Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 94 Collective counting of sheep, the total number of sheep in the pasture!

Harvest Festival is around the corner.

Farmers and herdsmen are inevitably a little excited to calculate the results of a year's hard work at this time.

Of course, the premise is that there is a good harvest.

Jiang Feng began to organize the employees to count sheep.

Some netizens suggested that Jiang Feng use an automatic sheep counting device. Now that technology is so advanced, it is enough to use surveillance cameras to take pictures and count them.

But there are more than 4,000 sheep, and the sheepfolds are all together, and the sheep keep moving around, which is still somewhat difficult.

The method of counting sheep by herdsmen is very simple, that is, to bring the sheep to the outer fence, and then open a passage that can only accommodate one sheep, and count the sheep one by one.

Taking advantage of the fine weather at noon, all the sheep in the sheepfold were driven out.

At this moment, on the grass outside the ranch, the employees have surrounded two large circles with railings, and the opening is wide open.

Jiang Feng arranged for Lao Hei, Lai Fu, and Lai Cai to drive the sheep in.

Xiao Jinhua also followed.

Jiang Feng also put the little white wolf and seven little golden retrievers on the grass, letting them learn from the three shepherd dogs.

All the dogs charged forward like soldiers, except for the golden retriever Wangwang, who followed the river wind like a eunuch beside the emperor.

A flock of sheep is herded into two pens.

Then the staff closed the entrance to the pen.

The sun at 11:00 a.m. was just right, shining warmly on the herdsmen and their flocks.

The cries of the sheep can be heard endlessly, adding a bit of lively atmosphere to the wasteland.

The drone took a picture like this.

Watching the herdsmen, sheep, and sheepdogs walking back and forth on the grassland, netizens are happy physically and mentally.

Jiang Feng said:

"Counting sheep today, the method of counting sheep here is to drive all the sheep to one place, and then come out and count one by one, it's all like this."

"It's time to count how many sheep I have now."

"When I came here, there were about 4,050 sheep, and more than 300 sheep were sold in the middle, and many lambs were born."

"It should still be stable at 4000 to 4100."

Netizens are very happy.

[It turns out to be counting sheep! 】

[Haha, tens of thousands of netizens ran to the live broadcast room to count sheep! 】

[One thing to say, I really want to count it once! 】

[Several sheep are such a big battle! 】

There has never been a shortage of masters among netizens.

A netizen called [Mentally retarded 10 years old] posted a bullet screen saying:

[Owner, I have a good way to count sheep! Just count how many legs there are and divide by 4 to get the number of sheep! 】

Seeing this barrage, people quite agree.

[As expected of a mentally handicapped friend, I suggest counting the eyes of sheep, just divide by 2! 】

[The number of legs is not necessarily right. What if two sheep ride on each other and only six legs touch the ground? 】

[What if there is a sheep lying down! 】

[I recommend counting wool! 】

The barrage is happy again.

Jiang Feng just smiled when he saw the barrage.

He stood by the fence and looked at his sheep.

The number of these sheep is indeed large and mighty.

There are big ones, small ones, white faces, and black faces.

The staff opened a gap in the fence, and then let the head sheep go out first.

The sheep behind immediately followed.

Employees began to count one by one.

A group of ten will stop when there are a hundred, and drive the sheep back to the sheepfold in the pasture.

There is one person counting at the exit of the fence, and another person behind the fence to make sure the number is ok.

Jiang Feng said to everyone:

"The herdsmen will hire shepherds in summer, and they will count the number of sheep in this way before handing over, and then hand the sheep to the shepherds to graze."

"I'll count it again when I'm on business in three months."

"If there are fewer sheep, the shepherd has to pay for them."

"This is the norm."

The ranch staff were counting sheep, Jiang Feng watched the ranch staff count sheep, and the netizens in the live broadcast room watched Jiang Feng watch the ranch staff count sheep.

Both Jiang Feng and the netizens felt relaxed.

Because they are not counting sheep.

One hundred, two hundred, three hundred

The number of sheep is very fast. After a while, there are fewer and fewer sheep in the large circle surrounded by two fences.

The flock of sheep emerges from the exit of the fence one by one like a stream of water.

In the end, the remaining one or two hundred nested inside and did not come out.

Laifu and Laicai are ready to go, and they know what to do next.

"Laifu, Caicai, go, drive the sheep!"

Jiang Feng shouted.

Two border collie dogs, one on the left and one on the right, rushed into the fence immediately to drive the sheep away.

