Let Go Of That Primordial Man

Chapter 846: Bad things

Thunder Mountain Range, cross the field there. & 1t; /

Suddenly, the void channel was opened here, and after a very short time, Master Niu's embarrassed figure jumped out of it. & 1t; /

The goods fell to the ground with a big face down in a shameful posture of a dog eating shit. & 1t; /

Suddenly, he made an intimate contact with the hot slate on the ground; but even then, Master Niu's first reaction was not to get up from the hot ground immediately. & 1t; /

Instead, he turned back subconsciously and glanced at the location of the void channel. & 1t; /

When he saw the Void Channel, he was closing at a rapid rate; and the huge fireball generated by the nuclear explosion did not pass through the opened Void Channel for a short time. & 1t; /

At this time, he was relieved. & 1t; /

Then, the old man Niu immediately felt the scent of teppanyaki, and was coming out of his body; after an instant, the goods shouted and bounced from the ground. & 1t; /

Soon after, Master Niu hiding under the roof of the eaves and finally completed a detailed inspection of himself inside and out. & 1t; /

Among them, the things he was most worried about were not born; perhaps during the nuclear explosion, he flashed people fast enough, so he was radiated to a fairly slight degree. & 1t; /

After a good bath, there will be no sequelae. & 1t; /

Of course, this is entirely based on the physical fitness of Master Niu, in order to reach such a conclusion; if it is replaced by other people, it will have been killed under such strong radiation for a long time ...

For the ending of Yizhan's birdmen, Master Niu calculated in his mind & 1t; /

It was concluded that the explosive power of the big Ivan just now seemed to be much more violent than the one described in the data. & 1t; /

Under such power, Yizhe and other birdmen will definitely die and can no longer die. & 1t; /

Even if the wings of their gods and souls were able to escape luckily, they would inform His Majesty the Emperor. & 1t; /

So tossing back and forth in a circle, waiting for His Majesty the Emperor, again remembered to send manpower again, to the Big 6 up to a new natural disaster. & 1t; /

It is estimated that all the human races in Da 6 have moved to Luolei Mountain Range. & 1t; /

By then, Master Niu still has follow-up means to cope with this situation. & 1t; /

Thinking of this, this cargo's heart was rare and relaxed. He flew straight to the distant forest; he found a large tree with a thick shade and hid behind it. & 1t; /

I used the clean water in my personal space and began to bathe myself carefully. & 1t; /

At the same time, the innate gossip map in his body also opened the channel of the void, and began to absorb the power of faith generated by the modern plane. & 1t; /

Just looking at the huge silver beam used from the void channel. & 1t; /

Master Niu even smiled crookedly because he knew that this live broadcast was short, but under the influence of such a big gimmick and hot scenes. & 1t; /

The power of faith gained will only be much more than last time ... & 1t; /

After washing himself in vain, Master Niu changed into a full set of brand-new clothes, and then flew towards the palace of Blackrock. & 1t; /

What surprised him was that perhaps Tu Mei felt that after drying him for so long, the time was almost up, and finally he looked at Master Niu and Yan Yue again. & 1t; /

So, in the rest period of just a few days later, Master Niu really felt that daily life was a moisturizer. & 1t; /

This product didn't even think of how profound the subsequent impact it would have on the kingdom of God and all the creatures in that world after the explosion of one of his great Ivans. & 1t; /

& 1t; /

In fact, after Big Iwan was detonated, Yi Zhe and his team failed to escape. & 1t; /

At the moment when the fire mass rises, they are at the center of the nuclear explosion, and they need to face the amazing temperature of millions or even tens of millions of degrees. & 1t; /

Under such a temperature, the gnome people are proud of their incomparable physical strength, and there is no use of eggs at all. & 1t; /

Even helpless screaming and wailing, Yi Zeng and others failed to make it out; they were forced to come out of their souls, and they could only see their bodies and disappeared when they were instantly vaporized. & 1t; /

Then, the r and x-rays released after the nuclear explosion interacted with the surrounding molecules and atoms. & 1t; /

Under the action of each other, a large number of charged particles are generated, and these particles form a transient electromagnetic field under high motion. & 1t; /

The spirits of Yi Zhe and others are too late to escape in other directions. & 1t; /

They were absorbed by the instantaneous electromagnetic field, and then their gods and souls died out completely ... & 1t; /

Above the kingdom of God, in the territory of the tribe. & 1t; /

This is a huge territory with a radius of thousands of miles. There are stone peaks protruding from the Qifeng everywhere on the territory; at the top of the peak, it is the place where the lords are used to living. & 1t; /

And the most central position has a huge peak not less than 10,000 meters high. & 1t; /

Even the surrounding peaks have a height of six or seven kilometers; and this is the place where the ancestors and the patriarch Yizhen live. & 1t; /

On the highest mountain, there is an artificially excavated stone chamber. & 1t; /

At this time, the Patriarch of the Laotou clan winged, sitting in the stone chamber and practicing. & 1t; /

During his long breath, even the clouds at the top of the peak were affected by him, constantly twisting into various weird shapes. & 1t; /

If Master Niu saw such a scene, it would be a horrified cry. & 1t; /

Because the strength of the Patriarch Yizhen is better than that of the Giants; this also means that if the other party wants to trouble him, the poor Master Niu has no chance at all. & 1t; /

In fact, it is the same. Wing Zhen is above the kingdom of God, and can be regarded as quite famous first-class masters. & 1t; /

Just as Wing Zhen continued to practice, a sudden burst of air broke out. & 1t; /

It was a burly-headed lord who flew straight to the top of the peak stone room; when he was still far away ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then the lord shouted: & 1t; /

"Master Patriarch, the big thing is not good! The subordinate tribes came to report that the soul lamp they had gone out had been extinguished." & 1t; /

In comparison, Yi Zhen deserves to be the patriarch of the clan, and he is very kind of ‘Taishan pressing the top without changing his face’. This is the posture of a real big figure. & 1t; /

After he heard the words, he slowly and slowly received the power, and then he cursed in his mouth: & 1t; /

"Yi Sheng was flustered, didn't it mean that a tribal leader suffered unexpectedly outside! Send someone to find out if it was an accident or was killed, and if it was killed, it would be revenge for him." & 1t; /

After a long talk, Yi Zhen asked the key sentence: "Yes! Who is dead?" & 1t; /

"It's Yi Zengling, and all the good hands of the ten tribes that followed him out are dead, and even the spirits of the gods haven't been able to escape." The big man answered slowly after being taught. & 1t; /

But he never thought that the patriarch who had told him not to panic just suddenly bounced. & 1t; /

With a panicked look, he sighed: "The big thing is not good! Why did Yi Zeng have an accident, this matter must be reported to His Majesty the Emperor immediately." & 1t; /

Then, a gust of wind passed by the big man, waiting for him to react. & 1t; /

I saw that their patriarch and the elder had already flied away from the far away, and eagerly, it seemed that even one of the shoes had fallen. & 1t; /

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