Many people in the live broadcast room saw Ye Xiaolong's home for the first time.

When they saw the huge courtyard, they all became envious.

The anchor is really rich.

No wonder they are reluctant to donate the money of thousands of rockets, in exchange for them, they are really reluctant.

Look at people's ancestral houses again, the courtyard is so big, and it is still antique, some years old.

It's been a terrible day.

"Anchor, how can there be any pearls in a wild mussel like yours, the pearls are all artificially made now, and there are basically very few wild ones. "

Some people can't help but ask.

Ye Xiaolong laughed.

"Theoretically, this is true, but the mussels in our Moon Lake are not the same, because there were river mussels raised here for a long time, and there is still a chance of pearls. "

Ye Xiaolong had already found a kitchen knife.

"Before opening the mussels, I have to draw a fan first, please potato tomato help me ban it, allow everyone to think about it for three seconds, and then everyone will say their answers, and whoever is the first to say the answer will get today's reward, which is the pearl in these mussels. "

There are more than 20 river mussels, large and small, and there is still quite a visual shock.

The mussels outside are really not that big.

What if a good pearl blooms?

Everyone is still very excited.

Isn't it just guessing the town house.

It's not simple.

Potato Tomato has become the management of the live broadcast room.

This was what he asked Ye Xuanye Xiaolong for, and he thought it was very interesting to be an administrator.

Soon the fans in the live broadcast room were banned.

Three seconds later.

All sorts of answers came.

"I guess it's a big black fish, fierce and big, it must be a good thing in the townhouse. "

"I think it's a big black dog, and people are the dog kings who sit at the door to protect their families and houses. "

"I guess it's the jujube tree, don't look at it inconspicuous, have you noticed, this fruit is really hanging a lot, it seems to be a big circle bigger than the other fruits. "

The answers are varied.

Ye Xiaolong locked on the person who guessed correctly at the first time.

"Let's congratulate Piao Piao on the most beautiful, he was the first to guess, my town house is the old turtle, of course, the old turtle is not the eighth king, everyone has to distinguish clearly. "

Piao Piao is the most beautiful is a working white-collar worker.

It's still relatively leisurely to work in the company, and sometimes I will go to watch the live broadcast after doing things.

I didn't expect to guess casually, but I really guessed it.

"I guessed right. "

This Piaopiao is the most beautiful from the countryside, and they like to use the old turtle as a town house in their hometown.

The implication is long-lasting, flat and stable.

"Anchor, you still have an old turtle at home, why didn't you see it. "

"Oh, it's just one step away, I guess it's a soft-shelled turtle, and I actually missed an opportunity. "

Ye Xiaolong pointed casually.

"The old turtle can be used for the town house, but my old turtle is a little different, you can see for yourself. "

In the corner of the courtyard.

There are a lot of bottles and jars.

At this moment, a large basin-like thing was lying there.

Drones are again condescending.

At first glance, I saw the big word longevity.

It doesn't matter if you don't know each other, it comes to mind for the first time.

This should be a longevity character.

"Anchor, you didn't scare us, you old turtle is too big, it must have been a hundred years. "

"Now no one is convinced, so they will serve the anchor. "

Seeing this basin-sized old turtle with a pictogram of longevity on its back, everyone was envious and jealous.

"By the way, this old turtle was actually dug up by the pond when the road was being built, and I think you can go and buy lottery tickets. "

Of course, everyone knows that the anchor is building the road, and they know the abandoned pond.

No one could believe it.

There are still such old turtles in the abandoned pond.

Ye Xiaolong pulled the drone camera back.

"Now it's time to draw the lottery for this most beautiful fan of Piaopiao, I think I'm lucky, maybe I can really open a good pearl. "

Ye Xiaolong picked up the first river mussel.

This mussel weighs half a catty, and the knife is slightly cocked against the gap, and the mussel is pried open.

"Seeing that this piece of mussel meat is not there, this piece is the real essence, and it is the most suitable for stir-frying. "

Ye Xiaolong placed a plate next to him.

The mussel meat is placed on a plate.

After digging inside, Ye Xiaolong shook his head in disappointment and said, "It seems that this first river mussel doesn't have pearls, but it doesn't matter, we still have more than two dozen river mussels." "

Although none of them were physically present.

This feeling of opening a mussel is still very interesting.

At least this is the first time everyone has seen each other.

I also know where pearls grow.

Ye Xiaolong has mastered wilderness survival skills, and explaining this knowledge is simply handy.

"The anchor's knowledge is really rich, it turns out that the river mussel still has so many tips, could it be that the anchor came out of Ocean University. "

This is a question that many people also want to know.

This knowledge is not something that ordinary people can say.

Watching the anchor, Lao Ye doesn't need to open his mouth to come.

"Then everyone is mistaken, I am actually from a third-rate university, and to put it bluntly, I am a scumbag. "

Ye Xiaolong has already opened the second river mussel.

Dig in.

"I was lucky enough to have pearls so soon. "

Remove the mussel meat from it.

A small pile of pearls came out.

Everyone saw it clearly.

These pearls come in large and small sizes, but they are not very round.

"Congratulations to Piaopiao for being the most beautiful, finally having pearls, although not very good, but it is still good to grind into pearl powder. "

Ye Xiaolong began to open the third river mussel again.

This mussel has no pearls.

The 4th mussel did not.

The 5th, the 6th...

There is more mussel meat next to it, but the number of pearls is still a little small.

In the blink of an eye, the last big mussel is gone.

This mussel weighs a pound.

"I guess this last mussel definitely doesn't have pearls. "

"Anyway, this is also a wild pearl, which is used for grinding, and it must be more genuine than buying it in the store. "

Ye Xiaolong skillfully pried open the river mussel and took out the river mussel meat.

It's a random dig in again.

"I wasn't disappointed, there are really pearls in this mussel, and it doesn't seem to be small. "

That's out for a wash.

Ye Xiaolong opened his palm.

Everyone saw a flash of black shine.

Ye Xiaolong's palm had an extra black pearl.

"Black Pearl. "

"I'll go, I'll go, it's a black pearl. "

"Piaopiao is the most beautiful, you are so lucky to have a black pearl, it is still so big, at least 15 mm, the best. "

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