"Electric eels are too vicious. "

"The alligator gar was turned over in an instant. "

"In the past, it was said that this thing was cruel, but now it seems that it is really like that. "

As soon as the electric eel entered the water, it immediately became powerful.

It's just a small stream of electricity, but it also makes the big black fish and the alligator gar feel something.

The electric eel, which was still a little triumphant just now, was immediately knocked on the little head by Ye Xiaolong.

"I didn't let you discharge, what kind of electricity did you discharge, you are wasting it, okay? "

Ye Xiaolong also counted on the electric eel's current to be used against the water monkeys.

If this is used up here, then wait a minute, just in case it is insufficient.

The alligator gar was turned over by electricity, and Ye Xiaolong was not surprised at all.

After all, the alligator gar does not grow fast, but it is a big black fish, which is the real thick skin and thick meat, and there is really nothing to worry about.

The electric eel that was knocked by Ye Xiaolong didn't dare to let go of the arc on his body at all, honestly.

"Wait a minute, you guys go down, the big black fish is responsible for finding the water monkey, and your electric eel is responsible for taking the opportunity to sneak attack, do you hear it." "

This sentence Ye Xiaolong used the language of beasts, which was very mysterious.

The big black fish and the electric eel both understood it at once.

At the very least, the big black fish flicked its tail and splashed a lot of lake water.

The electric eel quietly released a small stream of electricity, which electrocuted the surrounding small fish and shrimp and flew up.

This guy is quite good at controlling the current, otherwise it will be wasted again.

"Okay, this time the thing is done, and you all have a reward. "

Ye Xiaolong drove the big black fish and the electric eel down, and the alligator gar also recovered.

"Little Dragon, did you really get that water monkey like this? "

Ye Qingshan walked over, "I see that this Moon Lake is very big, connected to the underground river, in case the water monkeys are hiding in it..."

If it were elsewhere, people wouldn't really have that to worry about.

But this is Moon Lake, and I really have that idea, this water monkey is not easy to catch.

Ye Xiaolong said with a smile, "I don't think that water monkey will definitely hide in the underground river, maybe just wander under this Moon Lake, otherwise how can it attack the little hairy children in the evening." "

Listening to this, everyone also thinks that this is the truth.

If it weren't for the fact that his ability to dive was too amazing, Ye Xiaolong planned to go down and see this water monkey by himself.

Since the last time he went into the water, Ye Xiaolong has been very confident in his diving ability.

That's the benefit of body makeover.

It is very quiet on the Moon Lake.

Not even the slightest splash of water was splashed, but for everyone, this was the most anxious wait.

As long as you don't get the water monkeys out for a day, everyone won't be at ease.

That thing was scary.

Just look at the cyan mark on Ye Fei's ankle, no one will feel at ease if they see it.

This thing is damned.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes.

In the blink of an eye, 15 minutes have passed.

Another 30 minutes passed.

There was still no movement on the lake.

If it weren't for the fact that the big black fish and the electric eel went down together, ordinary people really don't know what was going to happen here.

Compared to others, Ye Xiaolong is still the most calm one.

The big black fish and the electric eel will definitely be able to catch the water monkey if they go down together.

Especially the electric eel, the biggest contributor should be it.

Whether the electric eel is used well or not depends on whether or not the water monkey can be caught.


Just over the lake in the distance.

A small fish and shrimp jumped up and fell back to the surface.

"There is movement and movement, it seems that the electric eel has activated the electric current on its body. "

"Yes, yes, I look like an electric eel. "

What everyone is most afraid of now is that they can't see any movement, as long as they have anything, it's easy to say.

Ye Xiaolong could also see it clearly, this should be the electric eel emitting an electric current.

Could it be that the water monkeys were found so quickly?

Ye Xiaolong regretted a little that he didn't go to find a boat and row to the center, otherwise he could take a look at the situation.

Now I can only rely on the big black fish and the electric eel to cooperate and get the water monkeys.

Another 10 minutes or so passed.

The pot exploded again on the water.

This time, the current seems to be not small, and several large crucian carp actually jumped out.

It tossed in mid-air and fell back into the water.

This time the movement was bigger than the previous one.

This is the second time that the electric eel has activated the current on its body.

Ye Xiaolong's heart also sank, if he was not sure this time, it would be useless to catch the water monkey.

Ye Xiaolong was bored when he was at home, and used his means to try how many times the electric eel could emit electricity.

So I still have a general understanding of the electric eel's current in my heart, although not as good as those experts.

"My electric eel should have spotted the water monkey, so let's see if it hits each other. "

Ye Xiaolong looked at the lake and said.

There was another commotion.

This time it wasn't a fish that jumped, but a dark shadow.

When it fell, there was a big splash, and everyone's eyes narrowed, and they realized something.

"Water monkeys, that must be water monkeys. "

"It seems that the electric eel has found the water monkey, and it is the water monkey that jumped out just now. "

Everyone stared at the lake.

There was another uproar.

Everyone saw another black shadow, which was pushed up by a big black fish, and fell into the water with a heavy churn in the air.

As soon as the black shadow fell into the water, an electric current exploded beneath it.

The small fish and shrimp on the water also danced together.

This one fell too quickly, and everyone didn't have time to react for a while.

They all realized one thing, and that was that the water monkey was really in danger this time.

Ye Xiaolong's eyesight is the best, and he can see clearly.

It was really the water monkey who was overfed.

It is a large circle smaller than a normal water monkey, just like a young monkey of a young child, with green and hairy all over its body, like a ball.

It's such a thing, it actually has a terrifying name, and the water monkey is also called the water ghost.

Ye Xiaolong was completely relieved.

At the very least, this water monkey can't do evil anymore.

Since they were targeted by big black fish and electric eels, plus there was also the fierce fish of alligator gar, then the water monkeys really didn't want to escape from them.

Ye Xiaolong was glad that he was smart and knew that he would let an electric eel go down, otherwise, he would really have nothing to do with the big black fish and the alligator gar alone.

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