"What is a bear hug? This is what a bear hug. "

"Lao Ye is a cow, and he actually had a bear hug with a bear, and I was so greedy that I saw it, but unfortunately I didn't dare to give me the guts. "

"Battle anchor Lao Ye, who else can I be. "

Ye Xiaolong hugged the big black bear, which instantly attracted a large number of exclamations.

Last time, the black bear blind man came over with one paw and scratched Ye Xiaolong's clothes, and everyone hasn't forgotten it until now.

Now it's unimaginable to have another big hug.

It's like walking on the brink of danger.

This black bear blind man has a lot of temper, and when he is reckless, he goes on a rampage, and when he sees a tree, he is simply a violent person.

In case the strength is too strong...

After Ye Xiaolong hugged the blind black bear, he slapped off all the leaves on his body by the way.

"Why did you get to the tree? Is there any honey in the tree?"

Ye Xiaolong laughed and teased.

The blind black bear roared.

He pointed to the tree again.

Ye Xiaolong looked up.

The drone also raised its head, and everyone was really surprised when they saw it.

There was a clump of branches on top of this tree that was actually lush like this, like a cloud, completely different from the next one.

It's just so weird.

Could it be a mutation?

The black bear blind man climbed up a large pine tree, very tall and very large, but it was a little different from other pine trees.

On the left side of the big pine tree there is a clump of branches, very lush and lush, like a cloud.

The pine needles on the side are very sparse and pulled, and they are not at the same level at all.

Everyone didn't come back to their senses all of a sudden.

It's really a mutant pine tree.

Speaking of which, this lush mass of branches is really beautiful.

Ye Xiaolong explained with a smile, "I see that some people say that this pine tree is mutated, but it is not, I will let the drone fly closer for you to see." "

The drone went to the top of the pine.

That's when everyone saw it.

It turned out that there was a vine wrapped around the pine tree, but this vine grew so well that everyone mistakenly thought that this cluster of pine trees was changeable, so it grew so lush.

"I don't know if you've ever heard a word. "

Everyone in the live broadcast room pricked up their ears.

"That's a clump of pine trees, and there must be poria underneath, that's an old saying in our village, I really didn't notice it the last time I came. "

Ye Xiaolong also remembered it just now.

When I saw it for the first time, I really thought that this pine tree was not changeable, otherwise how could it be so different.

Later, I didn't think it was right, and it was impossible for a pine tree to be in such a situation.

Ye Xiaolong walked towards the big pine tree.

There are a lot of pine needles around the pine tree, and there is a thick layer of it, and stepping on it is like stepping on a snowdrift.

"Poria cocos is a polypore plant, most like to grow under the pine tree, the biggest effect of this thing is to calm the mind, when you can't sleep at night, cut a few pieces to soak in water, to ensure that you sleep until dawn. "

Ye Xiaolong found a nearby branch and came over.

Pulling the pine needles, and then tapping them gently, soon a different sound was heard.

"Hear no, the ground below here is a little different, if you guess correctly, this should be Poria cocos below, I don't know how big this Poria is. "

Ye Xiaolong laughed and removed the pine needles on it.

At this time, the black bear blind man also came.

Ye Xiaolong stopped the black bear from being blind, and when this guy's tonnage was stepped on, he didn't step on this Poria cocos.

"Don't come here, there's good stuff down here. "

The blind black bear stopped, sniffing at the air.

"Poria cocos doesn't grow very deep, but this Poria cocos is not one or two, basically there will be four or five, and each weight is different. "

Ye Xiaolong squatted down and prepared to pull up.

The blind black bear also crouched beside him.

This squat is much taller, and the sharp claws sweep out a large patch of dirt with a gentle scrape.

"I have a free labor force to help. "

After some exchange, the blind black bear helped to do the coolies.

He put away his paws and pulled them up gently.

Soon a pit appeared.

A fist-sized Poria rolls out.

This poria is dark and brown, with a hint of medicinal fragrance, and fills the air.

This one is at least about a pound.

"Lao Ye, you are really a cow, there are really Poria cocos down here, and you are not small. "

"It seems that the old people in our village also said the same, it is said that there are a lot of poria under the pine trees, as long as it appears this year, then there will definitely be Poria next year, this thing is soothing. "

"Great, there is a large pine forest behind my mountain, and I will go to see if there are any of these poria cocos in the afternoon, and I can't sleep at night. "

After a while.

One by one, Poria rolled out.

There are more than Ye Xiaolong imagined, there are 8 Poria cocos, and the largest one weighs three catties.

"It's more than I imagined, and these 8 Poria cocos are almost twenty pounds. "

I thought that five or six would be a lot.

I didn't expect the largest one to have three catties, and the smallest one to have about one catty.

The blind black bear seemed to be addicted to doing it, and began to dig along the pine trees again.

This guy is still very violent in digging holes, but this time he is not so lucky, there is no Poria at all.

"Idiot, this Poria cocos is not all over the mountains, everyone wants to find Poria cocos, just look at whether there are such vines on the pine trees, as long as there are, most of them will have Poria cocos. "

Ye Xiaolong pointed to it.

"If you really don't have it, you can only look for it slowly, and if it's good, you can still find truffles, you know, now the truffles are starting to come out. "

As soon as this truffle was mentioned, the people in the live broadcast room began to coax.

"Old Ye, I see a large area of pine trees here, it is better to find truffles, this thing is much more valuable than this Poria cocos. "

"Yes, yes, how many truffles you dig up, then we will buy as many as you want, this is the real good truffle. "

"I'm a medicinal herb merchant, Lao Ye, you can sell me all these poria cocos, although there are not many, but this Poria cocos is definitely the best. "

Now there are everyone in Ye Xiaolong's live broadcast room.

Of course, there are also herb dealers.

Especially after the last auction of ginseng, there are usually herb dealers here to watch.

I just want to try my luck.

The last time I saw the purple lingzhi, as well as those lingzhi in the back garden of the black bear blind man, I was all in my heart.

If you can buy it back, it will definitely be the most reassuring reishi.

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