The autumn September morning is a little cooler.

Yejia Village, which had no bear children, also became quiet in the morning.

Of course, Xiaodong's fixed howl has not stopped.

It hadn't changed at all, and I had to call it at least several times in the morning.

After Xiaodong's voice crowed, it was the sound of the rooster crowing.

Now the people in the village have long been surprised by this, and the rooster is used to it.

Ye Xiaolong rarely slept a little longer in the morning.

Because last night, he was talking about building a mountain road at the house of village chief Ye Gaozhi.

Ye Gaozhi was also frightened when he heard that Ye Xiaolong had collected more than 20 million.

That's a huge amount of more than 20 million, not 2 million, something that I can't even think of, and that's it.

With this money, the matter of building mountain roads can indeed be put on the agenda.

Ye Gaozhi's side also raised nearly 800,000 yuan in the village.

Also out of expectation.

The people in the village are still very aware of the benefits of building mountain roads.

Now with Ye Xiaolong's more than 20 million yuan, he no longer has to worry about having no money to build mountain roads.

Ye Xiaolong chatted with the village chief Ye Gaozhi for more than an hour and determined some things.

Ye Xiaolong is responsible for the money anyway, and he doesn't care much about other things, as long as the expenditure is detailed, it is enough.

The matter of repairing the mountain road will let Ye Huanxi contact it when the time comes.

The person this guy knows is quite reliable, and he patted his chest and promised that he would definitely build this mountain road into the strongest one.

Ye Xiaolong still believes in this guarantee.

This mountain road is not well repaired, Ye Gaozhi can break Ye Huanxi's legs.

We chatted late, so it was rare to get a lot of sleep in the morning.

It was almost eight o'clock when Ye Xiaolong woke up.

When I came out of the room, I heard a commotion.

First of all, the old turtle at the door, I don't know who turned it over.

It hasn't been turned back until now, and it's on all fours, struggling.

Ye Xiaolong couldn't cry or laugh, and reached out to turn the old turtle over.

Now this old turtle eats and drinks well every day, and it seems to be a lot bigger, especially the armor patterns on its back are becoming more and more lifelike.

This guy doesn't know which guy is going to be overturned several times a day.

The first thing I slipped back into the crack in the stone.

Compared to others who like to live at home, this guy likes to get into those corners.

So that it doesn't fall over.

"Little Overlord, did you do it, don't go over the old turtle if you have nothing to do, it's not easy for people to turn their feet in the sky. "

Ye Xiaolong brought a bucket of well water up, and it was warm and cool.

scolded the little overlord guy.

In the yard, except for the little overlord, there is really nothing that can turn the old turtle upside down.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a rattling sound over there.

can make this rattling sound, and that's just that little flower.

Since the last time Xiaohua was critical, it showed a strong survivability, and in the days since, it has been a goose egg a day, which is very fixed.

Ye Xiaolong simply raised Xiaohua here.

Every evening, I have nothing to bathe Xiaohua, this guy is clean every day, but he looks a lot more beautiful.

Then just stay in this yard.

Xiaohua's housekeeping skills are also first-class, at least this reaction ability is much faster.

Ye Xiaolong looked back and found that Xiao Hanbao didn't know when he was fighting with Xiaohua.

Xiao Hanbao now weighs about fifteen pounds, and he looks like a tiger.

And that little flower has grown a lot under careful feeding.

He weighed about fifteen pounds.

It's just that at this time, Xiao Hanbao kept pounced, as if trying to throw Xiaohua to the ground.

It's just that Xiaohua is not so easy to fall down, and people have rich combat experience.

After all, the 5-year-old big flower goose is not long in vain.

One move Dapeng spread its wings, forming a sense of oppression.

opened the bow left and right, and pounced on Xiao Hanbao's body, with great strength.

Xiao Hanbao swayed from side to side, constantly retreating.

Xiaohua is like a fighter jet, pounced on Xiao Hanbao's body.

All at once, all at once.

Woohoo, woohoo!

Now it was Xiao Hanbao's turn to scream.

After a few rounds, he ran directly towards Ye Xiaolong.

Xiaohua's fluttering wings also chased after her, but she went back halfway through the chase.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaolong was also a little crying and laughing.

"Han Bao, you are the king of all beasts, why can't you even beat a flower goose, it's really embarrassing, okay?"

Xiaohua pecked lightly just now, which was still very painful for Xiaohanbao.

At least the 5-year-old big flower goose, the strength of the pecking down is not something that anyone can bear.

Xiao Hanbao screamed, aggrieved.

With Ye Xiaolong by his side, he began to show off his might to Xiaohua again.

Ye Xiaolong also has no way to take Xiaohan's bag, this guy is just not honest.

Xiao Hanbao is now bullying Xiaohua and the old turtle, as well as the bamboo rat Xiaobai.

Otherwise, Xiao Hanbao can't beat it at all.

Now it seems that Xiaohanbao can't even beat Xiaohua.

Of course, this is also temporary, and when Xiao Hanbao grows longer, the combat effectiveness will come out.

Now, it's time to continue to suffer more losses.

Ye Xiaolong came to the vegetable field and found a goose egg, which was still hot.

I picked a handful of chives and came back.

Goose eggs with green onions.

Ye Xiaolong's dishes here are so lush that he basically doesn't have time to eat them.

After pouring spiritual water, the growth is not ordinary.

"Xiaohanbao, come over to me, are you stealing cucumbers here again? You can eat it, you can eat it all, what does it mean to keep this half? "

As soon as he picked the chives, Ye Xiaolong saw that the cucumber not far away was actually missing half a root.

Looking at the marks on it, there are tiger tooth marks, who else can it be made by Xiaohanbao?

Ye Xiaolong understood why Xiaohua and Xiaohan Bao fought.

Dare to love Xiaohan Bao and steal it!

That's right, Xiaohua lives in the vegetable field, and it has long been regarded as a territory.

"Xiaohua, well done, Xiaohanbao will come over again in the future, and he must be beaten hard!"

Ye Xiaolong couldn't help but give Xiao Han a meal before talking.

At the very least, it's shameful to be wasteful.

After getting used to eating this taste, if you change to other cucumbers, Ye Xiaolong won't be able to eat it all of a sudden.

Xiao Hanbao honestly lowered his head, whining and whining, looking honest and honest.

But if you really think that Xiao Hanbao is honest, then you are wrong.

Ye Xiaolong found that Xiao Hanbao was still peeking.

Even, Ye Xiaolong felt that it was not Xiao Bawang but Xiao Hanbao who overturned the old turtle at the beginning.

Although this used to be Xiaobawang's favorite game, now it can't be made into a little Hanbao.

In addition to the little overlord, Xiao Hanbao also has that ability.

Xiaohua can't beat it, you can clean up the old turtle and Xiaobai.

Ye Xiaolong walked into the kitchen with a goose egg.

Xiao Han followed in.

Outside of the yard, this guy's favorite thing is to go into the kitchen.

Because there is something good to eat.

Thick-skinned can't do it.

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