This bee chrysalis, which was more than half a catty, was all eaten by Ye Xiaolong alone.

You really can't eat too much of this stuff.

A small half catty is a lot.

Who made this protein high.

Only a person like Ye Xiaolong who is in good health can eat it.

If you change to some people with poor absorption ability, you may have diarrhea.

Big tonic stuff.

After eating half a catty of bee pupa, make yourself a pot of ancient tea.

Take a sip and it feels delicious.

The hornets on the barren mountains are solved, then all that remains is to clean up the barren mountains.

It will take a few days and it will be about the same.

At the beginning of September, it wasn't very hot.

When the time comes, transplant the ancient tea trees, and the chances of survival will be higher.

At least on the surface, it copes with the past.

Drinking the ancient tea in the cup, Ye Xiaolong remembered something.

I seem to have a lot of ancient tea leaves, and I can't keep them at home all the time.

If we wait until the more than 100 ancient tea trees are transplanted, then a new batch of ancient tea leaves will soon be harvested.

How to deal with it, it seems that Ye Xiaolong has to think about it.

Originally, Ye Xiaolong was going to salted fish.

Now it seems that there is a lot of this.

Seeing these ancient tea trees wasting their leaves in vain, Ye Xiaolong was also a little reluctant.

For example, these ancient tea leaves, after being nourished by spiritual water, the taste has been greatly changed.

That's a great thing to do.

"Why don't you open a teahouse in town?"

Ye Xiaolong frowned slightly, a thought came to him, and then he shook his head.

I am a person with two mountains, and there are a lot of things.

Wouldn't it be even more troublesome if it were to go through the entire teahouse?

If anyone knew that Ye Xiaolong had this idea, it was estimated that they would vomit three liters of blood.

People don't think they can make money, but you're a good kid, but you still hate trouble.

It's really hard to deal with so many ancient tea leaves, can't they all be powdered and used to make matcha?

Ye Xiaolong was a little reluctant.

After all, ancient tea is not ordinary tea.

Using this thing to make matcha is a bit like a cannon fighting mosquitoes, and it's overkill.

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Xiaolong didn't bother to think about it, anyway, it didn't matter if this ancient tea was left for a while.

Ye Xiaolong decided to wait until he was free to go to the town to have a look.

You don't have to guard the teahouse all day.

When the time comes, find someone to be in charge of it, and it's good to go over and have a few cups of tea.

Lie down and drink tea.

The moon stars were scarce, and Ye Xiaolong fell asleep on the recliner outside.

When I woke up again, it was almost two o'clock in the evening.

Ye Xiaolong was ready to go back to the room.

But just as I was about to enter the room, I heard a crisp sound of ding dong.

I couldn't help frowning.

I thought it was the little overlord who knocked things over.

This guy is not honest, and this guy is the most noisy in the whole yard.

At night, everyone sleeps peacefully, and Xiaobawang can always toss a lot of things.

"When you're done with the barren mountains, I'll send you back to the mountains. "

Ye Xiaolong hadn't forgotten the monkey wine from the Monkey King, so he had to ask for a recipe.

When the time comes, you can also brew a monkey wine.

If you can't reach ten percent of the quality, it's good to get seven or eight percent, but it's also a precious monkey wine.

Ye Xiaolong went into the house to sleep.

I slept until 10 a.m.

Ye Xiaolong just got up.

It's a good feeling.

Two great pleasures in life.

Counting the money until his hands cramped, this step, Ye Xiaolong can be said to have achieved it.

As for the second step, it is to sleep until you wake up naturally.

Ye Xiaolong did both of these things.

I got up, washed my face, and made a cup of tea.

A cup of tea in the morning is the start of the day.

I cooked myself another noodle, took out my phone and started to read the news.

This is what Ye Xiaolong likes to do every morning.

He's seen several push messages today.

There is a piece of news that makes Ye Xiaolong very interesting.

That is, the Centennial Pavilion held a human exhibition.

And the most eye-catching of them is the 800-year-old Sam Wang.

The value has increased by more than 20 million compared to the last time.

"It's really a good hand in business, operate the ginseng, and the price will come up!"

Ye Xiaolong smiled, the nature of a businessman.

In addition, there is another news, that is, the tiger breeding base, finally has a wild South China tiger.

As for the origin of the wild South China tiger, the introduction is very detailed.

Ye Xiaolong also saw the words of Lao Ye in the mountain village above.

"It's a good thing they didn't put my picture up, otherwise I would have become a celebrity all of a sudden. "

After brushing the news, Ye Xiaolong took out the medicinal herbs that were dried a few days ago and prepared to make medicinal wine.

After these herbs are dried, if they are not treated as soon as possible, the medicinal effect will be lost step by step.

Ye Xiaolong entered the house to get the wine, and he smelled the wine.

After a glance, his face sank slightly.

One jar of wine was broken.

The aroma of wine is pervasive.

"Little Overlord, did you run into it again? Ye Xiaolong shouted outside.

After a while, the little overlord slipped in.

Standing honestly at the door, waving his hand.

"You didn't get it, are you sure?"

Xiaobawang shook his head again, pointed to the wine, and his head was about to shake into a rattle!

Ye Xiaolong looked at the fragments on the ground and was a little puzzled.

"You didn't make it, then why is the wine jar broken, and no one else in this house will come except you to come in. "

Big Black: They have been playing in the orchard of Longtou Mountain for a long time.

As for Xiaodong, he won't come in.

The King Kong couple didn't care about this even more.

Ye Xiaolong still believes in Xiaobawang.

At the very least, if you don't do it, you must not do it.

Although there is not much liquor in this jar, it is only ten or twenty catties.

Anyway, Ye Xiaolong deliberately set it aside.

After checking around, he didn't see any traces, Ye Xiaolong muttered, and felt a little strange in his heart.

Let's clean up this debris first.

When he came back, Ye Xiaolong remembered the noise he heard when he went to sleep last night.

Could it be that something sneaked in at that time and set its sights on this liquor!

Ye Xiaolong hadn't heard of any animals that liked to drink.

Forget it, for now, let's soak this herb first.

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