After confirming that there were termites at work, the villagers were summoned as soon as possible.

Now this century-old green lychee tree can still make some contributions to the village committee.

If it's really dead, it's gone.

Ye Xiaolong's ability is clear to everyone, and even the ancient tea tree can be improved, not to mention this century-old lychee tree.

At the very least, the plant will never be eaten by termites again.

Early in the morning, the sky was clear.

Ye Gaozhi and a large group of villagers began to go up the mountain with hoes on their shoulders.

Helping to dig up the hundred-year-old lychee trees was not in vain, everyone had a salary, and naturally the villagers were very happy.

When I went to the mountain, we found that there were indeed a lot of termites, densely packed with a large area, and it was no wonder that the century-old lychee trees would wither.

"There are really so many termites, it's really evil. "

"I feel a little wrong, why do there are so many lychee mushrooms here, and now it seems that there are so many termites. "

"Actually, we don't have any pangolins in this area, otherwise we would be worried about the termites. "

Many villagers sighed.

If it weren't for what the village chief said, I really couldn't believe that there were so many termites under these lychee trees.

Termites are very common, but having more termites is not necessarily a good thing.

Look at the 100-year-old lychee trees that have become like this.

"Uncle Qingshan, how do you get this termite. "

Among these people, Ye Qingshan is the best at dealing with termites.

"Actually, it's best to use insecticides to deal with these termites, but that thing works a little slowly, and it takes a long time, so let's make a quick decision today." "

Ye Qingshan's face was also a little solemn, after all, so many termites were indeed very scary.

I still care very much about this hundred-year-old green lychee tree.

A few years ago, I could come and pick a few to taste, but in recent years, there have been basically no grains.

Ye Qingshan hadn't figured out what was going on, and he dared to feel that these termites were doing it.

The villagers in the back carried quicklime up.

Quicklime is a good thing.

It is best used to kill viruses and sterilizes.

"To deal with this termite, other things are slow to take effect, but this raw gray water has a fast effect, and it can make this temperature reach hundreds of degrees in an instant. "

These quicklimes are provided by the village committee.

After returning from the mountain, Ye Gaozhi went to ask for leave.

Ye Qingshan went to the town as soon as possible and bought this quicklime.

Under normal circumstances, people in the village rarely use quicklime, that is, when clearing the bottom of the pond, quicklime is used to kill and sterilize.

Now using quicklime to deal with termites is indeed a big murderous aura.

To deal with these termites, you have to be ruthless.

Ye Xiaolong also felt that this method of using quicklime was very good.

The more the hundred-year-old lychee tree is delayed here, the greater the damage to the tree's body.

Ye Xiaolong wished he could transplant the hundred-year-old lychee tree now.

The crowd began to dig up the termite pit.

The termites crawled out.

When we went up the mountain, everyone wore water shoes on their feet.

A large piece of black water shoes brushed together.

If you don't wear these water shoes, these termites can climb up and gently bite down the trouser leg, which will definitely make you experience what is called deep memories.

Bang la blah.

Bang la blah.

The quicklime was poured down, and water was poured on it, and it quickly bubbled.

A foul smell of quicklime water wafted out.

Everyone leaned back.

Quicklime heats up directly when it comes into contact with water, and the temperature will get higher and higher.

"Go on, don't stop, pour quicklime water into it and clean up these termites. "

This time, in order to deal with these termites, Ye Gaozhi bought a lot of quicklime.

After all, they are not professional in dealing with termites, and they have all kinds of tools, so they can only use the stupidest method.

This is the stupidest way and the best.

When the quicklime water is gone, these termites are gone.

This termite nest seemed to be very big and deep, as Ye Xiaolong said.

After the raw stone ash water was sprinkled, there was no bubble at all.

Fortunately, there is a water source near the mountain, and it is easy to get water, so you don't have to carry the water up from below.

If that's the case, it's going to be a bit of a problem.

After half an hour of busy work, the termite nest was finally filled with quicklime water.

There are blisters and a lot of termites.

Termites are not as smart as weasels, and they make a cunning rabbit with three holes, and that's just the hole.

So after this water goes down, it quickly fills this termite nest.

The fallen quicklime water did not dig up the nest immediately, and it will take time.

In any case, we have to dig up the hundred-year-old green lychee tree today.

Otherwise, the lime water will hurt the lychee tree.

"We're lucky, there are goose eggs here, I heard that Quangui was targeted by a weasel, it can't be their goose running outside." "

Ye Qingshan slipped around and came back, and actually took several goose eggs in his hands.

On this mountain, you can really see Ye Quangui's goose farm.

It's not very far away.

"Quangui was indeed targeted by weasels, but I have already cleaned up all these weasels, and it is estimated that a big goose ran out before. "

The goose eggs that can be picked up around here, except for the goose that came out of Ye Quangui's place, there is really nowhere else.

"That guy is really lucky, he met you to make a move, if it was an ordinary person, he really wouldn't dare to deal with this weasel, I think this goose egg is quite fresh." "

Ye Qingshan laughed, now in this village, he also obeyed Ye Xiaolong's ability.

If he had gone, it would have been a lot of trouble to deal with the weasels.

"There's not quicklime left, why don't you get a few goose eggs and try it. "

Ye Xiaolong was eyeing these goose eggs

"I have that idea too. Ye Qingshan smiled.

There is still a lot of quicklime left there.

Ye Qingshan walked over, put the goose egg in quicklime, and poured a little water on it, and the temperature rose in an instant after a little bubble.

Ye Xiaolong remembered that when he was a child, he threw duck eggs into the lime, and the boiled duck eggs had a unique flavor.

I haven't really tried this goose egg.

After all, a goose egg costs a few yuan, at least seven or eight yuan, and I really couldn't afford to eat it when I was a child.

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