Zhao Tianhai really fell in love with that dog king.

He didn't expect that Ye Xiaolong would still have such a ability, and he could raise a big wild boar in the orchard.

Raising wild boars is not a difficult thing to do now.

Wild wild boars are not easy to do.

Zhao Tianhai is quite interested.

If he could, he would have liked to get those two big boar men over.

Zhao Tianhai knows that many rich people are interested in these wild boars.

It would be nice if it could be tamed.

After all, no matter how well this dog king is tamed, how can there be a wild boar to be shocked.

Especially a big wild boar weighing three or five hundred pounds, that is definitely quite powerful.

Zhao Tianhai couldn't wait to get the two big wild boars over.

The college student who came back from the big city, Zhao Tianhai really didn't think anything about it?


At this time, the whole dog farm suddenly barked for some reason.

The cry came very suddenly.

pulled Zhao Tianhai, who was falling into infinite reverie, back from his dream.

I opened the door as soon as I could.

"Something's wrong, the dogs are barking. "

You must know that Zhao Tianhai's dog farm has hundreds of dogs.

Some of this is sold as pet dogs.

Of course, there is also a part, which is sold to the rich as dog fighting.

Of course, pet dogs can make money.

But what can be more profitable than this dog fight.

Just like Zhao Tianhai, he has raised several dog kings himself.

Specially used for dog fighting.

Therefore, there are still many people who buy his dog king and take it to fight dogs.

Because dog fighting is a very exciting and interesting thing.

Zhao Tianhai pushed open the door and saw that the dogs in the kennel outside began to bark.

A dog farm worker walked over.

also wondered, "Boss, we don't know what's going on, just now, these dogs suddenly barked." "

Zhao Tianhai is very concerned about these precious dogs.

If anything happens, he'll lose a lot here.

"Then what are you still doing, hurry up and check what is going on with me, there can be no problems with the dog farm. "

Zhao Tianhai walked up.

The usual docile dogs are now starting to get irritable one by one, and they keep walking back and forth.

Zhao Tianhai's brows also furrowed, he really couldn't see what was wrong.

Is there going to be an earthquake?

For some reason, such an idea suddenly popped into Zhao Tianhai's mind.

It shouldn't be.

When I was looking for a site for Tianhai's dog farm, I was very concerned about this, and the location I chose was high, and it was far away from the village, so I was really not afraid of what would happen.

The dogs in these cages barked louder and louder.

At the same time, he became very irritable.

At this moment, Zhao Tianhai was even more confused.

Under normal circumstances, this shouldn't happen.

"Boss, it looks like there's a pack of dogs out there rushing towards our dog farm. "

At this time, another subordinate ran in from outside.

He said with a somewhat flustered expression.

Because this man is in charge of guarding the dog yard outside.

With such a large dog farm, Zhao Tianhai was also afraid of any accidents, so he usually arranged people to patrol outside at night.

"You're sure you're right, we've got dogs coming at this place, too. Zhao Tianhai had some suspicions that he had misheard.

After a dog farm was built from here.

There are really no stray dogs who dare to come here, because it is only raised to guard the door with a few big black backs.

These big black backs are all of noble blood, and they are usually fed with healthy meat, so they have become very ferocious.

"Boss, you better come and see for yourself, I can't figure out what's going on myself. "

Zhao Tianhai followed.

I saw a group of dogs at the foot of the hill and started to rush up, some big and some small.

Zhao Tianhai was really a little surprised when he saw it.

His dog farm was actually attacked by a group of dogs, and if this was spread, no one would dare to believe it.

"Hell, my dog farm is going to have a bunch of dogs rushing over. "

There was a click.

Zhao Tianhai subconsciously looked to the left.

There was a fence made of cement red bricks, but at this time it was actually broken with a big hole.

The red bricks were knocked out.

Crash into the dog cage.

Zhao Tianhai lost his mind all of a sudden, his wall was actually knocked down, how could this be possible.

But the next second later, Zhao Tianhai's pupils contracted suddenly.

He actually saw a dark shadow rushing in.

After having the first black shadow, there was immediately a second black shadow followed by the third black shadow, and then Zhao Tianhai's whole person changed color.

"Boss, boss, that's a wild boar, we were attacked by a wild boar. "

Zhao Tianhai's subordinates were also dumbfounded, and the whole person became panicked.

Because he saw a wild boar, which was unimaginable.

They actually have a wild boar here, and this wild boar is not small.

Twenty or so wild boars rushed in and went on a rampage of destruction.

Zhao Tianhai's whole person was almost collapsed.

His dog farm was attacked by a pack of wild boars.

These wild boars weigh an average of 300 pounds, and they are constantly colliding with the cage.

Everywhere I went, there was a mess everywhere.

Even the people in their kennel were panicking at this time.

After all, this is a wild boar.

At first, they may think that wild boars are nothing to be afraid of.

But when they actually encountered it, they realized the horror of this wild boar.

"Boss, look, there are two big wild boars again, this wild boar is too big, why does it weigh five hundred pounds?"

After another loud bang.

Two large wild boars rushed in.

Compared to the previous wild boars, these two large wild boars are much more terrifying.

Zhao Tianhai himself has seen a lot of wild boars.

But I've never seen a wild boar that big.

Not just one, but two.

At this moment, Zhao Tianhai was completely afraid.

After two large wild boars rushed in, two more figures rushed in.

I saw a wolf howling and mocking sound.

Zhao Tianhai sat on the ground all of a sudden.

He could hear it being a wolf's cry.

There are big wild boars and green wolves, how is this possible?

Zhao Tianhai panicked.

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