The whole time of roasting sweet potatoes was controlled by Ye Xiaolong.

I took a long bamboo pole in my hand, and I moved it with a small fire, and then put some straw on it.

The best way to bake sweet potatoes is straw.

When the sweet potatoes are baked, they will have a different taste.

Ye Xiaolong was troublesome, and the straw was mixed with the branches.

Looking for it on the branches, of course, it was the little hairy boy who had grown up.

There are not many others at the foot of the mountain, but there are many branches on this tree.

Just look for it and burn it.

In just half an hour, Ye Xiaolong baked this sweet potato.

Each of the little furry children was given a sweet potato.

At least they weigh half a catty, and their faces are black when they eat.

The more this happens, the brighter their smiles become, because the roasted sweet potatoes are really delicious.

If they come to bake sweet potatoes, the outermost layer will have to be burned, and there will be very little food inside.

"Little overlord, you eat slowly, no one robs this thing with you, and you Xiaozi is the same, you have to eat such a large piece of sweet potato with such a small belly, you think your stomach is a bottomless pit, and waste is shameful, don't you understand!"

Xiaobawang and the kid both got a piece of sweet potato.

Xiaobawang's sweet potatoes may be nothing, this guy can eat them.

Xiao Zi's sweet potato is indeed a little big, especially compared to this head, it is indeed not small.

Originally, Ye Xiaolong planned to give a small one, but he couldn't stand Xiao Zi and was unhappy.

Then since you're not happy, I'll give you a big one.

Anyway, there are a lot of sweet potatoes today.

Ye Xiaolong also peeled a sweet potato himself.

When peeled off, the fragrance is tangy.

I tasted it, it was hot, it was so fragrant!

It's a pity that it's still a little time, otherwise the taste would be even better.

After eating a piece of fragrant sweet potato, Ye Xiaolong picked it in the fire with a bamboo pole.

Make a lump of mud.

Inside this is the mud ball where the goose eggs are placed.

The yellow mud balls have been dried and are very easy to identify.

With a light knock, the whole goose egg comes out, piping hot.

The goose eggs didn't sprinkle anything into them, but when they were peeled off, there was still a fragrance.

This is a unique aroma of roasted goose eggs, and a light taste will make people have an appetite.

Of course, Ye Xiaolong ate this goose egg unceremoniously.

For Xiaobawang and Xiaozi, there is no such blessing to eat this thing.

Ye Xiaolong said a few words to them, and he had to go back and teach them a lesson.

They must be locked up in confinement, lest they go out again to steal chickens and dogs.

If this confinement alone is alone, Xiaobawang and Xiaozi will naturally have no effect.

They are not allowed to eat the Bone Strengthening Pill and Spiritual Water for a week, which is quite a torture for them.

Now who in the family doesn't know that the Bone Strengthening Pill and the Spiritual Water are two good things.

If they don't eat for a day or two, they will be in a hurry, let alone for a week.

Dealt with the scene and went home with a hoe!

Ye Xiaolong shouted Da Hei and Bai Xue back.

As for King Kong and the female bandits, forget it, they won't go to harm.

These two guys are basically in Longtou Mountain Fruit.

"Now I solemnly announce one thing to you, that is, Xiaobawang and Xiaozi made a mistake, so I decided to lock them at home for three days and not go out, and they can't take the Bone Strengthening Pill and Spiritual Water for another week, I hope to reflect on my mistakes. "

Ye Xiaolong announced.

At the same time, he took out a large handful of bone strengthening pills and threw them to Da Hei and Bai Xue.

"You two are the most obedient, so you have this thing to eat, but if you don't obey, you will have your snacks confiscated just like them. "

Both Daikoku and Shirayuki have snacks.

Even Xiaobai has it, this guy is the least daring, but he is also the most honest.

Of course, Xiaodong on the jujube tree also got snacks.

Xiao Bawang and Xiao Zi could only watch.

On the second day, Xiaobawang and Xiaozi were confined.

Ye Xiaolong said that the time of the three days will be the time of the three-day lock-up.

For this purpose, a room was specially prepared and the entire room was sealed.

Anyway, there are a lot of rooms in this courtyard, and Ye Xiaolong can't live in them.

Yesterday, I heard that there were geese here, and Ye Xiaolong was going to come over and have a look.

He was really a little greedy, because his own goose had not yet been raised, so he might as well come here and buy a goose to go back.

With master cooking, you can't waste it.

Ye Xiaolong was going to get himself something delicious.

I had already asked for directions when I came, so it was easy to find.

There are not many others near Yejia Village, that is, there are many mountains, and at the same time, there are many mountain passes.

It's like this farm is in a mountain col.

Ye Xiaolong came along a path.

Neither Daikoku nor Shirayuki followed.

Ye Xiaolong didn't plan to bring them over, if he frightened other people's geese, it would be a troublesome thing.

Chickens and ducks are the most easily frightened.

Now it's big black and white snow is very powerful, especially the white snow, that's a wolf, there is a wild nature, and it is the easiest to frighten chickens and ducks.


Coming from a bend in the path, Ye Xiaolong heard the barking of a dog.

A black earth dog sprang out on the side of the road and barked at Ye Xiaolong.

Ye Xiaolong saw the flocks of geese in the mountain col.

The geese inside are all free-range.

The other party not only took a mountain col, but also a small dirt slope.

Most of these geese climb up and down these dirt slopes.

There are also one-legged erections, lazily basking in the sun, and it is really a good place to raise geese.

"Is there anyone who came to buy the goose. "

Ye Xiaolong screamed.

The barking of the dogs over there became more and more intense, but fortunately, someone finally came out of the col.

A middle-aged man in a camouflage uniform came out.

When I saw Ye Xiaolong, I was very surprised.

"Aren't you a little dragon? "

This is a person from Yejia Village.

Ye Xiaolong knows it, but he doesn't know much about it, and he is called Ye Quangui.

"Didn't you hear that you have geese at home, so I came to take a look, and planned to buy a few geese to go back to quench the cravings in my stomach!"

Ye Xiaolong laughed.

"Xiaolong, it's not easy for you to eat goose, just give me a call, I'll send it to you, why don't you come so far." Ye Quangui laughed.

He knew that Ye Xiaolong was now a celebrity in the village.

Recently, I have chartered a stone mountain and dug up a hot spring, and I heard that ancient tea trees will be planted on this stone mountain.

This is not something that anyone can do.

Ye Xiaolong is a rich man now!

"Hey, it's not my monkey who came here to steal the goose eggs, so I won't give you money. Ye Xiaolong said.

"What, your monkey stealing goose eggs?"

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