Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 65 Inspect your territory!

on the prairie.

On the grassland in the middle, the grass has been exposed to the sun for more than three days.

The noon sun is very hot, without the roots to deliver nutrients, the tall grasses that have been cut down quickly turn yellow.

Although it is yellow and lacks water, the nutrients of the grass are still retained.

Of the four tractors, three went to the nearby pasture to cut grass.

There is another one left, which is being installed with a hay rake.

The shape of the hay rake is very unique. It is a triangular machine with many rotating large rakes on it.

As soon as the machine is turned on, all the tines start to rotate and gather the grass in the center.

It was originally a piece of hay lying down, but when the hay rake passed by, it would gather the hay on both sides together, leaving a stalk piled up with hay.

A hay rake has a much greater reach than a tractor, and it looks like a huge tail attached to the rear of a tractor.

Men have always had little resistance to this kind of mechanical equipment.

Everyone was very interested to see a huge rolling machine full of rotating rake teeth.

[Owner, tell me, what is this? 】

[It’s very interesting to look at, it’s like an excavator tearing down a wall! 】

[The back of the tractor can really be equipped with anything, a plow can be used to plow the land, and a mower can be used to mow grass. Now it is equipped with this, which is interesting! 】

【This machine looks so big! 】

The barrage is very lively.

Jiang Feng watched from behind the tractor and explained to everyone:

"This is the hay rake machine. We call it Xuanhu. Now it's all mechanized, and we often use these machines."

"Its role is very simple, it is to gather the grass on the sides together."

"Let everyone take a look."

Just as he was talking, Niu Erhu drove the tractor towards the grassed area.

He pressed the operation button, the hydraulic equipment behind the tractor started to work, and the hay rake was raised high.

This will not damage the area the tractor passes through.

Seeing the raising of the hay rake, many people couldn't help exclaiming "Wow".

Men are always amazed to see such large machines at work.

The tractor drove into the grassland. After passing through the area covered by tall grass, Niu Erhu pressed the operation button, and the rake slowly lowered.

Then, the rake teeth on the top rotated, and the scene of seven or eight rake teeth rotating together was a bit shocking.

The tractor started to move forward, and as the tractor and the rake passed by, the tall grass on both sides continued to gather towards the middle.

Where the tractor passed by, the grass was gathered in the middle, leaving a raised "grass road".

Jiang Feng walked over and grabbed a handful of hay from the grass path in the middle.

"That's what a hay rake does."

"There was no hay rake before, and we all manually held the rakes to hug the grass together."

"It's too much work!"

"Later, there was a mechanized hay rake. It didn't have rake teeth as it is now, but there were a few non-moving rakes."

"After the rake passes, the grass will pile up, and then the grass will be manually removed."

"The current hay rake is equipped with mechanized rake teeth, which greatly improves the productivity, and it is no longer as troublesome as before."

Jiang Feng introduced to everyone.

Watching the scene of the rake machine going away in the screen, and listening to Jiang Feng's knowledge about mowing grass, the audience in the live broadcast room felt very relaxed.

The pasture is huge.

It takes a long time for a rake to gather all the grass.

But this is already the most efficient way.

The hay rake passed for a round, then turned around and continued to build grass.

Just like that, the machine drove back and forth.

Soon rows of tall grass form.

There are paths among the grass.

Jiang Feng walked to the path, squatted down, pulled out a few cut grass roots, and said:

"The grass will continue to grow, but it won't grow so high. It will die in autumn, and only a small part can grow."

"However, in the spring of the second year, the grass here began to surge again."

"As long as there is enough rain, the grass grows very fast."

"It only takes one or two months to grow to knee height."

For most places, weeds that grow erratically are not a favorite.

Even on the lawn carefully cultivated by humans, if you see some weeds emerging, you can't help but pull them out.

Not to mention farmland and paddy fields, they will try their best to weed.

But the grassland is different, here is a paradise for weeds to grow.

As the bottom of the food chain, it is also the place where the food chain begins. The more lush the weeds grow, the more life they can nourish.

From the bottom of the food chain such as cattle, sheep, horses, rabbits, and mice, to carnivores such as raptors, foxes, and wolves...

Life begins with weeds.

Therefore, on the grassland, grass represents hope and vitality.

As a rancher, Jiang Feng is very satisfied with such a pasture with excellent grass growth.

"Go deep and take a look."

Jiang Feng returned to the pasture, took out the red rabbit, and put a saddle on it.

Chitu cooperated very well and let Jiang Feng fix the saddle and pedals.

