Excess yellow eels and loaches fished out.

Ye Xiaolong planned to give it away.

Because I can't eat that much at once.

The village chief's home will send one.

Uncle's family sent one.

Ye Dazhuang and Zhang Sanyan also took a copy there.

These two guys are now also the backbone of the Longtou Mountain Orchard.

With them, Ye Xiaolong was indeed a lot easier.

Basically, you don't have to worry about the Longtou Mountain orchard.

Among the gifts that Wang Peng brought over, there were these high-end Moutai cigarettes.

Ye Xiaolong didn't smoke much himself, so he naturally took it out for others.

When they took it, Ye Dazhuang and Zhang Sanyan were shocked.

Where have you received Moutai and high-end cigarettes, almost all of them are crying with joy.

"Look at your little bit of interest, this is not a good thing, just treat it as a holiday welfare, anyway, it's almost the Mid-Autumn Festival!"

Ye Xiaolong put down his things.

I stopped by to take a look at those imperial peppers.

These imperial peppers are planted and grow very quickly.

Now at a glance, a whole slice of red imperial peppers hangs one after another.

These imperial peppers are much bigger than when they were seen in the mountains.

In the air, you can even smell a hint of spiciness.

Ye Dazhuang next to him was full of joy, "Boss, these imperial peppers are really spicy enough, you don't know that those lion-headed geese came here to steal these peppers at the beginning, but after eating one, they didn't dare to come again, the imperial pepper is too spicy, usually I pick two at most and use them to stir-fry, I really don't dare to eat more." "

Ye Xiaolong glanced at Ye Dazhuang, "You guy is really not afraid of spicy, last time this mouth was like that, you actually dare to eat this emperor pepper." "

Ye Dazhuang laughed, "Boss, who made the imperial pepper really delicious, use this thing to stir-fry, this is my favorite thing in my life, I think we can take our Longtou Mountain orchard, no, it should be contracted over the wasteland of the half of the sandy land below, planting this thing is definitely promising, I think it is a benefit for people who can eat spicy food." "

The spiciness of imperial peppers is indeed big enough.

Ye Xiaolong didn't dare to eat more.

Ye Dazhuang's sentence is indeed right, this imperial pepper is a benefit for people who can eat spicy food.

No spicy or happy, the spicier the better.

Ye Xiaolong looked forward, condescending, and could see the abandoned sand in the village.

Not far from the orchard of Longtou Mountain, there is a large piece of wasteland.

This is not a paddy field, but a pure sand field.

Half sand and half earth!

If you use this kind of soil to grow things, the yield has never been high.

If the planting is not good, the yield is even more miserable.

A lot of people were replaced, and in the end it was abandoned.

If this sand field is used to grow imperial peppers, it is indeed very suitable.

Ye Xiaolong remembered that the wasteland of the sand field below was not small.

At least forty or fifty acres.

Just because this area is too large, there is no harvest from what is planted, and no one will plant it after a long time.

The village has been suffering from this matter.

Ye Dazhuang is looking forward to expanding the scale of planting.

Emperor pepper is very easy to grow, and the spicy degree is high, which is a great thing for those who can eat spicy.

Ye Dazhuang now eats every day, and if he doesn't eat a bite of imperial pepper every day, he feels that life is no longer fun.

Now if you let Ye Dazhuang not eat this imperial pepper, you won't be able to live this day.

This is the obsession of people who can eat spicy food, at least Ye Dazhuang is like this.

"Your guy is getting better and better now, and he knows how to use this sand field to grow imperial peppers, but you can also plant some imperial peppers, but you have to wait for the first batch to be sold to see how the reaction is, although there is no big problem, but you still have to take a look at it first, I can discuss this sand with the village chief first." "

The two mountains were taken down, and with this piece of sand, Ye Xiaolong also felt that there was no big problem.

It's just right to be connected.

It's easy to do anything.

It is estimated that Ye Gaozhi will be very happy after hearing it.

You must know that such a large sand field, if it is all used to grow emperor peppers, it will definitely use a lot of labor.

Let's just say that those fifteen villagers are working in the orchard of Longtou Mountain, and their faces are bright.

I don't know how many people envy it.

Get a fixed salary every day, which is no different from working people in the city.

Descend from the Longtou Mountain Orchard.

Ye Xiaolong went to Ye Gaozhi's house.

Originally, I went there before, but the matter of this imperial pepper can indeed be mentioned to the village chief.

Before he arrived at the village chief's house.

Ye Xiaolong ran into Ye Fu.

This guy is now smiling and happy every day.

As soon as he saw Ye Xiaolong coming, he pulled him to the house.

"Xiaolong, you are still amazing, the stone mountain is full of ancient tea trees, at this time you have to hurry up and prepare, I see that after these ancient tea trees are planted, they seem to have eased up, and you have to prepare the people who fry the tea first." Ye Fu was a little anxious.

Ye Xiaolong really hadn't thought much about this tea stir-frying.

Now that Ye Fu said this, it is indeed a thing.

200 ancient tea trees are about to be planted, and there will definitely be a lot of tea picked by then.

There is a big difference in the production of ancient tea leaves and high mountain teas such as Longjing.

It can't be treated with other tea trees.

This matter really needs to be prepared in advance.

"Uncle Fu, I don't know what you think, say it and listen to it. "

Ye Xiaolong knew that Ye Fu must have an idea.

Ye Fu said, "I think so, you have planted so many ancient tea trees on the stone mountain, it is better to find a group of people to learn how to make fried tea, and by the way, you have to build another workshop for fried tea, otherwise, I can't fit so many woks in this house." "

Ye Xiaolong also recognized Ye Fu's words very much.

There are more ancient tea leaves, so naturally there is a need for more roasted tea people.

"Is it okay for the people of our village?"

Ye Fu shook his head, "No, it's too bad, you must be young, after all, it is to learn to fry tea, what you need is understanding, if you don't have enough understanding, even if you learn for a lifetime, it's the same thing, I think it's better to recruit some young people in a few nearby villages to learn fried tea, they have good understanding, it just so happens that I am still old, I can teach them." "

Roasted tea is indeed a thing that young people are eager to learn.

Ye Dazhuang and Zhang Sanyan studied well, some looked good, and their talents were poor.

Now a few ancient tea trees are fine, and when the ancient tea trees on the stone mountain come to life, then just one Ye Fu will not work.

There must be more roasted tea masters.

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