Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 91 Little Bianmu brought back a little wolf? !

In the afternoon, a truck drove to the ranch, along with Jiang Feng's big black back.

Seeing a vehicle approaching, Jiang Feng came to greet him.

Behind him, the dogs on the ranch followed him except for Cai Cai.

Laifu, Xiaojinhua, Wangwang.

Seeing Jiang Feng standing, Golden Retriever Wangwang ran over again, his head poking out from between Jiang Feng's legs, occupying the core area.

The next moment, the back door of the truck opened, and a ferocious black-back jumped out of the truck.

Seeing the appearance of the black back, the golden retriever Wangwang was so frightened that he wanted to run away.

Jiang Feng knew that Wangwang was afraid of black backs, so he deliberately clamped his legs and clamped the golden retriever's body.

The golden retriever still pulled away hard.

This scene is quite interesting.

At this moment, it was live broadcasting, and the netizens burst into laughter.

[Hahaha, this golden retriever is so scary! 】

[The owner of the field is so stupid, he didn't let the golden retriever escape! 】

[It's that black-backed dog a few days ago! 】

[Golden Retriever is so afraid of black backs? 】

[One thing drops one thing! 】

Jiang Feng let go of his legs, and the golden retriever got away and ran away.

The two border shepherds greeted Heibei happily.

Heibei and Bianmu Laifu sniffed each other, then looked at Xiaojinhua and greeted it.

The dog farm is playing with sophistication and sophistication clearly.

"Old black!"

Jiang Feng called out, and Heibei ran over immediately, extremely powerful.

Jiang Feng touched Heibei's head and introduced to netizens:

"This is another shepherd dog in my family, and it is also the most prestigious dog in my family."

"Old Hei's way of shepherding is different from that of Border Shepherd."

"Border herds crawl forward, assume a hunting posture, and force the flock to retreat."

"Old Hei either doesn't move and just looks at the sheep like this, or he just goes up and bites."

"It's afraid of the sheep standing here."

After hearing Jiang Feng's explanation, netizens also responded:

【Owner, don't mention the sheep, I'm also afraid of it standing next to me! 】

[Who is not afraid of this kind of fierce dog! 】

[Who can bear a bite! 】

Jiang Feng smiled when he saw the barrage. Hei is already an old employee, he knows his duties clearly, and he never attacks people for no reason.

On the contrary, there was a thief stealing a sheep in Jiang Feng's house before, Lao Hei found out in time, and rushed up to scare a thief so that he didn't dare to run away, and finally was caught by Jiang Feng's family and sent to the police station.

Jiang Feng took Lao Hei to familiarize himself with the environment of the ranch.

When Lao Hei saw the golden retriever Wangwang, he ran up to it and stared at it, as if saying, "Look straight at me, you cub."

The golden retriever tilted his head and didn't dare to look at it. His small eyes looked around, and the word "counseling" was written all over it.

The Golden Retriever is a scheming dog, and he often fights with Lai Fu Lai Cai, because he is relatively fat, so it is not a big problem to fight two border herds.

But it really can't beat the black back.

I can only admit cowardice.

Netizens burst out laughing when they saw how aggrieved it was.

[Wangwang, why don't you dare to have a fight with it! 】

[Haha, this big golden retriever also has moments of confession, those little eyes are so funny! 】

The ranch is bustling again.

It takes a while for the animals to get acquainted with each other.

When Lao Hei saw Xiao Jinhua's friends Chihu and Xiaofenzhu, he just looked at them from a distance.

The red fox was a little afraid of Lao Hei at first, but found that Lao Hei was not malicious, and gradually became more courageous.

In the evening, Jiang Feng had nothing to do and planned to cook a delicious meal by himself.

He went to the kitchen to get some dishes, and went to the open-air chopping board to prepare side dishes.

Wash all the dishes, some shredded, some sliced, some cleaned up and put on the plate.

His movements hardly stopped, he was busy all the time.

at the same time.

Heibei was lying on the ground to accompany Jiang Feng.

It seemed to hear movement outside, so it stood up vigilantly and walked towards the outside of the pasture.

Heibei saw Xiao Bianmu playing around on the grass outside the pasture.

Heibei was a little worried.

After all, shepherd dogs have been taken away by wolves many times, especially this kind of young shepherd dogs, who are easy targets for wolves to attack.

So, Heibei followed the little border shepherd, watched from a distance, and accompanied the little border shepherd.

It saw that the little border collie seemed to be playing with friends.

The black back looked carefully again, and suddenly, its expression became alert.

The guy playing with the little border shepherd is a little wolf!

Heibei rushed over suddenly. In its concept, the wolf is a thief who steals sheep and an enemy, and it must fight to the death.

