Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 361 State banquet dishes, amazing knife skills!

The farming season is busy.

Jiang Feng divided two pieces of land and planted potatoes and corn.

Jiang Feng told netizens in the live broadcast room:

"The potatoes will be mature in about three months, and you can dig them by then."

"You can grow some potatoes for your own pasture, or you can sell them."

"They are all grown by me anyway."

Seeing the scene of busy farming, fans in the live broadcast room immediately said:

[Owner, can you give some benefits to the fans? 】

[Just give the potatoes as a bonus. 】

Now Jiang Feng often gives benefits to fans.

For example, last year we braised a lot of beef and gave it away, and this year we gave out a lot of large red envelopes when the show started.

Now that his financial situation is better, he is not lacking in these things.

After seeing the barrage, Jiang Feng immediately agreed:

"Okay, no problem, it's just some potatoes. I'll give them to you when the time comes."

Then, after finishing his work in the fields, Jiang Feng went home.

Today's live broadcast, there is still a big job to be done.

That is to live broadcast a dish: boiled cabbage.

The recipe was something he won through a lottery two days ago. After seeing the recipe, Jiang Feng mastered the knack of cooking.

So, he asked Lao Sun to prepare the ingredients for him and prepare the dishes in his yard.

Seeing Jiang Feng's posture, netizens knew that it was time for a food live broadcast again.

[What does the owner want to do? Hand-grilled meat or grilled steak! 】

[Let’s have a roasted whole beef! 】

[The owner’s barbecue skills are outstanding. Every time I see him grilling meat, I really want to eat it! 】

But Jiang Feng said:

"The dish we are going to make today is called boiled cabbage. It is a dish for state banquets."

"This dish is particularly difficult. There are not many people in China who can make it. Maybe only the chefs at state banquets dare to say that they can make it 100%."

Jiang Feng's words stirred up a thousand waves.

【Boiling water to cook cabbage? What's so rare? Isn't this something everyone knows? 】

【Cooking cabbage? state banquet? 】

[Owner, do you want to listen to what you are saying? 】

Obviously, old fans have never heard of this state banquet dish and are questioning it.

At this time, many people who have been in contact with the chef industry said in the live broadcast room:

[It is particularly difficult to boil cabbage. It is necessary to make the broth look like boiling water. It is necessary to keep the lightness of the boiled water and the richness of the broth. Do you think it is difficult? 】

[The anchor is not kidding, this dish is indeed not something that ordinary people can make. 】

Jiang Feng took out a few fresh cabbages and put them on the plate.

Chinese cabbage looks particularly crisp, green and white, very beautiful.

Jiang Feng recounted:

"When boiling cabbage, the most important thing is to make soup stock."

"The stock should be thick soup as the base, and then made into light boiled water."

"The method of making it is also simple. Just chop the chicken breast into a velvety shape, add it to the broth, and repeat the adsorption two or three times to turn the turbid broth into something as transparent as water."

The soup stock Jiang Feng has already been stewed.

I saw him chop the minced meat and put it into the soup.

Soon, the thick soup actually turned into a light one.

Just like a chemical reaction, turbid liquid becomes clear.

This scene also surprised netizens.

Is this cooking? This is how to do it!

Jiang Feng was calm and continued busy.

I saw him pick up the Chinese cabbage, peel off the outer leaves, take out only the heart and put it into the pot.

"The ingredients used for boiled cabbage are extremely particular. We only obtain Chinese cabbage that has just matured but not yet fully cooked. Only the yellowed cabbage heart is used as raw material."

"Just blanch it slightly and then rinse it with water to remove the fishy smell from the vegetables, and then put it into ordinary soup stock until it is cooked."

"After blanching the cabbage, rinse the cabbage clean and pour in fresh broth. It's done."

"It was quite successful this time. It doesn't matter whether it's a good soup stock or minced meat."

Jiang Feng's soup stock naturally has a secret recipe, but netizens don't know it either.

But it’s still amazing to see how the stock becomes transparent.

After the boiled cabbage was cooked, I could only see a few pieces of tender yellow cabbage heart in the clear and watery soup.

Just looking at it, you would think this dish is ordinary.

But the demonstration just now impressed everyone.

Sure enough, the state banquet menu has something to offer.

[Good guy, this is the first time I feel that I can’t afford to eat a few cabbages! 】

[How is the soup stock made? It’s so magical! 】

[The owner is the owner, he made the cabbage look so big that I can’t afford it! 】

[It’s amazing. The host is definitely a state banquet-level chef, and he actually made it! 】

Netizens exclaimed again and again.

But for dinner, one cabbage is definitely not enough.

Jiang Feng took out another piece of fresh tofu.

The next dish he will make is one of the eight major cuisines, but this dish is also very difficult.

This dish can be said to be the one that requires the most knife skills among all cuisines.

"The next dish is Wensi Tofu."

“Today I feel hot, let’s make another delicious dish for the state banquet!”

