Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 52 Dig a hole, bury some soil, count one, two, three, four, five

In the early morning of the next day, after Jiang Feng got up, he went to see the condition of the chicks hatched yesterday.

He himself didn't hold out much hope, thinking that the chick probably wouldn't survive the night.

When he passed by, the cihuamao was sleeping on the cotton cloth.

Jiang Feng saw the naked chick lying on the blanket, as if he had died.

When he took a closer look, he saw that the chick's abdomen rose and fell, and it was still breathing.

Jiang Feng immediately took out his mobile phone, took a video, and said at the same time:

"It's half past six in the morning. I got up to see the chicks that hatched yesterday."

"Its condition is very good. You can see that its abdomen is still breathing."

"This chick is born with malnutrition, has very little fluff, and doesn't even have the strength to crack its shell."

"But it worked hard to survive the most dangerous night."

"It's going to survive."

Jiang Feng kept this video, then simply edited it with subtitles, and posted it on his short video account.

He now edits the highlights of his live broadcast and sends them to his account every night. After all, he is a college student who just graduated, so it is very simple to make a short video.

However, his posting speed is basically the slowest, because many marketing accounts will also post his videos, almost as soon as there is a wonderful picture, it will be posted immediately.

But Jiang Feng never felt that there was anything, and the marketing account brought him more traffic, which complemented each other.

After the video was posted on the Internet, some netizens who were in the live broadcast room yesterday immediately left a message to reply:

"It's really not easy to survive!"

"It's still the owner of the farm who will raise them. In the past, the chickens I bought all died that night!"

"It's good if you can survive! The host has done a good thing!"

"Grow up quickly, and cook chicken stewed mushrooms when you grow up!"

After Jiang Feng posted the video, he went to have breakfast and arrange today's work by the way.

Taking out his driving skills last night, Jiang Feng immediately decided to go to Xilinhot City to buy a tractor.

Maodeng Ranch is only a few tens of kilometers away from Xilinhot City, and it will take a short drive to get back.

Large tractors are necessary equipment for the ranch. Jiang Feng came to the yard, chose an expensive and good large tractor, paid the money, and drove the tractor directly to the ranch.

During this period of time, the ranch has made a little profit, and with the 500,000 reserve fund that Jiangshan left for him, it is more than enough to buy a large tractor worth more than 100,000.

Today's tractors are no longer the crude shape of walking tractors.

Instead, it has a big nose and four big wheels. The front wheels are about the height of a person's waist, and the rear wheels are even higher than ordinary cars.

The tractor Jiang Feng bought is relatively good, and the overall impression is that it is big and big.

Ordinary off-road vehicles are simply not enough to look at in front of tractors.

The road to the ranch is empty, and there are not many vehicles on the road.

The tractor was galloping all the way, and Jiang Feng sat in the driver's seat with an excellent view.

The tractor is originally a machine for working in the field, and a huge iron sledge is pulled behind it, and it cannot be pulled at all due to lack of power.

After buying the car and returning, Jiang Feng started the live broadcast.

Netizens watched him gallop across the wasteland in a car, and were attracted by him one after another.

[I'll go, what a big tractor! 】

[Where is the owner? Why didn't you see it? 】

[It seems that he is the one driving the car! 】

【What? Can he still drive a tractor? 】

[Sure enough, a handsome person even thinks he is handsome when driving a tractor! 】

Amidst a burst of discussion, Jiang Feng appeared in people's sight driving a tractor.

He looked at the drone from the car window and said to netizens:

"I just bought a large tractor. For the ranch, a tractor is a necessity."

"The supporting equipment will be shipped in a while."

"The tractor can dig ditches, weed, cultivate soil, riddles, fertilize, sow seeds, and it can also mow grass in the pasture in autumn, which can greatly improve work efficiency."

"It feels good to drive."

It was as if he had bought a big toy and was having a great time playing it.

