Let Go Of That Primordial Man

Chapter 848: Reins gradually tightened

After coming out of the void channel.

Master Niu returned to the world where the long-apart far away, Shen Guoda 6 is located.

When looking at the void channel in front of him, it is disappearing at an astonishing rate, as if afraid of others' presence. Master Niu seems to have noticed something in his life.

It was an extremely dangerous intuition, as if he was about to be noticed by an extremely dangerous creature, it was a trembling from the soul.

In this regard, Master Niu dare to stay here for an extra second.

He quickly jumped out of the island where he was, and smashed into the vast waters.

Then, like the big fish, Master Niu swam all the way in the depths of thousands of meters of the bottom of the water; after swimming for more than ten miles, Master Niu changed his direction.

Then, after swimming a hundred miles away, Master Niu changed his direction again.

The trembling feeling that scared him didn't disappear completely until he swam hundreds of miles overseas.

Even so, Master Niu still dared not raise his head out of the water, and once again swam all the way in front of him for a whole day, this is the surface.

After that, he randomly found a direction, driving the barbed cucumber to fly all the way.

After flying hundreds of miles, he saw a strange big ship on the water; the big ship was hundreds of meters long and tens of meters wide.

What is even more amazing is that the sailing of the big ship does not depend on the wind or the sailors above.

It was the big ship of the whole beast, a water monster that looked like a huge whale, and camel directly on his wide back; between the monsters and the swim, the degree was amazing.

Obviously, only the cultivating martial arts of the lower realm have such a generosity.

Sure enough, when Master Niu landed on the big ship, the boatman above was not too surprised; instead, he was not humble about the arrival of Master Niu.

In the inquiry of Master Niu, I realized that this was a giant boat in the water under the gate of Taiyi.

In the Taiyi Gate of the lower realm, although there are not many invigorators as powerful as Master Niu, it is not a rare thing; therefore, Master Master Niu will naturally not be too polite.

In this regard, Master Niu was not annoyed and angry.

After asking the boatman, he learned that there were more than three thousand miles west of this place, which is where the Giant Coconut Island was located, and he was very excited.

After hurriedly thanking the boatman, he flew westward.

To know that he came over this time, he originally planned to go to Juye Island; the income of Niu Bawang Entertainment City, although not so important to him.

But with a lot of supplies and golden shells in front of you, you can still rejoice for a long time ...

What he did not know is that above the Shenguo University 6, there is a stranger with a hundred eyes.

At this time, he is exerting his talents and magical powers, scanning this area.

Just a few seconds before the Void Channel was opened, because of the long-term soreness, the stranger rubbed his big eyes briefly with his big hands, his eyes full of eyes.

Then, when he glanced at the lower realm again, he only saw the disappearance of the void channel, and Master Niu plunged into the water.

Xu Shi had just rubbed his eyes, and Baimu Yiren just barely saw Master Niu's figure, but that bright bald head was absolutely fresh to him.

Later, with the silhouette of Master Niu, after going deep into the bottom of the water, he completely disappeared the trace of Master Niu.

It was also at this time that Baimu stranger remembered something.

He quickly shook a huge golden bell around his waist violently.

Jin Ling's voice had just sounded, but there were dozens of breaths. The horizon was a large group of His Majesty's Imperial Guards, driving the chariot to gallop.

Under that long formation, I am afraid that there are no less than 100 tanks and thousands of powerful gold armor guards.

Soon, the forbidden army arrived in front of Baimu Yiren. Baimu Yiren hurriedly reported the situation that he had just seen to a commander in front of him.

Of course, in this process, because he rubbed his eyes, he made a mistake to see what the other person was doing. There was absolutely no honest explanation.

Immediately after hearing the situation, the big hand of the imperial guard waved suddenly.

The herald soldiers beside him also pulled out the horns around his waist and blown them up.

In the sound of the horn, the crowd guarding the chariot, desperately whipping the dragon dragging the chariot; let the golden chariot underneath, gallop straight away from the kingdom of God.

When they arrived, the area where Master Niu disappeared, he immediately dug three feet to find it.

It's a pity that at this time, Master Niu has swam hundreds of miles away, evading the search range of these guards.

After three consecutive days, the imperial guard commander, who had nothing to gain, had to return to the Kingdom of God with his men and horses, and returned to His Majesty His Majesty the Emperor ...

However, unconsciously, fortunately escaped from a catastrophe of the old master Niu.

He did n’t even know, although this time he was not caught by His Majesty ’s Imperial Guard, but a huge net has been secretly shrouded and attacked ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ For all the big bald heads, the Mu people began to investigate gradually.

Even in this world, the number of bald guys is really a lot, I am afraid that it is calculated in units of 100,000; however, they have the direction to find after all.

This also means that the reins placed on the neck of Master Niu will only become tighter and tighter.

After arriving at Juye Island, Mr. Niu, the first place to go is naturally the Niu Bawang Entertainment City in Zixiao City.

Not coming here for many days, the business in the entertainment city is still quite hot.

The only thing that made Master Niu a little regretful was that he did not see Zhao Wuji's goods in the entertainment city this time; and in Qin Zhen's old goods, it was very unclear in his speech.

I only told Master Niu that Zhao Wuji had something to do with his trip, and he would n’t be back during this time.

But such regrets are not so strong for Master Niu.

In the ensuing time, it was natural to check the accounts with Qin Zhen's old goods, and then hand over the boss's supplies to the other party.

Then, after the collection of the Duobaoge branch of Zixiao City was almost completely emptied, Master Niu was still allocated a large amount of golden shells.

Originally, most of the portable space was emptied, and again it was loaded with a lot of things ...

Later, Master Niu refused Qin Zhen's old goods and invited him to have a supper together, and flew straight to the summit of Zixiao Mountain.

After a long time, Master Niu felt that it was time for him to enter the stage of God-Man.

And the back hill of the main peak of Zixiao Mountain, where the fairy lady and sister lived in the same place, Mr. Niu felt that it was a good place to cross the robbery.

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