At this time, the little wolf saw the ferocious black back rushing towards him. It lowered its body in horror, exposing its abdomen, panicked, and let out a cute and cute cry.

Little Bianmu barked eagerly at the side, stopping Heibei.

Heibei rushed in front of the little wolf, looked at the young wolf in front of him, didn't open his mouth, and stopped moving.

The atmosphere was a little depressed for a while.

5 minutes later.

Jiang Feng is cooking in the pot.

Xiao Bianmu suddenly ran into the yard with great interest.

It barks at Jiang Feng, its naive face is full of excitement.

Jiang Feng looked down at it.

This little Bianmu has golden and white hair all over its body, looks extremely cute, and is smart in itself, Jiang Feng especially likes it.

"Little Jinhua, what's the matter?"

After Jiang Feng finished cooking, he knelt down and patted its head.

Xiao Jinhua pretended to run back, and turned her head to call Jiangfeng, meaning you come out and take a look.

It looks very serious.

A drone captured this footage.

[Xiao Jinhua is calling the host to go out! 】

[Did this little border shepherd find anything? 】

【It's so powerful, it even brought back a fox and a little hedgehog as its friends! 】

[Mu Te is smart here! 】

Everyone agreed.

Seeing Xiao Jinhua's expression, Jiang Feng smiled lightly and said, "Did you find some small animals again?"

"A hedgehog, or a wounded sparrow, or a fox?"

Jiang Feng followed it to leave.

As soon as he took two steps, Jiang Feng saw the little white wolf standing at the gate of the yard.

"Hold the grass!"

Even though Jiang Feng was well-bred, he couldn't help cursing at this moment.

The sound of "holding the grass" represented shock and astonishment.


"Is that the little white wolf?"

"Where did you abduct it from?"

Jiang Feng hurried forward a few steps.

He was not worried about the little white wolf, but worried about the four adult wolves he saw during the day.

The little white wolf was a little afraid of people, and when he saw Jiang Feng approaching, he hurriedly ran back.

Coincidentally, there was a black-backed dog at the back, and the little white wolf bumped into the black-backed leg, took two steps back, and ran to the side again.

"Lao Yang, Lao Ma."

Jiang Feng immediately called the staff of the ranch.

Yang Maolin and Ma He rushed over immediately.

"Call the master to see if there are wolves around the pasture!" Jiang Feng immediately arranged.

"Wolf?" Yang Maolin and Ma He were a little surprised.

All right, why are there wolves?

"Look here, Xiao Jinhua brought the little wolf back from somewhere." Jiang Feng pointed to the little white wolf by the wall and said to them.

Both Yang Maolin and Ma He looked at the little white wolf.

Seeing the little white wolf, the two also "hold the grass" out loud.

The ranch was peaceful and peaceful.

A little white wolf suddenly appeared, making the pasture lively.

The employees were dispatched one after another, each found a stick and searched around the ranch.

Although wolves are protected animals and cannot be killed, it is no problem to drive them away with sticks.

Netizens are even more excited.

Since ancient times, watching the excitement is not a big deal.

There is a wolf coming to the ranch, and the barrage is boiling directly.

【That's really a wolf! 】

【It's the little white wolf from that family during the day! 】

[I saw it too, and thought it was so cute at the time! 】

【How did Xiao Jinhua bring her back? How did she do it? 】

[This is too amazing! 】

[Hahaha, the program is full of effects! 】

Jiang Feng saw the little wolf hiding in the corner and looked at it in horror.

It looked a bit like the cub of a pastoral dog that was abandoned.

Uneasy, restless, helpless.

Jiang Feng suddenly softened his heart.

He looked at Xiao Bianmu and reprimanded:

"Where did you get it, don't run outside the pasture at night, what if it is taken away by wild wolves?"

Jiang Feng felt a little scared, if Xiao Bianmu was taken away, he would really suffer to death.

However, there is a black back staring at it. If the wild wolf is really close, the black back will definitely find it immediately, so there is no need to worry too much.

Jiang Feng walked towards the little white wolf.

The little white wolf ran backwards, but there was a wall behind it, so it faced the wall, its buttocks faced Jiangfeng, and squeezed against the wall desperately.

Jiang Feng is too experienced in dealing with this kind of cub.

He went back to the kitchen, filled a bottle of milk and came out again.

The milk powder he got in the lottery is better, but the milk powder needs to cool down for a while after brewing, and the milk doesn't have to wait.

Jiang Feng took the baby bottle and walked towards the little white wolf.

When he came to the little white wolf, the little white wolf was lying on the ground, screaming in panic.

Jiang Feng squatted down and stuffed the bottle directly into its mouth.

When the little white wolf sucked the milk, he immediately fell silent.

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