Ye Xiaolong quickly chopped down more than a dozen bamboos, each of which was the size of an adult's arm.

The bamboo cut down was the material that Ye Xiaolong felt was the most suitable for building a bamboo pavilion.

"Let's cut 10 or so today, and wait for the anchor to get them all back in one go. "

If it was before, Ye Xiaolong really didn't have the confidence to say this.

But now.

He has all the strength in his body, and he is not tired at all after cutting these 10 or so bamboos.

"The anchor brags, there are more than 10 bamboos here, at least three or four hundred catties, can the anchor's small arms and legs be carried back. "

"Three trips back is not bad. "

Ye Xiaolong smiled, "Then you guys are very wrong, we people in the mountains have a lot of strength if we don't have anything else." "

Now the weight of these dozen or so bamboos is three or four hundred catties, and Ye Xiaolong really doesn't pay attention to it.

Ye Xiaolong found vines nearby again, these were very strong vines, and a little rubbing was a rope.

Tie the bamboos at both ends and tie them strongly.

"Look at what strength is. "

Everyone thinks that the anchor Lao Ye is going to make a fool of himself.

didn't expect Ye Xiaolong to really carry these 10 or so bamboos.

"See, we don't have anything else in the mountains, just this strength is okay, 10 or so bamboos, it's not too heavy. "

Ye Xiaolong smiled and took a few steps forward, easily.

"The anchor Niu Niu, if it were me, it would have been crushed a long time ago. "

"It's the same for me, I can't afford to have fifty or sixty pounds on my shoulder, we're really a waste of firewood. "

Ye Xiaolong casually threw the bamboo aside and clapped his hands.

"Didn't I tell you just now, it's always right to exercise more, just like me, when I return to this hometown, I feel that I have endless strength all over my body, and it seems that my life is destined to be poor. "

At this time, the big black cry came.

The screams were more urgent.

"It seems that Da Hei has gained something again, this guy has no time to be idle. "

Ye Xiaolong scolded with a smile and ran towards the sound, not forgetting to hold a long bamboo pole in his hand.

A bamboo pole with a big arm and a sharpened end is the best weapon in the mountains.

Ye Xiaolong's strength grew again, and with a casual flick of the flick, he could easily plunge into the soil.

If it's on the prey, you can pierce it directly.

Ye Xiaolong climbed a small dirt slope and saw that Da Hei was pulling something.

It was a pile of bamboo.

Bamboos of all sizes basically grew on that piece, and now Dahei was lying in one of the gaps.

Something that the two claws are pulling.

Dirt kept coming out and screaming inside.

"The anchor has a good mouth again, and he has a big meal tonight. "

"There's no more hare in there. "

"How expensive the meat is, it's better to be an anchor, you can eat hares every day. "

Ye Xiaolong couldn't help laughing.

"To correct everyone's mistake, there are basically wild rabbits in the bamboo forest, because these places are not suitable for them to live, if I guess correctly, it should be Da Hei who found the bamboo rats living in this bamboo. "

Ye Xiaolong walked over with a smile.

It seems that Da Hei has been digging here for a while, and there is a small pile of dirt next to it.

Ye Xiaolong saw a dirt hole, which seemed to be a little deep.

No wonder Da Hei looked anxious.

"This should be a rat hole, but I don't know whether it is a mountain mouse or a bamboo rat living in it, whether it is a mountain mouse or a bamboo rat, it is a delicacy. "

Ye Xiaolong laughed.

After looking at the ground, I really saw footprints at the entrance of the cave.

Although the footprints were not very obvious, they still couldn't hide it from Ye Xiaolong.

"I know what the bamboo rat is, could it be like a mouse? "

Ye Xiaolong explained with a smile, "There is actually a big difference between rats and bamboo rats, even mountain rats are different from mice, rats carry bacteria, and they live in dark places, and mountain rats are different from bamboo rats." "

"Mountain rats and bamboo rats are eating wild goods in the mountains, especially bamboo rats, specializing in gnawing bamboo, don't look at the small entrance of this hole, but the bamboo inside is basically bitten, I don't see that these bamboos are dead. "

"As for mountain rats, they also eat things in the mountains, to put it nicely, they eat whole grains, and they are obviously bigger, each weighing a pound, but I haven't seen a mountain rat for a long time. "

Fans in the live broadcast room also coaxed, wanting to see what the difference between this mountain rat and the bamboo rat is.

Now everyone thinks that watching Ye Xiaolong's live broadcast is the most interesting, and wonderful things happen from time to time.

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with seeing bamboo rats and mountain rats, but I didn't bring any tools today, according to the previous soil method, that is, keep digging until the burrow inside, but today we still use a simple method. "

Ye Xiaolong pulled it out of his trouser pocket.

Took out a handful of millet.

"This is my killer feature, to ensure that the bamboo rats or mountain rats inside will run out honestly. "

In light of yesterday's events.

Ye Xiaolong didn't dare to take out the spiritual water, but fortunately, he soaked the millet with the spiritual water in the morning.

Now the millet has absorbed the spiritual water, and all of them have become full.

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