In fact, there are still many people in the live broadcast room who are still interested in this old temple.

If you can keep all the weasels inside, maybe there's something good going inside

"Old Ye, you still have to go in and take a look, in case you find any treasures. "

"Who doesn't know that the anchor, your luck is not ordinary!"

"Yes, yes, if you don't go in and take a look, it's a pity if you miss it, maybe you can find something good, sit back and wait for Lao Ye to get something good!"

"Billionaire Lao Ye Treasure Hunt Trip, Stay Tuned!"

Who doesn't know Ye Xiaolong's luck now, it's not ordinarily good.

It's easy to become a billionaire!

Ye Xiaolong is also the only one of the most popular billionaire anchors.

For this kind of old temple, it is true that sometimes you can find some good things.

Ye Xiaolong found a branch nearby.

The branches are still relatively strong.

"Again, no matter where you go, you have to pay attention to safety, especially in places like the old temple, there are weasels in it, we have to be careful, besides, this weasel is not a safe thing, now they should be more honest, because they already have three hostages, no, the rat hostages are in my hands, I can threaten them at any time!"

Ye Xiaolong shook the three weasels in his hand.

Everyone was amused by Ye Xiaolong.

It's funny!

Ye Xiaolong walked towards the old temple.

The old temple has been abandoned.

The overall structure is still very intact, but it looks a little gloomy.

"This old temple is said to have been built decades ago, and looking at these carvings, it is still quite popular. "

Ye Xiaolong is a master carpenter himself.

When I came in, I saw the carving on the pillar.

Most of them were entangled in vines and rotted a little, but some clues could still be seen.

At the very least, the craft is very good.

The old temple has been empty for a long, long time, and it is already overgrown with vines.

Ye Xiaolong didn't worry much about snakes or anything like that, you must know that what weasels were most afraid of was snakes.

Snakes are their natural predators, so as long as the weasel is there, there is basically no trace of the snake.

Ye Xiaolong entered the old temple and swept around.

Those Buddha statues had long since collapsed, covered in dust and cobwebs.

"Is it a little unexpected, the Buddha statues are actually made of straw and mud inside, and then painted on the surface, so there are the Buddha statues we see, but this still needs to be opened, whether a Buddha statue is good or not, it depends on the ability of the switch master. "

The old temple has two in and one out.

From the front to the back, there is a courtyard.

The yard was also overgrown with weeds.

Ye Xiaolong didn't see any trace of the weasel.

"It seems that everyone is going to be disappointed, and the anchor can only return empty-handed when he comes in to hunt for treasure. "

Ye Xiaolong looked around and found nothing.

I really didn't find anything.

If you don't find it, it doesn't count.

Because the flower carvings on the pillars of the old temple are still quite good.

Ye Xiaolong didn't have this mind, so he dismantled this flower carving.

Squeak squeak.

When Ye Xiaolong felt that there was nothing.

Xiao Zi suddenly rushed towards the place to the left.

Xiaobawang usually likes to be lively, and he doesn't like this place, so he still ran in with Xiaozi.

Got in?

Only then did Ye Xiaolong notice that it turned out to be a side hall over there.

The side hall is not large, and it cannot be covered with vines and morning glories.

If Xiao Zi hadn't gone first, Ye Xiaolong really wouldn't have noticed the side hall.

Ye Xiaolong pulled these vines apart, and it was really a small side hall inside.

It's just that it's empty inside, and there's a musty smell.

Xiao Zi was squatting in a corner, beckoning to Ye Xiaolong.

"My Xiaozi said, there is an entrance here, and I lived below here before. "

Ye Xiaolong explained.

There was also some surprise in my heart.

I really don't see any traces.

When Ye Xiaolong came over, he really saw a small hole in the corner, which was the size of a fist


Ye Xiaolong found that the entrance to the cave here was very smooth.

Weasel in and out here.

Especially these little footprints.

Ye Xiaolong followed and squatted down to look at it for a while.

I really saw a lot of weasel footprints.

There were about 10 weasel footprints.

Discerning footprint kung fu, Ye Xiaolong is first-class.

Ye Xiaolong had wondered before, where did these weasels run in and go in the end.

If nothing else, this weasel should be hiding underneath this.

Ye Xiaolong picked up the branch in his hand and gently tapped it against the ground.

With this knock, a crisp sound was heard, revealing a hint of echo.

"I didn't expect that I really found an entrance, what the hell, no wonder Xiaozi is so persistent to come back, it should be a place to live below!"

The people in the live broadcast room are also very curious.

In such an inconspicuous side hall, there is actually an entrance.

Where did the weasel go, they were actually very curious, but subconsciously they still thought that the weasel was hiding in this old temple.

The old temple was so empty that there was no place to hide from the weasel.

Only then did they understand that the weasels were hiding underground.

Ye Xiaolong knocked it several times before it was completely determined.

There is indeed an entrance underneath this.

Carefully remove the contents from above.

Ye Xiaolong really suffered a secret door.

It's just that the secret door has been mottled inside for a long time.

If you hadn't stepped on it, you wouldn't have known there was an underground entrance

"It's really said by you today, it's estimated that there is really an entrance here, and it's hard to say if there are treasures. "

At the other end of the secret door, Ye Xiaolong saw a pull ring, and when he looked for it, it was rusty.

Pull hard!

Clattering clattering clatter!

The whole plank broke, and most of it shattered and fell.

A hole appeared in front of Ye Xiaolong.

A delicious rush rushed out.

Ye Xiaolong hurriedly stepped aside.

"Lao Ye, you are going to get rich, there are definitely gold and silver treasures down here. "

"I've heard that the abbots of the old temple used to be very rich. "

"I've heard of this too, I'm really looking forward to it!"

After the entrance of the cave appeared, Xiao Zi slipped into the smoke and drilled down, faster than anyone else.

Xiaobawang also rushed down.

This guy is also a little heel now, and he likes to go to lively places.

Ye Xiaolong laughed, "It's okay now, if you don't go down, you can't go down." "

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