When everyone thought that the big black fish was bullying Xiao Hanbao.

It turned out that it was not the big black fish bullying Xiao Hanbao, but the big black fish playing with Xiao Hanbao.

The big black fish is now one of the overlords of this Moon Lake.

There are two guards around him: electric eel and alligator gar.

There really isn't a fish that beats the big black fish.

This will make him carry Xiao Hanbao all the way forward, like a sharp sword.

On the contrary, it made Xiao Hanbao very excited.

It's a different way it used to be!

Whining and whining, the sound of excitement continued to echo on the Moon Lake.

People who don't know think something happened.

"See, this is the big black fish and the little Han bag playing, now the big black fish is smart, now they are all people with girlfriends, and they will also bully children, unlike the little bully, who is a little hairy child, and there is a big black fish to be sensible. "

Ye Xiaolong joked and began to touch the snail again.

When you hear it, it is indeed such a truth.

Xiaobawang and Xiaohanbao are not both children.

Originally, Xiao Han had small arms and legs, but at most he was playing by the lake.

But after having the big black fish, he is like a warrior.

Standing on the back of a big black fish, he kept sprinting back and forth on Moon Lake.

It's like a little warrior riding a fish!

Everyone was stunned.

The explosiveness of the big black fish is really strong enough.

All at once fast, all at once slow, sex moves at will.

Xiao Hanbao estimates that among all the South China tigers, they are the best.

There is no one else who can sit on the back of a big black fish and walk around the Moon Lake.

"In my guess, like how many catties of things can a big black fish hold, I don't know if it can afford 100 catties, I also want to swim on Moon Lake, no, it should be said to be a fish ride. "

"It's up to you, an 80-pound person like me can probably be a fish-riding warrior, it's exciting to think about. "

I don't know when it started, but the live broadcast room began to discuss how many catties can be held up by the big black fish.

Drop by and be a fish-riding warrior.

Looking at Xiao Hanbao like that, everyone is excited to think about it.

Ye Xiaolong: This would not have noticed this.

I was touching a snail under the water weeds by the lake.

After arriving in an area, I found that there were a lot of snails here.

These snails are not small.

"If you want to eat snails, it must be snails delicious, however, the snails in it are also delicious, if the snails are fried alone, although they are also delicious, but there will be some gaps with what everyone thinks, if you give full play to the deliciousness of the snails, it is better to use the snails to cook!"

Ye Xiaolong touched three or five more snails and came up.

"I see that many people don't know much about the snail, because this snail is really similar to the legendary Fushou snail. "

Ye Xiaolong picked up the snail.

"The snail and the snail look about the same, it's not good to distinguish, in fact, how to say this thing, it's really easy to distinguish, it seems that there is a snail in front of it, I'll introduce it to you. "

Ye Xiaolong touched it all the way, and it was only about 10 meters away.

In the grass on the shore.

There is a small patch of red particles.

After taking a look at Xiao Hanbao, he was relieved.

Ye Xiaolong is no longer worried that something will happen to Xiao Hanbao, there is a big black fish, no matter how to play, Xiao Hanbao is fine.

In fact, these are Fushou snails, many people think that this Fushou snail must be like a snail, but unfortunately it is not. "

Everyone saw this red particle, which really surprised them.

I've heard that there are a lot of Fushou snails, but I don't really know much.

"This is the egg of the Fushou snail?"

"Lao Ye won't, this is what the Fushou snail left, how can it look like this color is too good-looking!"

"yes, I thought it was like a normal snail, but I was definitely mistaken. "

Many people said that they really couldn't believe it.

It's not at all like what you imagined.

Ye Xiaolong said seriously, "You read that right, this is Fu Shou Luo's egg, see no, there is a dense patch on it, so Fu Shou Luo's reproduction is so fast." "

Ye Xiaolong looked for a while in the aquatic plants next to him, and then took out a Fushou snail.

"This is the Fushou snail that some of you have eaten, and it is really big!"

At first glance, the snail is very similar to the snail.

At least everyone is a little unrecognizable.

Ye Xiaolong took out a snail from the basin again.

Two are placed in the palm of the hand for contrast.

"Now you should be able to see it, this snail and the Fushou snail are actually really compared, the Fushou snail is longer, and the snail is more round. "

There is no harm without contrast.

The Fushou snail and the field snail were put together, and everyone recognized them at once.

Now even if you don't say it, you can automatically classify these two snails.

"If you really can't recognize it, then it doesn't matter, in fact, the shell of the Fushou snail is very thin, and it can't compare to this snail at all. "

Ye Xiaolong shared tips.

Both snails were picked up, one in each hand, and touched them gently.

The snail was crushed.

Tian Luo sent hair and nothing happened.

From beginning to end, Ye Xiaolong didn't use any strength, and the Fushou snail was like a piece of paper.

"Like these Fushou snails, don't eat them if you can't eat them, because there are too many parasites, even if it's snails and snails, everyone has to cook them for at least 15 minutes, and they have to eat well, of course, safety is also the most important. "

Everyone has also gained knowledge.

I didn't expect that snails and Fushou snails can still be so different.

It was a vivid lesson.

Ye Xiaolong continued to touch the snail.

The snails here are all in large patches.

During this period, Ye Xiaolong also touched a few river mussels and came up.

Ye Xiaolong hadn't forgotten that a black pearl bloomed on the bank of the river last time.

In the end, the black pearl was sold for 1230,000 yuan.



Ye Xiaolong's basin soon had five or six catties of snails in his basin.

"Electric eel, what are you doing?"

Ye Xiaolong was also taken aback.

This guy actually dared to discharge electricity in the water, fortunately this guy's current is relatively small, otherwise he was about to experience what it feels like to be electrocuted.

It turned out that I don't know when, the electric eel ran to the front.

Drill under a patch of aquatic weeds.

Under the lightning just now, a small shrimp jumped up.

Of course, there are also a lot of trash fish.

The electric eel swam like a wave.

The appearance of the electric eel is really not good-looking, but it can't withstand the power of this current.

It's a pity that I met a big black fish in this water, and now I can only be honest.

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