Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 385 The owner of the field breaks up the fight and becomes the king of the prairie!

After shaving the sheep, Jiang Feng went to see the lost old sheep.

This guy has been living on his own for so long and may be depressed.

Rejoining the flock may not necessarily adapt to such an environment.

But it was very active among the sheep, running around without looking depressed at all.

Jiang Feng also felt relieved.

After picking the wool, the sheep return to the sheepfold.

The temperature in the grassland is high now, so everyone wears half-sleeves, so the sheep don't feel cold.

Then, Jiang Feng wanted to go back to the yard to rest for a while.

When he came back from the sheep shed and approached the goose pen, he heard a loud squawk from the geese.

Jiang Feng was suddenly surprised and hurriedly walked past for a few steps.

When he walked over and took a look, Jiang Feng was stunned.

I saw four small border collies cooperating with each other and approaching the big goose.

The geese were not used to them either. There were six of them in total. They flapped their wings and rushed towards the border collie.

Bai Lang was watching the fun and didn't go.

Big Goose is one of the village bullies. He recognizes his master, has a sense of territory, and knows how to look after the house.

In some places, if dogs are not used, geese are left to look after the house.

These guys are not easy to mess with.

Border Collies are generally smarter dogs, but they can also fight.

Apparently, the four little border collie were having sex with the big goose.

Before Jiang Feng could organize himself, the dog and the goose charged at each other and struggled with each other.

For a while, it was really a "goose flying dog jumping".

The goose's wings and pecking are very powerful, and the border collie will also flap a few times.

Jiang Feng rushed over and separated them with his feet.

When netizens saw Jiang Feng trying to stop the fight, they immediately posted:

[Owner, don’t be disappointed, I’m really happy to see it! 】

【Fight! Fight! 】

【It looks so lively! 】

[Hahahaha, the host was slapped several times! 】

The barrages in the live broadcast room continued to surge.

The nature of human beings is to eat melons and watch the excitement.

Jiang Feng rushed over, separated the dog and the goose, and stood in the middle.

"You guys, go back to the yard!"

Jiang Feng pointed at the dogs and said.

Hearing this, the border collie wagged its tail, turned around and ran away.

"You guys are leaving too!"

Jiang Feng looked at the big goose again and shouted.

Hearing his words, the goose folded its wings, swayed its tail feathers on its buttocks, and wandered back to its nest.

After seeing both waves of animals retreating, Jiang Feng also left.

"Day by day, I know how to fight."

Jiang Feng scolded.

The geese all returned to their nests, lowered their heads, and looked cautiously towards this side.

The border collies also knew that they were causing trouble, so one ran faster than the other and ran back to look for Lai Fu and Lai Cai.

The current situation, they believe, can only be solved by the intervention of their grandfathers.

This picture is very interesting.

The majesty of the owner is clearly revealed.

[The owner of the field is the owner after all, so domineering! 】

[Hahaha, the dogs were all scared away! 】

[Let them know who is the owner of this pasture! 】

[The boss has aura! 】

Jiang Feng returned to the yard, and the four Bian Mu children only looked in his direction.

Although they have started to herd sheep, their naughty temper has not changed.

Jiang Feng didn't think it was anything, and wanted to stroke them.

"You four, come here."

Jiang Feng sat on the chair and shouted.

The four border collies put their ears on their heads and raised their eyes, looking guilty but afraid to come over.

This is how dogs admit their mistakes, which is very interesting.

"Okay, it's okay, it's normal to have a fight."

"Come here and eat watermelon."

Jiang Feng said to them again.

Hearing what Jiang Feng said, the four little guys' expressions changed instantly, and their smiles reappeared. They all ran to Jiang Feng, raising their heads and wagging their tails in a cute manner.

That’s how dogs are, innocent and cute.

Jiang Feng sat on the chair and stretched out his hand to touch their heads, and the dogs all moved up.

Then, Jiang Feng took out a watermelon from the bucket.

The weather is hot now, so it’s a good time to eat watermelon.

He cut the watermelon open with several knives.

Then I ate one piece myself and fed a few pieces to the dog.

The way to feed a dog is to feed it piece by piece.

Jiang Feng held it up, and then the dog came over, bit off the watermelon flesh in one bite, held it in his mouth and started eating.

Jiang Feng didn't say anything to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

Just let the drone take pictures of your yard and live broadcast the daily life of the ranch.