The little border collie, the little wolf, and the seven little golden retrievers all stood on the ground looking at the heroic posture of the border collie dog from a distance.

They are engrossed, and there is a bit of worship in their eyes.

The border collie lay down directly, got in from under the fence, and then circled behind the flock of sheep. The flock of sheep in the fence immediately ran to the exit in fear, scrambling to jump out.

Employees count one by one at the exit of the fence.

Finally, the total number of sheep is calculated by adding up the employees of the two pens.

"The head of the field is 4197 heads."

Yang Maolin came over and said to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng nodded and replied: "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Then, the employees scrambled to feed the sheep.

Jiang Feng counted the number of sheep: "It's been a bit too much these days. The family thought the sheep were not fat enough, so they didn't sell them. They came here to eat fat and then sold some."

"The total amount is close to 4200, not bad, a little regeneration in winter."

"When the spring lambs come out next year, it is estimated that there will be five or six thousand lambs."

At his size, he can earn a good income just by relying on the cattle and sheep born.

However, he still wants to make it bigger, so the number of sheep sold is still restrained.

After counting the sheep, Jiang Feng was fine.

He came to the cattle farm again.

But this time it's a dairy farm.

The environment of the dairy farm is much better than that of the cattle farm. There are special indoors here, and the temperature is suitable.

There are 20 adult cows in Jiangfeng's dairy farm, all of which are treasures of the ranch.

"Squeeze a cow live today."

"Everyone should be very interested."

"Dairy cows are good things, and the feed conversion rate of livestock is the highest."

"There are a lot of dairy products here in Maodeng, and the demand for dairy cows is also great. There are special dairy farms in those large pastures."

"I sell milk once a week here, and I don't sell much, because milk is used in many places in the ranch, so I can only sell a little less to get back the capital."

Jiang Feng walked into the dairy farm and said to netizens.

As soon as they heard about milking, netizens immediately became interested.

【Do you want to milk? I can! 】

[What do you say the first person to drink milk did to the cow! 】

[I said how could there be no cows in the ranch, I finally saw it! 】

[The farm owner still has cows here, they are hidden very deep! 】

[Dairy cows are very expensive, even more expensive than beef cattle! 】

Jiang Feng walked into the cowshed and inspected the milk in the barn.

These cows are black and white. In the aesthetics of Chinese people, black and white animals are very popular.

Such as pandas, killer whales and the like.

Dairy cows are more friendly than beef cows.

Jiang Feng looked at the barrage and explained:

"Now milking is done by machines. There are special milkers, which are more convenient than manual milking, and the cows are also comfortable."

"Technology is developing, and the breeding industry is also developing."

This time happens to be milking time.

Geerya and Niu Erhu are both here.

Together with the two of them, Jiang Feng led the cow out and came to the side of the milking machine.

Jiang Feng seemed to wipe the cow's udder with a sterilized towel.

He also explained:

"Disinfection is also a major difficulty in the breeding industry."

"The disinfection wipes used by each cow here are different, and they are specially configured, just to avoid the possibility of cross-infection."

"Simply sterilize with a sterilizing towel, and then connect it to the breast pump."

The breast pump is similar to a car charging pile, with two small suction cups at one end, which can then provide negative pressure to suck milk directly into the refrigerator.

Much faster than milking a cow in one go.

If the pressure starts to increase, it means that there is less milk, and the suction cup will fall off automatically.

Netizens were very interested in watching the scene where the ranch staff milked the cows.

[Long experience again! 】

[It's all so high-tech now! 】

At this time, someone asked:

【Owner, didn’t you say that dairy cows have the highest feed conversion rate among livestock, so why not raise more dairy cows. 】

Jiang Feng saw this barrage.

He replied:

"This is an issue related to the market. If only a few dozen cows are raised, the efficiency is the best."

"If it is a large dairy farm with hundreds of cows, it is necessary to consider the refrigeration and transportation of milk, which is very costly."

"Large dairy farms can produce dozens of tons of milk every day, and it is easy to lose money if you don't deal with it quickly."

"So there are relatively few dairy farms now. As far as I know, many dairy farms have lost money year after year and have switched to raising beef cattle."

"Beef cattle are more stable. If you raise too many dairy cows, the dairy companies will make money."

After hearing Jiang Feng's words, everyone suddenly realized.

Opening a dairy farm is costly, expensive, and troublesome. It is far less worry-free than raising beef cattle.

【Don't look young, the owner is smart! 】

[What a clever little ghost! 】

[Such a large ranch, with ten employees, can't run it without being smart! 】

The barrage responded one after another.

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