The purple squirrel didn't take Xiaodong's anger seriously.

gnawed on the snatched red dates, and drilled out along an inconspicuous hole in the corner of the yard.

This action made Ye Xiaolong a little dumbfounded.

It's really a repeat offender!

Ye Xiaolong finally understood why Xiaodong couldn't find this guy before.

Dare to feel when there is a gap in this yard.

No wonder it can come and go silently.

Ye Xiaolong really didn't notice.

This loss, Xiaodong is determined.

By the way, Ye Xiaolong himself was despised by the purple squirrel.

Just leave openly.

Not to mention stealing wine, he also robbed red dates, and played Xiaobawang, this guy really has some skills.

Are all animals so wicked nowadays?

Actually, Ye Xiaolong wasn't very angry.

It's really rare to see a purple squirrel with such intelligence.

This is not to say that Ye Xiaolong can't hold this purple squirrel.

Now that I know who stole it, it is not difficult to hold this little thing, but it just depends on Ye Xiaolong's willingness to hold the purple squirrel.

Ye Xiaolong decided to take another look at whether this squirrel was as smart as he imagined.

If you dare to come, then have fun.

After all, such a smart purple squirrel is still very rare.

There is such a thing as a body-strengthening bone pill, Ye Xiaolong still has a lot of it in his hands, and it really doesn't matter if he eats a few.

But for Xiaodong in the tree, this is indeed a big blow.

After the purple squirrel got out, this guy also soared into the sky and began to look for this guy.

What the final ending will look like, Ye Xiaolong can actually imagine it.

Anyway, when the time comes, it will be a waste of time.

The village radio rang out again in a rare way.

It's just not the same as last time.

The content of this broadcast is very simple.

That is, Ye Xiaolong's Longtou Mountain Orchard needs to be recruited.

A total of 15 people are recruited!

Anyone who is interested can go to the village chief's house to sign up.

Ye Gaozhi didn't say how much his salary was or how he was treated, but everyone knew that this was an opportunity.

Now in Yejia Village, there are also some middle-aged and elderly people in the village.

The younger generation has gone to work outside the village.

They all knew quite well that the rich person in the village should be Ye Xiaolong.

Not to mention anything else, just selling August peaches sold for a small 200,000.

I heard that chestnuts have been sold again recently.

You can make a lot of money again.

Don't look at the Longtou Mountain orchard is not very far from Yejia Village, but what happens over there, many people here will know for the first time.

The village is small, and that's it.

It's hard not to pay attention.

After the radio shouted, many people in Yejia Village were moved.

If you can work in the Longtou Mountain Orchard, it is equivalent to a stable and good job.

It's close to home, at least you don't have to run to town.

The reason why they don't go to work in the town is because they still have fields at home and old people to take care of.

It would be great if you could find a job on the spot.

Unfortunately, this idea never had a chance to come to fruition.

"Daejeon, why don't you go to your nephew and find something to do. "

Ye Datian's home is not much different from other families in the village.

A small yard in front of the door and a mud house in the back.

Basically, the pattern up and down Yejia Village is like this.

As for bungalows, there are also them, but there are not many of them.

It's a bit of a hassle to bring things in from the outside.

Moreover, in the early years, the traffic in Yejia Village was very poor.

If the construction stuff comes in, the cost of light will increase by a large margin.

Usually when I go out, I still walk on two legs.

It has only been nearly seven or eight years since this piece got better.

Ye Datian was naturally happy about his nephew's current ability.

At the very least, everyone now knows that Ye Xiaolong is a capable person.

He is an uncle, and his face is also full of brilliance.

Ye Datian was sitting in the yard smoking a hookah.

He doesn't like anything else, just this hookah.

The feeling of choking on the old cigarette makes people feel comfortable.

Listening to his wife Tian Yulian's words, Ye Datian hesitated for a moment and said, "This, it's not very suitable, I'm his uncle!"

Tian Yulian didn't know what kind of temper her man was.

It's clear that you can't put it down.

The men in their own family are good at everything else, they are hardworking and willing to work, but sometimes they want to save face.

Especially when he went to work in his nephew's orchard.

I'm afraid of what people say.

From childhood to adulthood, Ye Xiaolong almost spent time in his uncle's family.

Tian Yulian also treats this nephew equally.

is not like other people's families, being a vicious lady, and being happier than anyone else to see her nephew Ye Xiaolong getting better.

Tian Yulian was washing clothes, threw the clothes into the water, turned around and said, "You, you still want this face, I don't know what you're thinking, don't you just feel embarrassed, after all, Xiaolong is your nephew." "

Ye Datian laughed dryly, he could hide his thoughts from outsiders, but he definitely couldn't hide his own woman.

"Our family is not in such difficulty, I believe that Xiaolong will not treat them badly, and it is not so hard to do things in the mountains, so I can go home for dinner sooner or later. "

Tian Yulian wanted to persuade her man, but when she heard this, she knew that there was no play.

I buried my head again and started to do laundry.

"You, you'll be so productive for the rest of your life!" Tian Yulian complained.

"Dabo, have you eaten? I'm here to eat at your house. "

Ye Xiaolong walked in with a smile.

Tian Yulian hurriedly stood up and wiped her clothes with her hands, "Yes, yes, I'll get you something to eat now." "

Ye Xiaolong came to find the uncle to sit in the barren mountain this time.

Especially the transformation of barren mountains, although it is not a big deal, Ye Xiaolong feels that it is really not enough to just have one Ye Dazhuang.

I can't stop it!

Ye Dazhuang is still too young.

With Da Bo Ye Datian, it was different in the past.

I really have that qualification.

Ye Datian didn't expect Xiaolong to come to his house, so he hurriedly put down the hookah and pulled a chair.

"Little dragon, you sit. "

Ready to get up and pour your tea!

Ye Xiaolong took out two cigarettes, "Uncle, it's better to smoke less of this hookah, it's too fierce, it's better to smoke this cigarette." "

These cigarettes were all brought by Wang Peng last time.

Ye Xiaolong rarely smokes, all of them are Chinese and the like.

When I came over today, I simply took two of them.

Anyway, it's put there too.

"China, it's too expensive, I can't ask for it!"

Ye Datian saw that this cigarette was Chinese, and shook his head again and again.

"I'm still smoking a hookah, it's flushed, it's cheap!"

Compared to these Chinese cigarettes, it is definitely a hookah cheaper.

Just buy some shredded tobacco and you're good to go.

There are cheap and expensive tobacco.

Most people buy cheap and cheap.

Shisha is so choking when you smoke it.

There are still quite a few people who like to smoke shisha.

Ye Xiaolong stuffed the Chinese cigarette into his uncle's arms.

"Uncle, I'm your nephew, what are you polite to me, if you are so polite again, then I will turn around and leave, and I will be embarrassed to come again in the future. "


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