it.

Just one glance made Zhang Wen extremely excited.

"It's really a snow leopard! It's actually real!"

I saw a dull gray leopard lying on a huge stone, bored.

The leopard rested lazily, very leisurely.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wen instantly felt full of motivation.

Liu Jianjun also took the telescope and smiled after seeing the snow leopard clearly.

"Great, this time is not in vain, it will definitely be on the news."

"It's really rare!"

As rangers, the two of them would definitely be happy to encounter rare wild animals within the scope of their patrol.

What's more, the snow leopard is a national first-level protected animal.

It's difficult to meet in person.

The three of them slowly approached the mountain top, preparing to deploy infrared cameras.

Their moods have changed drastically.

At this moment, there is only excitement.

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