Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 96 Big Harvest Festival, Buy Some Goose Seedlings!

Jiang Feng walked into a tent.

This is the venue for the Dairy Competition.

The cabinets on both sides are full of various packages of yogurt and milk.

There are also milk tea with various ingredients on the table.

Mongolian milk tea is salty.

Sometimes when they have breakfast, they put meat, pancakes, preserved fruit, etc. into bowls with their hands, and finally pour milk tea. A bowl of milk tea soaked in meat is their breakfast.

Jiang Feng has been here for so many years, and he is not too used to Mongolian milk tea. He prefers to drink sweet milk tea, and he never eats so greasy for breakfast.

But now I can also drink Mongolian milk tea.

Jiang Feng introduced his method to everyone.

"The milk tea I drink during meals here is salty, but the dairy products are sweet."

"My family didn't drink salty milk tea before, so I have never been used to it."

"It's the same as I grew up eating sweet rice dumplings, but I can't get used to meat rice dumplings at all."

"However, later I found a way to be able to eat meat dumplings."

Hearing Jiang Feng's words, there was a quarrel between sweet rice dumplings and meat rice dumplings in the live broadcast room.

[Can meat dumplings be eaten? It's like tarnishing glutinous rice! 】

[Meat dumplings are delicious, but sweet dumplings are unpalatable! 】

[I am not in harmony with the meat dumpling! 】

[Owner, what is the method? I also grew up eating sweet rice dumplings. Whenever I eat meat rice dumplings, my body retches and becomes nauseous. I can't eat them at all! 】

[Me too, I can't eat meat dumplings! 】

The bullet screen kept surging.

Jiang Feng smiled and said:

"I used to be like this too. It was very uncomfortable to eat meat dumplings for the first time, and I would retch."

"It's because the subconscious mind is at work."

"As long as we can change this subconscious."

"So, my method is, the next time you eat meat dumplings, don't tell yourself it's rice dumplings, tell yourself it's meat bibimbap."

"When you tell yourself that this is bibimbap, your body will not resist instinctively, and you can taste the deliciousness of meat dumplings."

Hearing Jiang Feng's words, everyone was dumbfounded.

[Meat Bibimbap? can this work? 】

[What an outrageous method! 】

[What about the sweet tofu brain, tell yourself that this is tofu roasted fairy grass? 】

[Don't talk, I sneered when you said sweet tofu brain, but when you said tofu burns fairy grass, I suddenly had an appetite! 】

[Next time I eat meat dumplings, I will try this and see if it works! 】

[Where does the host get such unpopular knowledge! 】

[I really learned this time! 】

Jiang Feng walked to the dairy table, where there were small disposable cups filled with samples, where you could taste the new dairy products of various brands.

Jiang Feng drank several cups in a row and nodded frequently.

The dairy products here are too developed, there are more than a dozen yogurt brands alone, and there are all kinds of packaging.

And they all taste great.

Mongolia is, after all, a hay paradise and a major exporter of dairy and meat products.

Can something from the source be bad?

Therefore, the dairy products that Jiang Feng tasted tasted very good.

"This is a dairy product evaluation exhibition, and it is also a publicity event, with many brands participating."

"There is a lot of traffic today, so it's a good opportunity to promote!"

"These yogurts are all okay."

Jiang Feng praised.

[The host is here to eat and drink! 】

[Millionaires eat and drink, shouldn't they buy them all with a wave of their hands? 】

【Harvest Festival open meal! 】

Netizens ridiculed him when they saw him like this.

Jiang Feng didn't look at the barrage, he went directly to the ordering desk aside.

Then, under the shocked eyes of netizens, he slowly said:

"That brand, 15 boxes. And those two types of yogurt, 15 boxes. And the milk-flavored biscuits, 20 boxes."

"I'm in the area west of Maoden, send it to me when the time comes."

The staff at the order desk hurriedly wrote down Jiang Feng's needs.

Hearing Jiang Feng's words, netizens were stunned.

[Who said just now that the host was eating and drinking? 】

[Buy 15 boxes of 15 boxes directly? Isn't that broken? 】

【Arrogance, if only I were as chic as him! 】

[Who is questioning the wealth of the field owner? 】

The bullet screen kept surging.

After Jiang Feng ordered things, he glanced at the barrage.

He explained:

"For the Harvest Festival, we must buy some employee benefits."

"At that time, everyone will send a box."

"I have to buy rice, flour, grain, oil and the like, and I have to send them out."

"Maybe in the city people prefer to give out bonuses, but on our side, giving out rice noodles will make everyone happier and the atmosphere will be better."

Jiang Feng walked out of the dairy tent and went to look outside again.

There are many stalls outside the tents, and various non-staple foods are placed on the tables.

There are people coming and going around, and there are many people shopping.