Seeing the cute dogs, everyone felt envious.

The sheepdog didn't go out today, and Lai Fu and Lai Cai were also here.

Now that the number of sheep is large and they are starting to roam freely, there is no need for sheepdogs to watch over them, so their work is a little more leisurely.

But I have to drive the sheep back every two days.

Little Jinhua is not here, she should be accompanying Liu Yiyi to Qingfeng Ranch.

The environment there is more beautiful, and there are handmade workshops and some shops, like a scenic spot.

When Liu Yiyi has nothing to do, she likes to take her children there.

Jiang Feng ate a few pieces of watermelon and felt very comfortable.

The dogs were also playing happily on the sidelines.

Nothing happens next.

Life on the ranch is about raising animals and cultivating the land.

Some grapes are grown in the greenhouse and will be ready for consumption in July and August.

There is also a vegetable garden with peppers, radishes, leeks, cabbage, etc.

Thinking of leeks, Jiang Feng planned to pick some later and eat more at night.

My wife was in her menstrual period a few days ago and has just recovered in the past two days.

According to previous practice, tonight will probably be a toss-up.

Eat some leeks and your body will feel relaxed.

Then, Jiang Feng ate watermelon, got in the car, and planned to go out again.

"Look at the land over there."

"The corn and potatoes have been planted for three months and should be mature."

"The corn is the previous variety, so there is no problem."

"You still have to look at the potatoes."

Jiang Feng said to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

Soon, he drove to the cornfield.

At this time, the cornfields have grown up into patches.

You can pick it right away, and there are many places on the farm waiting for corn to be used.

Jiang Feng came to the potato field again to look at the potatoes.

These are all varieties grown as rewards from the system lottery.

Jiang Feng dug out a few potatoes in the ground, patted the soil, and looked at them in his hand.

This potato looks no different from the usual potatoes.

But the advantage is that there are many, and you can easily dig up several of them.

There are no ways to consume potatoes in the pasture, and no matter how much one eats, they can never finish them all.

But keep it, eat it slowly, and see how you handle it later.

Coincidentally, the new researcher from the Agricultural Research Institute is also here because the crops are about to be harvested.

Seeing Jiang Feng coming, Ruan Yuanwu came over to say hello.

"Jiang Feng, you haven't come here every day. You've only fertilized and weeded a few times."

"Will these potatoes grow well?"

Ruan Yuanwu asked.

Jiang Feng waved his hand and said, "It's almost enough. I don't think it will be much better."

"But this land is suitable for farming, and I feel pretty good about it."

“And the environment is pretty good this year.”

Hearing this, Ruan Yuanwu nodded, "Yes, the weather this year is very good, very suitable for crop growth."

"We are also preparing to harvest recently and send it back to the Agricultural Research Institute for grading."

“Hopefully we can grow good varieties.”

Speaking of this, Ruan Yuanwu said again: "Jiang Feng, please send your potatoes for review."

"The cabbages and radishes you planted before are quite famous in the agricultural field."

"I remember that pumpkin was also at the main venue of the National Agricultural Exhibition, and it was the finale."

"Let's see how the potatoes fare this time."

Jiang Feng looked at the potato field and said with a smile:

"No problem, you can comment or not."

"I don't know what the standards are for agricultural products. Ordinary people only know whether they taste good or not."

Produce products are rated and judged by their various shapes.

It also depends on what kind of environment it is suitable for planting.

If orange grows in Huainan, it becomes orange, if orange grows in Huaibei, it becomes orange.

Planting the same crop in different areas will produce completely different results.

Therefore, the research conducted by the Agricultural Research Institute is very meaningful.

"Then I'll grade the potatoes for you," Ruan Yuanwu replied.

"Okay." Jiang Feng agreed.

There are too many potatoes in the field.

Jiang Feng was still thinking about how to deal with it.

If there is a rating certificate from the Agricultural Research Institute, you can make more money by selling it.

Good potatoes are definitely easy to sell.

It shouldn't be a big problem to sell such a big potato field for 70,000 to 80,000 yuan.

Ruan Yuanwu selected some potatoes as samples from different areas and carefully wrapped them in bags, including the soil.

Jiang Feng walked around for a while and then returned to the ranch.

The next step is to prepare and arrange people to harvest potatoes and corn.

After sowing for so long, I can finally reap the harvest.

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