Not far from Yejia Village, there is a foothill.

There is a staircase from top to bottom.

This is where most of the paddy fields in Yejia Village are located.

Ye Xiaolong's paddy field is here.

Originally, Ye Xiaolong thought that he remembered the location of the paddy field at home.

But when he arrived, he realized that he had forgotten where he was.

Secretly pondering for a while, Ye Xiaolong found that he hadn't been to this paddy field for more than 10 years.

I only remember that when I was a child, I used to come to this place to pick raspberries.

Since then, I haven't been very impressed.

Because Ye Xiaolong's parents died when he was very young, he really didn't have much of an impression of being on the side of the paddy field.

Walk on the winding ridges.

10 minutes later.

Uncle Ye Datian and Ye Xiaolong stood on a ridge and pointed to a golden rice field in front of him and said.

"Xiaolong, this is your family's paddy field, there are a total of eight paddy fields, and this line has been all in the past. "

Don't look at the Bafen paddy field, it's actually quite a lot.

Most of the rice grown in the paddy fields has turned golden brown, and it will not be long before the harvest can begin.

The rice here is an early maturing type.

The rice grown here in Yejia Village is grown twice a year.

The first phase was all early rice.

The second phase is late rice, and it just happened to be in time.

A gust of wind blew, and the ears of rice made a rustling sound between the swings, which was very rhythmic.

Ye Xiaolong's eyesight is still okay, and he can see that the uncle has spent a lot of effort to take care of this mu of paddy field, and it looks a lot better than the rice next to him.

"From here here, these rice are yours, and after a while it will be the day to harvest the rice, and you have to think about when to start cutting, and if the weather is bad, there will be no place to dry the grain. "

After Ye Datian admonished him, he left the paddy field and left Ye Xiaolong alone.

Standing on the ridge, after a while, Ye Xiaolong began to check his eight-point paddy field.

It doesn't sound like a big paddy field, but it's still quite a bit of an area when you really walk down in a circle.

In the paddy fields here in Yejia Village, the rice planted is not sprinkled in a swarm.

It's in rows.

So whether you look at it from the left or from the right, it looks like a straight line.

Don't think that growing rice is very simple, in fact, it is still very troublesome, not only fertilizing, weeding also has to be managed regularly, which is quite laborious.

Since the beginning of the past few years, the number of rice growers has begun to decrease, and when I stand on the ridge and look down at the terraced fields, I find that many of the terraced fields are deserted and overgrown with weeds.

After walking along the ridge, Ye Xiaolong stopped.

Reached out and opened a layer of rice.


A few golden rice fish swooped into the depths with a puff of smoke.

These are the rice fish raised in the field of Da Bo Ye.

Here in Yejia Village, almost every household raises rice and fish.

These rice fish were put down from a young age, and to put it bluntly, they are actually carp crucian carp.

I didn't have anything to eat when I was a child, but I could eat rice flowers when they were in full bloom, so I had another name called rice flower fish.

In the paddy fields, the carp and crucian carp of rice flowers are eaten, and the meat quality is quite good.

And this rice flower is originally high in nutritional value, so the taste of these rice flower fish is naturally needless to say.

Some smart people in the village have started to raise rice and fish in their fields.

An acre of rice and fish is worth more than the money of an acre of rice.

Everyone would rather raise this rice fish, but they have no interest in this kind of rice.

After Ye Xiaolong took a look, he found that there were still a lot of rice fish in his rice field.

If it is estimated, there are still one or two hundred catties.

Before cutting the rice, the rice fish must be cleaned up.

Ye Xiaolong returned to his home and found his previous net bag and hoe.

called Ye Dazhuang and Zhang Sanyan over again.

It's time to catch the rice fish.

Anyway, Ye Xiaolong didn't have anything to do now, so it was better to catch this rice flower fish and roast it on the spot.

By the way, start the live stream.

As soon as Ye Dazhuang and Zhang Sanyan heard that they were going to catch rice sweetfish, they came over without saying a word.

Ye Xiaolong had indeed salted fish for several days.

Wait until the drone lifts off, and the live broadcast starts.

And a large number of people poured in.

Of course, there are the most complaints among them.

People's anchors are broadcast live every day, how can anyone be as casual as Ye Xiaolong.

It's just that this popularity is very strong, and after watching Ye Xiaolong's live broadcasts and then watching other outdoor live broadcasts, none of them are attractive.

"Anchor, you big salted fish finally know how to start a live broadcast, and if you don't start a live broadcast, I will send you a blade at home. "

"The anchor is so bad, he doesn't start the live broadcast these days, and I thought the live broadcast was going to run. "

"Fortunately, it's okay, the anchor is finally on, it looks like it's in the field, are you going to do something. "

Lifted off under the drone.

You can see a large area of terraced rice fields.

The golden yellow rice is connected together, which is quite visually stunning.

"Before I knew it, the autumn harvest was coming, I don't know yet, this time is passing too fast, I'm going to sing a song, where have you been in time. "

Ye Xiaolong said hello to the live broadcast room.

"Lao Ye has indeed been salted fish recently, but there is no way, this is to prepare a new wave of benefits for everyone. "

As soon as Ye Xiaolong's words came out, the fans in the live broadcast room exploded all of a sudden.

They haven't forgotten this benefit, especially the last August peach benefit, which was so good that it was amazing.

Everyone can't forget the deliciousness of August peaches, but unfortunately there is no place to buy them now.

"As for what kind of benefits it is, let everyone guess first, hang everyone's appetite, and save you from having to send blades to my anchor every day, my little arms and legs are really unbearable. "

Ye Xiaolong joked, and the camera of the drone also turned and fell back on this acre of paddy field.

"The autumn harvest is about to begin, and my family's rice is almost ripe, so I have to catch the rice fish in my rice field first. "

As soon as I heard that it was to catch the rice flower fish, everyone was excited all of a sudden, and now who doesn't know that the rice flower fish is a good thing.

It's just that everyone knows that rice fish is a good thing, but I really haven't seen anyone catch rice fish in a paddy field.

"Anchor, you are all local tyrants, and you still have paddy fields at home, it looks like this paddy field is good. "

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