The prices of general products are slightly higher than the market, but the prices of poultry and livestock have not changed much

Especially for chicken and pork, sellers want to sell them as soon as possible, so the prices are relatively low.

Colorful flags are flying on the yurts.

There are vendors and pedestrians everywhere.

Jiang Feng was in high spirits, and said:

"This is like a harvest festival, without too much disturbance, and everyone is going to the market."

"Moreover, they are all locals, everyone is knowledgeable, and the price is very fair. If anyone quotes a blind price, there is no need for market supervision, and people around him look down on him."

Just as he was talking, Jiang Feng came to a stall selling poultry.

The seller is an old man. There are many cardboard boxes on the booth, and the cardboard boxes are full of chicken, duck, and goose seedlings.

There are also people who specialize in raising geese on the grassland, but they are rare.

Jiang Feng was very interested. He looked at the yellow flat-mouthed cub in the cardboard box, picked it up and looked at it for a while.

These cubs have pure yellow hair, and it is almost impossible to tell whether they are ducklings or goose by looking at their appearance.

The cubs of geese and ducks are very similar, they are all yellow down, smaller in size, and have a flattened mouth.

"Master, how do you sell these goose seedlings?" Jiang Feng asked.

"This pile is male, 4 yuan each. These boxes are female, 6 yuan each." The uncle replied directly.

Jiang Feng is very clear about the price of goose seedlings.

If he wants to open a goose farm and purchase more than 500 goose seedlings at a time, then one is only 3 yuan, and many goose farms sell goose seedlings.

Similar to chicks, goose farms can hatch a lot of goslings at a time, so the price is very low.

If it is this kind of private sale, then the price of goose seedlings is relatively expensive. In the outside market, assuming that only two or three are bought, it can cost 20 yuan a piece.

"Master, bring me a box, I'll pick 10 males and 20 females."

Jiang Feng wanted to raise a big goose, so he said.

It's not bad to eat big geese stewed in an iron pot in winter, but these geese don't grow so big in winter.

"Okay, no problem. 40 yuan for 10 males, 120 yuan for 20 females, 160 yuan in total."


Jiang Feng took the cardboard box and began to pick goose seedlings at the booth.

These little goslings were chirping and chirping, looking silly and lively.

Jiang Feng noticed that there was a little goose in the cardboard box, and he raised his head and stared at him closely, without giving in at all, looking very mighty.

Jiang Feng grabbed it and confirmed that the guy was healthy, so he put it in his cardboard box.

The big goose is also a tyrant in the countryside.

This guy is very fierce, he bullies the pastoral dog all the time.

After seeing people, they will lower their bodies, stretch their necks, and rush forward in an attacking posture.

If the other party is a child or a soft girl, who is scared and runs away, the big goose will be more excited to chase.

But if the opponent is a strong adult, the goose will stop halfway through the rush, and then walk back as if nothing happened.

Those who know current affairs are Junjie.

The big goose knows what to chase and what not to chase.

Jiang Feng picked 30 goose seedlings in a row.

30 is not too much, even the cardboard box is not enough.

But when they grow up, the number of these big geese is very considerable.

Jiang Feng bought goose seedlings and went shopping in the market.

He was carrying the ribs and the goose seedlings, planning to go back to the pasture.

Before leaving, he asked the people in the marketing department about the situation of the cattle and sheep.

"Boss Jiang, your family's cattle and sheep have been robbed early in the morning, and the supply exceeds the demand."

"A lot of big clients who come here have a good eye for cattle and sheep, and they all have dinner parties. Such cattle and sheep are the most popular."

"I've already sent you the money, that is, according to the previous standard, you can make a pair."

The people in the marketing department said to him.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Jiang Feng said with a smile.

All his cattle and sheep are weighed and labeled, and the amount of money they can sell is known, and there is no need to worry about fraud.

It is a good thing to receive such news in Harvest Energy Saving, and Jiang Feng is very relaxed.

The Harvest Festival is also considered a good harvest.

The netizens in the live broadcast room felt very comfortable watching such excitement.

[I feel that the atmosphere of this place is very good! 】

[Obviously everyone set up their stalls casually and irregularly, so why do they feel more attractive than a standardized vegetable market! 】

[Because the people here have not been corrupted by material for too long, that is, they are relatively honest, and customers who come here will not be slaughtered. 】

[If you go to any vegetable market, almost all the scales are fake, and they will spread the price! 】

[It reminds me of the very popular Zibo barbecue some time ago. Although you can eat barbecue everywhere, the taxis and barbecue stalls there dare not ask for prices. People used to be able to truly experience the feeling of being a people! 】

[Yeah, this is the feeling of being a real people, not feeling that everything is a trap! 】

The barrage chattered lively.

The wilderness was full of voices.

Colorful flags flutter on the yurts.

The market was drawing to a close, and people gradually began to leave.

Jiang Feng took the ribs and goose seedlings, called the ranch staff, and headed back to the ranch.

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