Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 67 Unique Chicken Feeding Method! (plus more)

On this day, several people from the forage company came to Jiang Feng's pasture to look at the pasture.

They only need to go to the pasture to look around, and then pull out a few grasses from the haystack to know the quality of the forage.

Jiangfeng's grass quality is very good. Although it is not as good as the grass base that specializes in planting grass, it has many varieties, balanced nutrition, and good growth.

So we started talking about the price.

In the 30,000-mu grassland, some areas have more grass, which is easy to mow, and some areas have less grass. In the end, nearly 4,000 bales of pasture were harvested.

A bundle weighs about five or six hundred catties, and a few can reach 700 catties.

Jiang Feng sold 3,000 bundles at 600 yuan a bundle, making a profit of 1.8 million.

Aside from the cost of 100,000, the income is about 1.7 million.

It costs 2 million yuan a year to rent the pasture. By selling grass alone, at least some of the capital has been recovered. In addition, a few adult sheep and adult cattle have been sold during this period, as well as wool.

Now he has just earned back the one-year land rent.

As a large ranch with an investment of 30 to 40 million, it will not start to make profits until this year.

"It's okay, at least the capital spent for a year has been returned."

A big stone in Jiang Feng's heart fell to the ground.

Herdsmen bear risks, and raising cattle and sheep will also put some costs into it. Everyone raises cattle and sheep to make money, so naturally they will calculate their own harvest.

"However, the number and weight of cattle and sheep are increasing, and the assets are also growing."

"And it's going to grow faster and faster."

Jiang Feng thought secretly.

The primitive accumulation of capital is the most difficult.

Assuming that a herdsman only has 20 sheep, it will take a very long time to become 100.

But Jiang Feng now has 4,000 sheep, and it is not that difficult to become 20,000.

To put it simply, it is to sell more rams and keep more ewes. If conditions permit, the number of sheep will soon exceed 10,000.

"Now is the start, and more investment is needed."

"Maybe the number of sheep is maintained at 20,000, and the number of cattle reaches 4,000, which is almost the same."

"At that time, you can concentrate on selling cattle and sheep for income, and the income will be stable."

He has plans for his ranch.

In the initial stage, invest more, lay a solid foundation, and coordinate all aspects of work.

Once stable, just wait for the money to be counted.

Jiang Feng discussed the price of the sale with everyone, and also discussed the time to pick up the haystack.

So, in the next few days, the ranch was busy dealing with the haystacks.

In the morning of the next day, the live broadcast started, and the drone shot from high above, overlooking the whole grassland.

In the live broadcast, five forklifts drove into the pasture.

A forklift lowered its forks, inserted them under the haystack, raised the haystack, and drove back wobbly.

On the edge of the pasture, there are several large trucks ready to load.

Jiang Feng and the boss who bought the pasture stood beside the truck, witnessing all this.

Netizens are very excited.

This scene is a kind of decompression video.

Suddenly, it looks like a real-life ranch game. The forklift picks up the haystacks and transports them to the truck. After the truck is full of haystacks, it drives away and runs away.

Some netizens came to Jiang Feng's live broadcast room for the first time.

After clicking in, he was very surprised.

[Hold the grass! 90,000 people are watching? so hot? I thought it was very interesting, so I clicked in to take a look. I didn't expect so many people! 】

[The host's live broadcast really looks comfortable! People are also comfortable! 】

[I don't know how much it can sell for! 】

[Look at the pasture, there are all haystacks, if they are all sold, they will cost at least two million. 】

【What? two million? so profitable? 】

[How much is his ranch invested, and there are various costs, is tens of millions of investments earning two million a lot? 】

[Indeed, we can't think about earning two million from our perspective. For him, it may not be enough to pay back. 】

Everyone was discussing lively in the live broadcast room.

Forklifts operate one by one.

Fork up the haystack and transport it to the truck.

Many people have watched the live broadcast these days.

From threshing grass at the very beginning, to raking grass with hanging rakes, to baling the haystacks with a baler, and finally using a forklift to fork the haystacks for sale.

In the whole process, every step is a mechanized operation, and every step is extremely pleasing to the eye.

There's nothing good about this kind of video, like horseshoe repairing, shearing sheep, etc., but people just love to watch it.

A man's favorite way is to sit in a daze, and he must watch something to relax his body and mind. This is the most comfortable time.

Watching the forklifts on the prairie busy, occasionally turning the camera, you can also see flocks of cattle and sheep.

