"Now I'm very interested in the anchor's little snack, whether it's Da Hei Hao or Xiao Dong Hao, I'm very interested in this thing, and now even the macaques like it. "

"When the anchor also uses it as a benefit. "

"It just so happens that the next time we can be chased by a dog, we can also use it for emergency, at least we don't have to worry about being chased by dogs. "

I don't know if that smart fan has noticed the Bone Strengthening Pill in Ye Xiaolong's hand.

Now Ye Xiaolong really has a lot of this thing in his hands.

After dozens of consecutive pumps, dozens of catties and hundreds of catties can be drawn.

Not only does this stuff taste good, but it is also a great help for animal growth.

Anyway, King Kong and the female bandits are the same day by day, and even Xiaodong is silently chasing after them.

The more you eat, the stronger you naturally get!

That macaque was the one who started to make the most trouble.

cautiously came to Ye Xiaolong's face.

actually stretched out his claws, grabbed Ye Xiaolong's trouser legs, and pulled hard.

This very humane action also surprised Ye Xiaolong.

"Why, isn't one enough? Then I'll give you another one, and see how thin you look, you can't eat well, you can't sleep well. "

Ye Xiaolong threw out another Body-Strengthening Bone Slimming Pill.

This time, the macaque picked it up and didn't eat it, but went to pull the leg of the dragon's pants again.

The macaque made a sound.

Ye Xiaolong smiled.

"You macaque should be smarter, you're looking for me to help. "

In fact, at the beginning, Ye Xiaolong guessed a little.

After all, this macaque is a little different.

Don't look skinny, but this status doesn't seem to be low.

A few macaques came at the beckon.

These macaques all look like they are looking at the head of this macaque.

"Anyway, I picked a lot of kiwifruit, so I just went along to take a look, and maybe you can see a group of macaques." "

Ye Xiaolong laughed and followed the macaque.

Macaques don't go very fast.

Those two long arms, one grabbing a vine, kept jumping in the forest.

kept looking back, it seemed that Ye Xiaolong couldn't keep up.

On the contrary, the big black in the back is a little sullen.

It couldn't hold a macaque.

One runs on the tree and the other runs on the ground, and the difference is not small.

Although the big black is powerful, it still has a huge advantage over the ground at high altitude.

At least now Da Hei is no play.

Macaques are constantly shuttling through the woods.

Ye Xiaolong was also looking at it all the way over.

It's getting harder and harder.

No one had walked at all, it was all bushes.

Fortunately, Ye Xiaolong brought a firewood knife this time and cut it all the way, and finally there was a way.

"Fans in the live broadcast room, don't learn from me, after all, I'm a master of survival in the wild, and I'm not afraid of getting lost in a mountain like this, but you can't, so whether it's good to see a monkey or a rabbit, don't chase it, because if you're not careful, you'll get lost, and get lost in the mountains, it's very dangerous. "

Ye Xiaolong didn't forget to mention it to everyone.

In fact, the fans in the live broadcast room were also dizzy at this time.

Because they don't know where they're going.

Obviously, they all feel the same when they look around, but when they look closely, it is completely different from where they were before.

"The anchor is right, there is one person in our village, because of chasing hares, he ended up lost in the mountains, and this mystery was seven or eight days, fortunately he came out alive. "

"I've heard that any animal that attracts you is actually incarnated by demons and monsters, just to kill you in the mountains so that you can be reincarnated. "

Ye Xiaolong followed the macaque for about half an hour.

Don't look like it's half an hour, but it's not a short journey.

Ordinary people can't bear to look for it.

The trees ahead grew thicker.

Ye Xiaolong's heart moved, and he heard the scream.

"I should have come to the macaque group, which is not small. "

Walk through one of the densest woods.

A towering tree appeared not far from Ye Xiaolong.

This big tree is at least as big as twenty or thirty people hugging.

Like a huge umbrella cover, standing up to the sky.

There was such a towering tree in the mountain, and it was the first time Ye Xiaolong had seen it.

Everyone was also shocked by this towering tree.

Soon everyone noticed the figure of the towering tree.

"I'll go, these macaques are really looking for a place. "

"This is supposed to be where they live, see?"

"There's a big tree hole there, could it be that this towering tree has been hollowed out? "

Soon someone noticed an inconspicuous hole in the top of the towering tree.

The hole was blocked by vines, but it was still visible.

If just such a tree hole becomes a station for macaques, it will be different.

As soon as Ye Xiaolong came over, a large group of macaques immediately surrounded him.

The macaques were all standing in the trees.

Ye Xiaolong glanced at it, there were as many as thirty or forty.

It's just that these macaques are very wary of Ye Xiaolong, and even a few macaques have picked up stones in their hands.

"At this time, we can't be nervous in the face of these macaques, and we can't make any movements, seeing that the macaques are not, the stones in their hands are not ordinary stones, this stone is a sharp head, if it is hit, the power is not small, this should be the macaque group, the monkey responsible for fighting. "

Ye Xiaolong pointed to a few battle monkeys without leaving a trace.

In this comparison, everyone still sees the fame.

It's really the monkey in charge of the battle.

Everyone has seen monkeys, but they haven't really seen any fighting monkeys.

Da Hei, who was behind Ye Xiaolong, was almost about to run to the front.

was stopped by Ye Xiaolong in time.

The macaque that led the way scurried to the innermost part of the country.

Towards one of the largest macaques, there was a whoosh whoa.

"That should be the monkey king of this macaque group, an old monkey king, at most a year or two, he will abdicate and make way for Xian. "

Ye Xiaolong's eyes narrowed slightly, and he recognized this old monkey king.

"It's really the old monkey king, but this aura is really big!"

"I could tell at a glance that this was a monkey king. "

"I can be regarded as a long insight, it turns out that the Monkey King was born with the aura of a leader, no wonder other monkeys are not qualified to be them. "

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