Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 80 Professional explanation, cattle raising skills!

In the morning, the weather was fine and cloudless.

The wind in the grassland is getting more and more turbulent. Taking advantage of the good weather, the pasture will still let the cattle and sheep out to graze.

It is the beginning of the month at this moment.

In the room, Jiang Feng was busy with a stack of invoices and a calculator, sorting out last month's accounts.

Selling grass, cattle and sheep, this month's income is not bad.

"The price of cattle is decreasing." Jiang Feng pondered slightly.

His ranch is growing, but he still sells some cattle and sheep.

Taking sheep as an example, the main products sold are rams and older ewes.

In this way, the growth rate of the flock can be improved to the greatest extent while ensuring the income.

Raising cattle and sheep is also risky!

Raising sheep has low risk and low income, while raising cattle has high risk but also high income.

In addition to the risk of illness, what is more important is the market price. For example, there were too many cattle for slaughter in one year. The adult beef cattle bought by herdsmen at a cost of 12,000 yuan were raised for more than half a year, and then sold after gaining weight, but they could only be sold for 11,000 yuan.

For a large ranch like Jiangfeng, even if the price of cattle is very low in a certain year, the impact will not be great, and the big deal will be to sell it next year.

"Judging from this trend, the beef cattle market at the end of this year must be bad, and may even lose money."

"It's an opportunity for me."

"My cattle farm will be established after the beginning of spring tomorrow. The initial plan is to reach 1,000 cattle, but currently there are only more than 400 cattle."

Jiang Feng was thinking secretly.

As a ranch owner of a large ranch, if he has no skills, no matter how rich his father is, he can't stand it.

After Jiang Feng took over the ranch, the income of the ranch is very stable and has reached expectations.

But he wanted to do more than that.

The second generation of animal husbandry also depends on whether they have the ability. If they are not capable, they will follow their parents. If they are capable, they will be on their own.

"The end of the year is a good opportunity, so I'm not in a hurry to collect cattle now."

"Wait until the price is lower before making a move."

The accounts of last month have been sorted out, Jiang Feng put all the invoices into a stack with clips, and put these things in the safe.

At the beginning of each month, he will personally count the financial situation of the previous month, which is already a common practice.

He looks very laid-back on weekdays, and at the same time, he is clear about the ranch in his heart.

The employees admire him.

Everyone will also say in private that the director is a powerful person.

Then, Jiang Feng started the live broadcast, showing all kinds of cute animals in the ranch with netizens.

Jiang Feng rode a horse to the grassland, and planned to see the condition of the cattle today.

There are now more than 400 beef cattle in the ranch, most of which are Ujimqin cattle. This kind of cattle is all black, like a bull devil.

There are also some ordinary cattle with yellow and white patterns on their bodies.

The herds of cattle are scattered on the pastures grazing, they move very slowly and seem to be at ease.

Taking advantage of the good weather, let the cattle and sheep out for a walk, which is also good for their health.

"Look at those black cattle. They are called Ujumqin cattle. They are the representative beef cattle of Xilin Gol and the best breed of Mongolian cattle."

"The meat of this kind of cattle is good, the meat is high, and the fur is thick, and they are also frost-resistant in winter."

"Niu Ke is full of treasures!"

Jiang Feng got off the horse and let Chitu move around casually, while he walked into the herd of cattle.

There are many calves in the herd, all closely following the cow.

Seeing Jiang Feng walk in, the little calf was a little scared.

The adult cows are very calm, still grazing at a leisurely pace.

When Jiang Feng passed by, they looked up at Jiang Feng, chewing constantly in their mouths.

