Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 380 A strange little animal, the rumored Hanhao Bird?

Life on the ranch is always fun.

This afternoon, Jiang Feng planned to go to the no-man's land to see the scenery.

I haven’t gone out to see it for a long time, and I don’t know if wild boars have begun to overrun again.

By the way, take photos of animals such as Tibetan foxes and rabbit cats.

It can also be used as the subject of live broadcast.

Since we are doing live broadcasts, we will definitely have to sort out things from time to time.

Jiang Feng took Bai Lang with him this time.

Xiao Jinhua has been accompanying the child every day recently, staying close to her every step of the way, and is more serious about taking care of the child than Liu Yiyi.

Dogs' emotions are always pure.

Of course, Jiang Feng is still its master, and it listens to Jiang Feng's words.

Jiang Feng didn't take it with him, so he just left it at home.

Bai Lang was in good spirits and looked around from time to time.

Jiang Feng drove all the way inside.

The uninhabited land is still very desolate. Even though it is summer, there is still a large area of ​​wasteland ahead.

It wasn't until closer to the mountain that the green began to become richer.

Ahead is a mountain forest with wild boars in it.

After walking through the forest, you will find a hilly area where Tibetan foxes and rabbit cats live.

Jiang Feng parked the car at the foot of the mountain, then put down Bailang, turned on the drone, and started the live broadcast.

Netizens entered the live broadcast room one after another.

【What is this place? The owner's pasture? 】

[This mountain doesn’t look like the owner’s territory! 】

[Have you come out for a walk? 】

In the live broadcast, Jiang Feng stood at the foot of the mountain, leading a white wolf as he slowly walked toward the woods above.

His live broadcasts are always so wild.

"Let's take a stroll in the no-man's land today. Go back and take pictures of Tibetan foxes, rabbits, and so on."

"I haven't seen it for a long time."

"Let's see if we can meet a wild boar."

"I brought a swing stick today. It was originally a tool used by ranch security guards. I kept it for self-defense."

Jiang Feng took out the handle of the stick and said to netizens.

[Owner, are you still in need of security guards? I know martial arts, and I work as a security guard at the ranch! 】

[Brothers and I want to go together! 】

[My uncle worked as a security guard in his 40s, and I started working as a security guard when I was 20. Wouldn’t it mean that I would have avoided 20 years of detours! 】

Netizens’ concerns are often very peculiar.

Everyone heard that the ranch also had security guards and applied for jobs one after another.

In fact, the security guards are employees of the ranch. The gate of the ranch is open during the day, so there is no need for a guard or anything. If you need something, you can just drive in.

Jiang Feng did not respond to the security guard's question.

He led the white wolf inside.

The white wolf looked around, moving his ears from time to time, as if listening to the shouts of his companions.

It came out once before when it was in estrus, and it took several months for it to come back.

I am also familiar with this place.

"Look at the scenery in the no-man's land, you might encounter something."

"There are a lot of good things in the mountains, especially in the mountains that are inaccessible."

"There are always strange things to encounter."

Jiang Feng shuttled through the forest all the way.

After a while, Jiang Feng really encountered something strange.

I saw two small wild boars emerging from the bushes. After seeing Jiang Feng, they were not afraid and even rubbed against Jiang Feng's trouser legs.

"Go! Go! Go!"

Jiang Feng didn't like the dirty little wild boar, so he gently pulled the little wild boar away with his feet.

This pull made the little wild boar very anxious.

The little guy immediately screamed like a killing pig and rushed towards Jiang Feng's calf.

Jiang Feng didn't want to pay attention to it and jumped up.

Since the wild boar's upward viewing angle is limited, Jiang Feng cannot see it when it jumps, so after the little guy rushes over, he glances left and right, looking for Jiang Feng.

It wasn't until it turned around that it saw Jiang Feng again, and then it grunted and rushed over again.

"You little guy, you're so arrogant!"

Jiang Feng jumped away again, staying far away from the little wild boar.

Netizens were amused by this scene.

[This little guy is so brave, he dares to challenge the Prairie King! 】

[Crazy temptation on the verge of death! 】

[This is no man’s land, wild boars are still protected and cannot be harmed at will! 】

[If the wild boar strikes first, it is self-defense! 】

The little wild boar grunted, but Jiang Feng didn't pay attention.

But the next moment, the female wild boar also rushed out from behind the bush.

Jiang Feng has encountered wild boars too many times.

I was quite panicked when I encountered him before. At that time, through the wall of the vegetable field, I used my cavalry to wildly slap the wild boar on the face.

I'm much calmer now.

This thing will charge wildly, and you can avoid it by climbing up a tree or walking around the tree.

However, at this time, Jiang Feng recognized the wild boar.

"It's you! What a coincidence!"

Jiang Feng was a little surprised and exclaimed.

"This wild boar is the one that slipped into my pasture during the CCTV interview."

