Let Go Of That Primordial Man

Chapter 895: Nylon bag

Sun Laoqi, nicknamed the lame, the specific age of this year, probably in his fifties.

This cargo was a pretty good player in the battle group led by Li Ergou; unfortunately, he also limped a left leg in a battle.

In addition, the most important qi sea in him also suffered irrecoverable injuries.

Or in other words, in his status, the impoverished anti-imperialist alliance could not devote so many resources to heal his injuries.

Therefore, fortunately, he survived and became a waste person, and he could only stay in the Sun City for a while.

Like Li Ergou, Sun Laoqi also bears the burden of a whole family; the only difference is that this product has created as many as seven cubs in one breath, making the situation at home more difficult.

The first one in the list prepared by Li Ergou is this former capable man ...

Walking in the dirty alley, Master Niu played a twelve-point spirit.

Lest one accidentally stepped on the feces that were visible everywhere; the flip-flops and the like were indeed very comfortable to wear.

But if you step on these mines, that kind of wonderful touch is definitely not something Niu Niu is willing to bear.

For this reason, Master Niu became more and more determined, and he must clean up the **** living environment of Sun City.

After walking around for a while, Li Ergou stopped in front of a small and ruined courtyard; the wooden door of the courtyard was concealed, but Li Ergou did not go directly into it.

Instead, at the door, he opened his throat and shouted: "Dead lame! Not at home, hurry out if you are at home."

After the voice fell, he quickly found out a head from the window of the house; the look of this man's face as an old man was probably the goal of this trip.

"What's the matter? Or just speak at the door, my mother-in-law just went out." The little old man looked at Mr. Niu and he answered.

Such an answer is very inexplicable to Master Niu.

Is your mother-in-law being at home and having a yarn with Laozi? Is it because of this, what bad gossip came out.

What surprised Mr. Niu even more was that Li Ergou agreed with surprise: "That line! I said at the door."

Fortunately, this product immediately saw Master Niu's face full of doubts, and quickly explained a sentence:

"The internal injuries of the dead **** need to continue to take medicine. Most of the materials received every month must be replaced with various kinds of wound medicine; their home is normally a pair of pants, and now their woman is out ~

Master Niu, who understands in seconds, feels that his cognition has been refreshed again.

He used to know that in the anti-imperialist alliance, these old and weak women and children who could not go out and could only accept the alliance ’s support, lived quite simply.

But I always think that although life is a little harder, but I can always persevere in eating and drinking.

Unexpectedly, there are still families like this, even in Li Ergou's bland expression, it seems that this is not a strange thing.

For such a few poor proletarians, Master Niu is certainly very willing to absorb.

In this kind of hard life, as long as they have the possibility of changing their destiny, they can burst out of unspeakable determination and motivation.

After that, under such a high salary of ten pounds of salted fish every day.

With almost no hesitation, Sun Laoqi took over this good thing that seemed to him to be great.

Of course, the specific reporting time of this product needs to be after noon today, and wait until the woman of his family comes back from outside.

Before leaving, Master Niu sighed inexplicably.

From the portable space, he took out a bag of 50-jin rice and gave it to the future man's meeting ...

In the following time, under the leadership of Li Ergou, Master Niu visited seven people on the list in succession; and all of them were hired under the direction of Master Niu.

Naturally, everyone's gift, including Li Ergou, is for everyone.


The gold Wuzhu on the top of his head dimmed again and again.

This also represents the ordinary people of Sun City, and it is time to prepare dinner again; the only difference is that today, with the smoke rising in the air, there are cheerful laughs of adults and babies.

Among the tens of thousands of households in the whole Sun City, except for a few dozens.

Every other family member received a qualified evaluation in the afternoon health check, and received as much as five pounds of delicious salted fish.

Under such circumstances, no matter how the savings are on weekdays.

Every family will add a more or less portion of salted fish to the food at night; let the salty fish's explosive taste permeate the whole city at the same time.

I don't know how many people caused it, laugh from the heart ...

In the vicinity of Master Niu's small courtyard, it is this place with the strongest atmosphere of joy.

Seeing the work on the first day, the development was exceptionally smooth. With a wave of his hand, Master Niu decided to take the temporary workers with him to eat and drink again.

Due to the rush of time, overly complicated meals cannot be purchased for a while; but instant noodles stewed with salted fish are definitely enough.

So, inside and outside Master Niu's small courtyard, a quite spectacular scene appeared:

There are more than a hundred temporary workers, with a wooden bowl larger than their face, and the food and drink brows of ‘huh, huh’ smiled.

Among them, the most striking is not Mr. Niu, or even the flamboyant Zixiao and Bilian.

Instead, he squatted in the corner, Sun Laoqi, who had killed three bowls of instant noodles in a row.

Even if this product was deliberately hiding in the corner, he was dressed up to make him like a firefly in the dark ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ as bright and eye-catching.

All of this stems from the trousers in his lower body.

It was a big rice bag made of nylon, and the big trousers were sewn out; even because of the makers, the clumsy handwork and stitches could not conceal its unique temperament in this world.

The touching milky white, shining noble color like porcelain under the light of energy-saving lamp.

In front of ‘Thailand’ and behind ‘rice’, these four Chinese characters that they ca n’t understand at all, are full of the mystery of the mysterious mystery; it is just like the exquisite magic circle arranged by the master refiner ...

So in this way, always let other people look in that direction involuntarily; there is like a huge black hole that can swallow all the light.

It seems that wearing such a unique pair of pants, the crouching posture of the dead lame, is a little more unruly!

For a time, the second person, Li, and others who got a bag of rice were a little thoughtful; they seemed to have decided what they had in mind.

And Zhao Wuji's merchandise, solemnly pulled Master Niu aside.

A serious explanation in the mouth: "Give me one of those bags, and if there is more, it would be better if each elder of the Presbyterian Church will also give one; in this way, it will only benefit your kid."

After hearing the words, Master Niu's face was even uglier than bitter gourd.

Just a dozen nylon bags, there is really no pressure on Master Niu; the problem is, I just think of it in my mind:

When the next anti-imperialist alliance, Zhang Kuo, the most advanced meeting, was held; a group of dry old men full of ribs, each wearing a pair of nylon pants.

Master Niu feels terrible, and is doing evil!

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