[What I envy the most is the Ujumqin cattle in Xilin Gol. They must be raised in a specific environment, and they cannot be raised in other places! 】

[The beef is very expensive, more expensive than ordinary beef! 】

[The cattle and sheep in different regions are different. Xilin Gol Nabi and Ujimqin sheep are also delicious! 】

[So the breed of cattle raised by the farm owner is also very good? 】

[He is following the high-quality line, not like retail farming, there are probably a lot of partners! 】

[Let's put it this way, it is very difficult to buy the cattle he raises from the market, there should be special supply channels. 】

There are many herdsmen in the live broadcast room, and they keep popularizing science with other netizens.

When you see the barrage posted by these herdsmen, you all understand a truth.

That is, the cattle raised by Jiang Feng are very powerful and of good quality.

Jiang Feng looked serious, shuttled among the cattle, his eyes kept patrolling, with a bit of sharp feeling in his eyes.

Netizens looked at Jiang Feng's actions, and they couldn't help being a little puzzled.

[Is the host looking for something? 】

[Yeah, what is he doing? 】

[It seems to be looking for something. 】

At this moment, a netizen named [herdsman Dadong] saw some clues.

He sent a barrage:

[The owner of the river farm is looking at the sickness of the cattle. Only experienced cattle herders can judge whether the cattle are sick through observation. 】

His barrage received the approval of many herdsmen.

[Mongolian herdsman's family]: [Yes, it is indeed to see if the cow is sick. This is the biggest problem in raising cattle! 】

[Cowherd Valandot]: [An illness of a cow is a huge blow to the herdsmen. Sometimes you want to be sick even if you don't want the cow to get sick! 】

[Rural Entrepreneurship Liu Fugui]: [So the veterinarian who can treat cattle has a high status, and everyone who raises cattle wants to ask him to see it. 】

Seeing the barrage of these people, other netizens also understood the situation.

At this time, Jiang Feng just said:

"I have to see if my cows are sick."

"Everyone who has never raised cattle may not be clear. The most feared thing about raising cattle is that the cattle will get sick."

"And cattle have a characteristic, that is, when they are sick, they know they are sick, but they will pretend that they are fine."

"Cow is a very strong animal with a lot of meat. In nature, many carnivores stare at them."

"Carnivores will definitely target sick individuals because they are easy to hunt. Cattle also know this, so when they get sick, they will become vigilant and pretend nothing happened."

"This is their nature, which cannot be changed, and the same goes for domestic cattle."

"When the farmer finds that the cattle will not eat or drink, they will be lying down, and at that time, the cattle are basically terminally ill, and it will be difficult to save them."

"So farmers often wonder:"

"Why did my cattle be fine a few days ago, but suddenly became seriously ill one day, even if a doctor came to save them."

"That's because the cattle have been sick for a long time, but the farmers didn't notice it."

"So, early observation and early treatment are the top priorities in raising cattle."

Jiang Feng's narration is very professional.

His words resonated with many farmers.

[The anchor is right. I have encountered it before. My cow suddenly fell to the ground and couldn't eat or drink. Even a doctor can't save him! 】

[I am most afraid of this situation! 】

[It turns out that the cow will pretend to be not sick after being sick, which is difficult. 】

[Then is there any solution? 】

[Raising cattle also requires a lot of knowledge, but it is not enough to feed them in a circle! 】

[There are so many details. 】

Jiang Feng watched among the cattle for a while, his brows gradually furrowed.

All along, he didn't bother to observe the cows too much. When he looked at them today, he found that several of them had problems.

So, Jiang Feng picked up the walkie-talkie from his trouser pocket, pressed the talk button, and said:

"Old Niu, you pass me this trip, as well as Hardan and Briggood, come here too."

Hardan and Briggood are new employees of the ranch. They are both in their twenties, young and strong, and they are relatively down-to-earth. They are people from their village.

"Okay, field manager, come here right away." Niu Erhu responded.

Then, he rushed towards Jiang Feng.

Both Hardan and Briggood were on the pasture, and they also trotted this way.

They were wondering what Jiang Feng was looking for them for.

Netizens have seen Jiang Feng's actions.

Everyone was also very curious about what Jiang Feng was going to do.

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