"Do you remember at the beginning of that show, it was said that I was smashing a wild boar? This was the guy."

“I have a great memory of animals and can recognize their features.”

"That's right!"

Jiang Feng said hurriedly.

Netizens were stunned when they heard Jiang Feng's words.

[Can you recognize this TM? 】

[Owner, are you sure? Don’t all wild boars look the same? 】

[Good guy, with this look in his eyes, it’s no wonder he could be the king of the prairie! 】

[This skill alone makes me worship him! 】

Then, Jiang Feng said something again, which made netizens even more happy.

I saw Jiang Feng shouting loudly to the adult wild boar:

"Hey, you and I were on TV together, did you know that at the beginning of the TV show, you were also the protagonist!"

Indeed, as Jiang Feng said, in the special program on outstanding youth representatives of farmers in the new era, the scene at the beginning was of Jiang Feng hitting wild boars with stones and then driving the wild boars out of the pasture.

The wild boar that appeared on the TV screen is now in front of everyone.

Netizens couldn't help laughing.

[Hahaha, the owner of the venue, you are doing such a disservice! 】

【Too abstract! 】

[If I were a wild boar, I wouldn’t be able to stand up to you! 】

The adult wild boar didn't understand what Jiang Feng said, but it also recognized Jiang Feng.

I saw it humming and calling its two children, then running back.

As soon as it ran away, the two little wild boars followed without looking back.

They ran very fast and their buttocks swayed, which was quite interesting.

Jiang Feng saw the wild boars leaving and stopped chasing them.

The white wolf was somewhat alert, but it didn't move without Jiang Feng's order.

Then, one person and one wolf continued to wander.

There are still many animals in the forest, but they are difficult to encounter.

In the woods here, there are red deer, squirrels, wolves, foxes and the like.

Jiang Feng walked all the way out, and soon passed through the forest and came to the hilly area behind.

Jiang Feng took out his telescope and looked around.

"It stands to reason that there should be Tibetan foxes and rabbit cats active on the plateau."

"At dusk they come out to bask in the sun and get ready to hunt."

"But I'm not very lucky today. I didn't see any traces of hidden foxes."

As he was talking, suddenly, a faint cry appeared in Jiang Feng's ears.

Jiang Feng has very good hearing and can pick up the nuances of sounds.

So, Jiang Feng immediately walked to the side, looking up at the tree as he walked.

After a while, he actually saw a strange little animal.

I saw a little guy who looked like a squirrel lying high up in the trees.

However, this guy's body is very flat, like a blanket.

It lay on the branch and looked at the river breeze below.

The eyes are round and big, smart and naughty, and the four legs are like four hooks that can hook the tree trunk.

There is a membrane connecting the arms and legs, which is the same color as the body.

Jiang Feng pointed the drone's lens at this little guy, and many people recognized its species.

[It seems to be the kind of flying squirrel that will fly back when thrown out. I have seen people raise it! 】

[I have also seen it fly into the palm of my hand and lie on it. It looks quite cute! 】

[I thought it was a bat before, and I was a little scared, but then I realized it was furry and I wasn’t scared anymore! 】

[What kind of animal is this? 】

At this time, the little flying squirrel on the tree made a sound of calling.

Its sound is very unique, like a bird's call.

Jiang Feng felt strange.

He had recognized the animal and knew the legend about it.

"It's so rare that I actually encountered it."

"Its scientific name is the compound-toothed flying squirrel. It lives in places such as mountain peaks, stone caves, and tree holes. It will come out at dusk."

"Many people may not know about the compound-toothed flying squirrel, but it also has a name that many people have heard of."

"That's the cold horn bird."

"The rodent in front of me is the famous Hanhorn Bird, which people call a negative example."

Jiang Feng looked up at Hanhaoniao and explained to everyone.

【What? 】

Netizens were slightly surprised when they heard his words.

The story of the cold horn bird is familiar to everyone, because many people have heard this nursery rhyme.

"Shivering, shivering, the cold wind is freezing me to death, I will make my nest tomorrow."

It is said that when winter is coming, other birds are making nests, but it is the only one still playing. When winter really comes, it can only shiver under the leaves and finally freeze to death.

When most people hear this story, they think that the Hanhao Bird is a kind of bird.

Many people are still wondering why they haven't seen this kind of bird again.

[Owner, are you sure this little flying squirrel is a Hanhao bird? My mother told this story every day when I was a kid! 】

[Hanhaoniao refers to people who procrastinate and don’t do business. Parents especially like to say this! 】

[Is this really a cold horn bird? Are you sure you made a mistake? 】

[I feel like my understanding of the world has become clearer again. 】

Netizens repeatedly exclaimed.

At this time, the flying squirrel lying on the tree made another sound.

Its call sounds like that of a bird.

It's really close to the "shivering" feeling.

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