It is impossible for Ye Jifa to drive his BMW 3 Series back, this is a three-year-old car.

"Xiaolong, we are from the same village anyway, why do you have to help me, don't you just get a tire? That's good, I won't let you run for nothing, how about giving you 100 yuan for gas." "

Now that he can't go to the village and can't go to the store, even if Ye Jifa is unhappy in his heart, he has to beg Ye Xiaolong.

When Ye Xiaolong was very early, he knew that when Ye Jifa was a door-picker.

This back and forth is only willing to pay 100 yuan for gas, and there is no one.

"I'm sorry, I really don't lack the 100 yuan of oil money, I think you better go back to the village to find the village chief, and ask him to bring someone over to help you get it back, I believe the old village chief must be very happy." "

Ye Xiaolong was too lazy to follow Ye Jifa to say anything more, stepped on the accelerator, raised dust, and left.

Ye Jifa, who was standing next to him, was suddenly caught off guard, and directly ate a piece of dust, and his whole face was dusty.

"Ye Xiaolong, I, Ye Jifa, remember you, don't let me find a chance. "

Ye Jifa scolded.

Just because of Ye Jifa's temperament, Ye Xiaolong dared to guarantee that it would definitely not be easy for him to get this BMW 3 Series back.

Unless he's willing to go out.

No matter how you look at it, Ye Jifa's guy really can't walk on the twenty or thirty miles of mountain roads.

Ye Jifa, this kid, has started to get lucky in recent years, and he is about the same age as Ye Xiaolong, but his weight has soared to 160 catties.

It's full of oil and water.

Let him get out of here, it's not to kill him.

Ye Xiaolong didn't have to guess to know that this guy must have gone back to the village to find Uncle Sihai.

finally temporarily increased the price by a sum of money, but it was resolved by Ye Xiaolong, if this can still sit still, then Ye Jifa is not Ye Jifa.

"Xiaolong, this is your new car, so magnificent. "

"Domineering, much better looking than Ye Jifa's brat's BMW, and he can also transport things. "

"Look at the tires, they're almost a man tall. "

Ye Xiaolong stopped the Ford Raptor at the entrance of the village, and it was the most beautiful boy.

Where have the people in the village ever seen such a big pickup truck?

Not only handsome, but also domineering.

The small pickup truck is completely incomparable.

When they knew that this Ford Raptor needed 600,000, they were full of praise.

Ye Zhigao, the village head, also knew that Ye Xiaolong was going to buy a car.

But when I came out, I was also shocked, this is not a Ford Raptor.

"It's still your kid who is amazing, and quietly got such a big toy back, this car is really easy to use, much better than the BMW that Ye Jifa had. "

Ye Gaozhi looked back and forth, nodding his head constantly, and liked this big toy very much.

"By the way, the village chief, I saw Ye Jifa's kid on the way back just now, his BMW car had a flat tire, and now it is parked in the mountains, it is estimated that it is not easy to drive back today. "

Of course, good things should be shared.

Ye Xiaolong felt that the village chief would be very happy to find out.

"That kid deserves it, he still has the face to go back to Yejia Village. "

Hearing that Ye Jifa's BMW car had a flat tire in the mountains, Ye Gaozhi was 100 happy.

"If the village chief wants to earn some extra money, I think he can bring some villagers over, and one person asks him for three or five hundred, and let him pay a sum of money, anyway, there is no village in front of the village and no shop here, and it is not so easy for him to go out. "

If it were somewhere else, there might be some problems, but this is Yejia Village, and this mountain road is really not something that everyone wants to come to.

Besides, Ye Jifa's kid really did something he shouldn't have done, and he did such a thing as a temporary price increase.

"I want it, doesn't that kid have a lot of money, as a person from our village, I have to help him, and charge him 500 yuan per person, it shouldn't be too much. "

Ye Gaozhi laughed.

Ye Xiaolong just said it casually, but he didn't expect that the village chief Ye Gaozhi really had this idea.

But think about it, this kid made the village chief Ye Gaozhi uncomfortable, so he had to charge a sum of interest on him.

As soon as Ye Gaozhi called people, he called more than a dozen villagers.

When Ye Xiaolong saw the hemp rope, he couldn't help but laugh.

The old village chief is going to teach Ye Jifa a profound lesson.

Ye Xiaolong knew that the former village chief Ye Gaozhi was old and domineering.

Of course, this domineering is not aimed at the villagers, but to do things.

Therefore, their Yejia Village is very united to the outside world.

At least in the past, when Ye Xiaolong went to study, as soon as they heard that Ye Xiaolong was from Yejia Village, they all became polite.

Unexpectedly, the village chief is old, and his demeanor is still the same as back then.

Yes, there can be.

"Xiaolong, I'm going to have to trouble you and pull us over. "

"It's not troublesome, it's not troublesome at all, I'm from Yejia Village, Ye Jifa is also my classmate, so if you encounter something like this, you have to help him." "

Ye Xiaolong laughed.

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