In the quiet little courtyard, Jiang Feng began to get busy.

Another question mark appeared on the faces of netizens.

[What is Wensi Tofu? I've never heard of it, can someone explain it? 】

[Owner, you are so strange to me! 】

At this time, many chefs watching the live broadcast showed surprised expressions.

[Does the anchor want to make Wensi Tofu? No kidding! 】

[This dish is not difficult to make, but the requirements for knife skills are abnormal! 】

[Wensi Tofu requires cutting the tofu into 15,000 tofu shreds, and no more than 10% of the shreds can be broken. Each tofu shred has a specified length and thickness! 】

[Only those who can make Wensi Tofu dare to say that they are beginners in knife skills! 】

[Can he really do it? Only a master who has practiced knife skills for at least ten years can have such courage! 】

Today's live broadcast is destined to be unforgettable.

What Jiang Feng cooked by himself was not a prairie delicacy, but a genuine state banquet!

After cooking the boiled cabbage, I came to Wensi tofu.

Home-cooked dishes such as cabbage and tofu can be played in different ways in his hands.

Jiang Feng also said:

"Wensi Tofu is a delicacy from the Qing Dynasty. It was created by a man named Wensi Monk, so it is called Wensi Tofu."

"It's not difficult to make. You just need to combine winter bamboo shoots, chicken breast, ham, and mushrooms with tofu."

"The rare thing is to cut the tofu into shreds."

Jiang Feng himself has knife skills, and Wensi Tofu is indeed not difficult for him.

Then, netizens saw Jiang Feng put a square piece of lactone tofu on the chopping board, his left hand gently placed on the tofu, and the kitchen knife in his right hand began to fall.

Since civilization is based on cooking skills, knife skills are naturally part of the cooking skills.

All I could see was that the knife in his hand was extremely fast, as if there was an afterimage.

But when netizens looked over, they found that he seemed to be cutting in the same place.

It was only as time passed that everyone saw that the knife was indeed slowly moving.

This lasted for ten minutes, and Jiang Feng had already finished cutting the tofu.

The tofu seems to be exactly the same as before.

When everyone was wondering if this tofu was a special effect.

Jiang Feng put the knife against the chopping board and made a quick slash, scooping up the tofu and placing it on the blade.

Then put the tofu into the pot filled with water.

The next moment, the complete tofu melted immediately and turned into extremely thin tofu threads, rippling in the water.

In an instant, netizens felt their scalps numb.

Everyone looked on dumbfounded.

【Hold the grass! This is awesome! 】

[Is this the chef’s knife skills? 】

【Everyone looks stupid! 】

[I just thought the tofu was fake, and it took me a long time to cut it without moving it! 】

After cutting the shredded tofu, the next step is simple. It is nothing more than mixing the shredded tofu with other side dishes and cooking it.

In this way, Wensi Tofu is also cooked.

"Today I will simply eat tofu and cabbage."

"I just need to eat a little lighter these two days and ensure nutrition."

"Lao Sunna made me a fish stew. That's all for tonight."

Jiang Feng said to everyone.

[Master, is this simple? 】

[After seeing this knife skill, I realized that the host is a food anchor. It’s no joke. Which anchor has such ability! 】

[Owner, can I go to your house for dinner? No need to eat meat, just cabbage and tofu! 】

Then, Jiang Feng prepared the meal, asked Lao Sun to bring the fish, and then called his wife to come over for dinner.

Liu Yiyi is still taking care of her baby.

She loved children and took care of them.

She has a gentle temperament and is very down-to-earth. Jiang Feng is very satisfied with his wife.

There will be no live broadcast next, and netizens can only reluctantly download it.

Not long after, there was no doubt that Jiang Feng's knife skills were on the hot search again.

The Internet is like this. Popular anchors and celebrities will be trending if they have any news.

But today’s Internet is very strict, and being on trending searches is not a good thing.

Thinking back carefully, it has been a long time since celebrities took the initiative to buy hot searches. Instead, all of them were afraid of appearing on hot searches.

It's definitely not a good thing if a star is trending.

Of course, this is also because they do have a lot of shameful things, so they don't want to be on the hot search.

Jiang Feng didn't care, he just got on.

He has always been upright and not afraid of his shadow being distorted. Since what he does is presented on the Internet, he is not afraid of people's comments.

Netizens who didn't watch the live broadcast were also surprised when they saw the video of him cooking.

There are also many cooking self-media bloggers who even post videos praising her.

A master chef who specializes in state banquet dishes also posted a video comment:

"The boiled cabbage he makes is really authentic, and the stock is handled very well."

"And Wensi Tofu's knife skills are also at the level of an expert."

"Master Jiang has such talent at such a young age. If you want to join the Chefs Association, we will definitely welcome you."

Jiang Feng's fans were also happy to hear the master's comments.

Jiang Feng's cooking skills also deserve people's recognition and praise.

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