This feeling is more relaxed.

Uncle and his workers are still here to help.

Of course, courtesy is reciprocal, and Jiang Feng will give uncle twenty haystacks in return.

Twenty haystacks are about 12,000, which is about the same as a cow, and it is not worth much.

The drone broadcasts the scene on the grassland live.

Jiang Feng planned to hold another banquet after selling the haystacks.

During this period of time, everyone has worked very hard. The grassland has expanded, and it is necessary to cut and rake grass, and take care of cattle and sheep.

So after this period of work, Jiang Feng will reward everyone well.

Not only will they have a good meal, but employees will also receive more bonuses.

He stared at the pasture for a while, then came to the chicken coop to feed the chickens.

It has only been more than a week, and the little yellow chicken looks like it is cooked through, and the fluff is getting more and more vigorous.

What Jiang Feng paid most attention to was the chick that was hatched by him.

The vitality of that chick is very tenacious, and now there is no trace of weakness.

Cihuamao is also nearby, and found a clean place to lie down.

Jiang Feng sprinkled chicken feed in the food bowl, and a lot of chickens ran over to eat.

He grabbed the little yellow chicken that he broke out of its shell, and the little guy didn't make a fuss in his hands, just staring at Jiang Feng.

After the drone broadcasted the situation of the pasture, it flew back to take pictures of the scene in the pasture.

Jiang Feng just had the opportunity to show everyone this little yellow chicken.

"Look at this chick, the one I hatched from the hatch."

"It is born with insufficient nutrition, so it is difficult to break the shell, but it has a strong desire to survive."

"In fact, the reason why many little yellow chickens can't survive is because their desire to survive is not strong. They don't eat or drink water, and finally freeze to death alive."

"Although it is difficult for this guy to break his shell, he is full of vitality."

"Look at the fluff growing so densely."

"If it wasn't for a scar here, I'd hardly recognize it."

Jiang Feng held the little yellow chicken in his hand and introduced the situation of the little chicken to everyone.

The chick was fluffy and kept making chirping noises.

[It's the little yellow chicken that hatched, I have an impression! 】

[It’s really not easy to survive! 】

[I remember it was still lying on the heat preservation bag! 】

[At the time, I thought I was going to die, but I didn't expect to be alive! 】

Netizens were very surprised.

Jiang Feng put the little yellow chicken in the food bowl.

The little guy started running to the side of the food bowl to peck at the feed again.

Jiang Feng looked at these little chickens from the side, and felt that they would not grow fast if they only ate feed, and their nutrition was not good.

So, he opened the chicken coop and walked out with the chickens in the coop.

After walking a few steps, he turned his head and yelled "lololololo" to the chickens in the pen.

The few big roosters in the head knew what Jiang Feng was going to do, so they fluttered their wings to keep up, and a few fat hens followed. Seeing that their parents had left, the little yellow chicken also chirped, took small steps, and swayed. The little yellow buttocks followed closely.

This scene is very interesting.

After all, the IQ of chickens is very low, and they are not as followable as ducks. Chickens tend to eat their own food, while ducks and geese always gather together.

Therefore, chickens are seldom free-range, and are generally enclosed in chicken pens.

[What is the host going to do. 】

[Why did you release all the chickens. 】

[Are you going to feed the chickens in another place? 】

[Hahaha, I think it's so interesting! 】

[These chickens are actually following him! 】

Barrages came one after another.

Outside the chicken pen is the field on the edge of the pasture.

Jiang Feng walked out of the door, and a large group of chickens also walked out of the yard, outside the yard with the cement wall.

Then, everyone saw Jiang Feng picked up a shovel.

He came to the side of the field and started digging with the shovel.

With a shovel down, some moist dark brown soil was turned up, and some small insects were still active in it.

The soil in this area is fertile and there are many bugs in the ground.

Jiang Feng just opened up a large area in succession, and the raised chickens ran over one after another, constantly picking bugs to eat.

The little yellow chickens also joined the army of eating bugs.

There were also a few roosters who were more powerful, and went directly to the field to look for bugs.

Biological deworming is scientific and reasonable.

It can not only repel pests for the crops in the field, but also make the chickens fed and fattened, which is the best of both worlds.

After Jiang Feng turned over a large area, he stuck the shovel into the ground.

Chickens are eating worms.

He came to the watermelon field to check the watermelons he planted.

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