Seeing his appearance, everyone replied one after another:

[Owner, you actually know how to drive a tractor? 】

[What a big toy car, I want to drive it too! 】

[Big brother's life is really simple and unpretentious! 】

Just at this time, the big truck arrived with the supporting tools.

Jiang Feng put these tools in the factory building, and then asked Ma He to work with him to install the plow rake on the back of the tractor.

Without further ado, there is a large piece of fertile wasteland next to the pasture. There are some scattered weeds growing on the wasteland. Jiang Feng has long been unhappy with this land.

So, he drove the tractor himself, and drove the tractor directly to the wasteland.

The little animals on the farm watched curiously.

The golden retriever hid far away and didn't come close, while the cihuamao was more courageous and watched from a distance.

The drone followed Jiang Feng to shoot.

Jiang Feng stopped the tractor, inserted a few sticks into the ground, and roughly planned the area to be cultivated.

Then, he drove the vehicle and started working directly.

As the rake is lowered, the steel blades on the rake dig into the soil.

The tractor continued to move forward, and the blade drew eight neat and parallel ravines on the ground.

The originally desolate ground was raked open, revealing some moist dark soil inside.

These soils are excellent.

Seeing such a work scene, everyone felt quite relieved.

[Inexplicably looking so cool! 】

[It's fun to watch what the anchor does! 】

[The average tractor is only more than 10,000 yuan. He drives a luxury large tractor worth more than 100,000 yuan. Can you be unhappy? 】

【This is the power of money! 】

After Jiang Feng finished one round of plowing, he raised the plow, then turned around and continued plowing.

With the operation of the vehicle, it only took three rounds to complete the plowing of the fields he had divided.

"This is the end of the plowing, and it's a bit disappointing."

Jiang Feng sighed with emotion.

[Anchor, if you don't feel happy, you will plow the grassland! 】

[You plowed the grassland and I'll give you rockets! 】

Netizens don't think it's a big deal when they watch the excitement, they just like to make troubles.

Jiang Feng parked the car aside, then put on a straw hat, picked up a shovel, and began to pat the fields to divide the area.

In no time he was clearing an area.

Then, he took out the carrot seeds he had drawn in yesterday's lottery and prepared to sow them.

"I'll plant some carrots on this field."

"Generally, base fertilizer is applied before planting carrots, but this land is very fertile, so I will not apply fertilizer."

"Carrot planting is relatively simple and can be sown directly."

Jiang Feng took the carrot seeds in his palm, walked into the field and sprinkled them evenly.

Many people are watching farming for the first time, and watching other people's farming is also a bit of fun.

After Jiang Feng sowed the seeds, he found a long water pipe to connect the water, and then began to water the ground.

With the injection of water, the ground quickly becomes wet, and the seeds are also wrapped in moist soil.

These seeds will germinate in the soil and grow, toward the sun.

Then, Jiang Feng found sunscreen nets and spread them in the carrot field.

"It's done, the next thing is to wait for the germination."

"If your own land is not for business, you can eat and grow whatever you want."

"You can grow peppers, green onions, tomatoes, corn and wheat."

"The disadvantage of the grassland is that the sun is strong and the wind is strong. If there is no greenhouse, it is better to plant some crops that are easier to survive."

Hearing Jiang Feng's words, young people living in the city were somewhat attracted by him.

They seem to feel the beauty of the pastoral complex that China has passed down for thousands of years.

[It used to be strange that the old man liked to grow some things, but now he seems to understand a little bit! 】

[Dig a hole, bury some soil, count one, two, three, four, five; your own soil, your own land, you can grow money in everything you plant! 】

[I'm really old, I like to take pictures of flowers with a camera, and I want to plant some flowers and plants! 】

[It's because we are too tired, we are pushed forward by the society, and we can't stop. If the pace of life is slow, it's really good to grow some vegetables and fruits! 】

[So the life of the field owner can only be our yearning! 】

Everyone looked at Jiang Feng, who was wearing a straw hat and full of vigor and vitality in the camera.

In everyone's heart, they liked and admired him more and more.

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