Then Jiang Feng got on his horse and went to inspect his new territory.

His newly rented pasture stretched out for two kilometers, reaching the border of Maoden Ranch, and beyond that was the wilderness of no man's land.

The remaining part extends inwards, including a natural lake, which is relatively concave, and the lake has less water in the dry season, but it will overflow in the rainy season, forming several small rivers.

The water of the lake comes from groundwater, and some freshwater fish live in it.

At this moment, a tractor with a mower is mowing grass in this area.

Starting today, these private pastures are under his management, and the grass is also his.

This year he will definitely not be able to make back his money, but from the perspective of ten years, he will make money no matter what he does with this pasture.

"Look over there, that piece of land is also my pasture."

"Next year, I will divide the cattle farm and the dairy farm."

"From next year, the previous pasture will still raise sheep and horses, which is also the main part of the pasture."

"That area is dedicated to raising cattle."

"The cattle shed will also be built farther away."

"It happens that the breeding methods of cattle and sheep are different, and it is better to separate them."

Jiang Feng was riding on horseback, looking at the pasture in the distance, and telling everyone about his plan.

[The anchor ranch is already so big, how can I hear what he means is just getting started! 】

[With the ability, ability and courage, the development of this ranch will definitely be good in the future! 】

[No need for the future, just because of his popularity now, if you buy beef, mutton or chives with the live broadcast, there will definitely be a lot of people buying it! 】

[He wants to sell beef and mutton, I really buy it, look at his big grassland, can beef and mutton taste good? 】

[Owner, why don't you bring the goods, I'll recognize your cattle and sheep! 】

The barrage responded one after another.

Seeing everyone's barrage, Jiang Feng smiled and said:

"I don't consider bringing goods now. My cattle and sheep have sales channels, and the sales are relatively good. There is really no extra cattle and sheep to sell."

"Using someone else's home to bring goods, I don't have any confidence in my heart, and I don't want to do that."

"Everyone can pay more attention to the pasture cattle and sheep in Inner Mongolia. If you look for the brand, you should be able to eat good beef and mutton."

"This is the pasture kingdom. The cattle and sheep grow up on pasture, and the meat is good."

After all, Jiang Feng's family is a large ranch, and he has cooperated with some high-quality enterprises, so he has never lacked sales channels, and he does not need to go to the market to sell sheep like retail investors.

As long as he wants to sell, someone will accept it at any time.

In fact, many beef and mutton brands have contacted Jiang Feng, hoping that he could come out and bring a product, but Jiang Feng refused.

In the business of bringing goods, the water is too deep, the benefits are too great, and the contradictions are too great.

As long as you go in, your reputation will definitely get worse.

Whether it's the crowding out of peers, or some netizens who look down on bringing goods, it's all troublesome.

Therefore, Jiang Feng prefers to be like this now, concentrate on doing live broadcasts, share ranch life, and get gifts from many people.

Relaxed and happy, why bother to muddy the water with goods.

[The owner is so calm, he won't go if he brings the goods to make money. 】

[Bringing goods is for the anchor to make money, there are too many pitfalls! I never buy it! 】

[It is also recommended to buy other brands, if you have money, you don’t make money, it’s awesome! 】

[Leisure anchor, don't talk about that, vulgar! 】

[I just like the character of the field owner, it's really cool! Thai cool! 】

[If only I were as chic as him! 】

Everyone sent bullet screen responses one after another.

At the same time, many people also gave gifts to Jiang Feng.

The atmosphere of the live broadcast was extremely lively.

Jiang Feng saw everyone's barrage, and he replied unhurriedly:

"I'm not that high-spirited. Who doesn't like making money? It's just that there are not enough cattle and sheep to sell."

"When there are more cattle and sheep in the future, I will bring goods to everyone."

"The original price is 33 yuan and 9 yuan, but to me, it only costs 32 yuan and 9 yuan"

"Let everyone know what is good."

"At that time, everyone will join us."

When he said this, there was a sense of ridicule and a sense of abstraction.

Netizens were speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.

[The host is starting to abstract again! 】

[You bring the goods, I'll buy them, I can't buy you to death! 】

[Use my big banknotes to buy the owner's mutton! 】

[Damn, this car drives! 】

After a few seconds, the barrage became lively again.

Jiang Feng rode a horse, facing the wind, and ran slowly on the pasture.

Still chic as ever.

Thanks to the book friend 43527528, the reward of the silent soul-locking ghost of Hades

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